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Z�15��9�9 <br /> in�eres� fram the date �f disbursement at the sarne ra�e assessed an advances under the Con��-act and shall be <br /> paya�hle,vvi�h in�eres�,upon not�ce frorn Lender�a Borrower r��ues��nb paymen�. <br /> Inspectian. Lender ar �ts agen�may make reasanable entries up�n and inspe�t��ns of�he Praper�y. Lender shall <br /> gi�e Borrower no�ice a��he t�m�of or prior ta an inspecti�n specifying reasonab���ause far�he z�aspectian. <br /> Condemnat�an. Th�proceeds af an�av�ard or claxm far damages, dxrec�or consequ�ntial,in cannec�ion vvith any <br /> condemnat�vn or other�ak�r�g of any par��f�he Propert�, �r far con�r�yance in Iieu of condemna�ian, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall b�paid�o L�nder. <br /> In the �ven� of a total taking of the Property, �h� proceeds sha11 be app�ied���he sums secured b�this Security <br /> Instrument, whether �r no� �hen due, v�ith any eKcess pa�d ta Borrawer. In �he even� of a part�a� �akzng af th� <br /> Prapex�ty �.x�which the fair marke�value �f the Proper�y imrnedia�ely�ef�re the taking �s equa��o or great�r�han <br /> �he amaunt of the sums se�ured by�h�s �ecuri� Instrumen� xmmediately befare �he �ak�ng, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender otherwise agree ir�writing,the sums secured by�his Securi�Instrurnent sha1�be redu�ed by the amount af <br /> the praceeds mu�t�pli�d by�he fnllav��ng fra�tion: �a3 the�otal amount of the�urns secured imrnediately befor�the <br /> �aking, divided by �b� the fa�r marke�va�u� of the Prope�-�y immed�ate�y l��fare�he taking. Any balance shall be <br /> paid�o Borrawer. �n�he e�ent of a partial taking af th� Proper�y i.n. wh�ch�h� fa�r mar�et �ralue af the Prop�rry <br /> �mumed�ate�y befare the taking is less�han�he am�unt�f the sums secured xmmedia�ely befflre the taking, unless <br /> Barrower and Lender oth�rwise agree �n wri�ing or unless Applicable Lavv a�herwis�provxd�s,�he proceeds shall <br /> be appli�d�o the sums se�ured by this Se�uri�y Instrumen�whe�ther or no�the sums are then due. <br /> �f the Praper�y is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after no�ice by Lender to Bflrr�wer that the cflndemn�r affers to <br /> rnake an award or settle a cla�m f�r damages, Barr��ver fails to respand to Lender wxthin�he rninimum number of <br /> days established by Applicabl�Law after the da�e�he no�ice is gzven; Lender is au�horized ta collec�and app�y�he <br /> proce�ds, a� r�s optinn, e��h�r �a res�oration or repax�r of the Proper� or to the sums secured by this Securzty <br /> Instrument,whether or not�hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower o�hervw�se agree in wr�ting, any appli�at�on of proceeds ta pr�ncipal shal�not ex�end <br /> ar postpone�he due da�e of the paymen�s due under the Can�ra�t or change the am�unt af such payments. <br /> Bflrrawer N�t Re�eased; F�rbearance �y Lender Not a Wa"rver. Extens�on af �he �ime for payment or <br /> modif ca�zon of am�rtizatio�x af the sums secured by �h�s Securi�y Instrurn.ent gran�ed by Lender ta Borrower or <br /> any successor �n �nteres� of Barr�wer sha11 not op�ra�e to release �h� ��ab��i�y of the �rig�nal Barrower or <br /> Borrovver's successors �n interest. Le�.der shall n��be ta c�mmence pro�eed�ngs agains�any successor in <br /> irit�rest o�refuse�o e��end time for paym�nt or a�herwise madify amor�ization�fthe sums secured by�h�s Se�urity <br /> Instrument by reason of any demand mad� by the orig�na� Borrawer ar Borrovver's suc�essors in interes�. Any <br /> for�earance by Lend�r in ex�rczs�ng an�right or remedy sha11 no�be a wax�er�f or preciude�he exercise �f any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> Success�rs and Ass�gns Bound; Join� and Several Liability; A�commodation S�gners, The covenants and <br /> agreements of th�s Securifiy �nstrumen�sha�l b�nd and benef�t the suc�es�ors and assigns of Lender and Borr�wery <br /> subjec� �o �he pravisiaris of sec�ion �it�ed Transfer af �he Prop�r�y ar a B�nef�c�a� Interest in Barrower. <br /> Borrower's c��enan�s and agreements sha�l be jaint and severa�.Any person wha co�sig�s�his S�curity Zns�rument <br /> bu� has n� persanal liabi�ify under the �ontrac� �"Accommodatian 5igner"}: �a} �s co-s�gning this S�curity <br /> �nstrument on�y �o mortgage, grant and con�ey that Ac��r�moda�ian S�bn�r'� in�eres� �n the Pr�perty under the <br /> �erms of �he 5ecurity �nstrument; �b} i� no� personal�y ❑b��gated �a pay �he sums se�ured by �his Securi�y <br /> Inst�-umen�; and�c} abr�es�ha�Lender and any ath�r Borrawer may agree�o ex�end, mod�fy,forbear ar make any <br /> accammadations wi�h regard���he terms af�his Secur�ty Instru�rien�or the Contrac�vvx�hau�that Accommodatian <br /> 5igner's cansent. <br /> Loan Charges. If�he loan secured by th�s 5ecurzty �nstrument �s subject to a law �vh�ch se�s max�mum �oan <br /> char�es, and that�aw is f�al�y�n�erpreted so�hat�he int�res�or o�her loan�harges c�l�ected ar to be collected zn <br /> conn�ctian with the Ioan exce�d the p�rm�t�ed limits, then: �a} any such loan chaxge sha1l �e reduced by the <br /> amoun�nec�ssary�o r�duc��he charge t��he perm��t�d limits and�b} any�ums already co�Iec�ed frorn Borrower <br /> whi�h �xGe�ded permit�ed Iimi�� will b� refund�d ta Borraw�r. Lender may choose to make th�s �refund by <br /> reducing the prxncipal owed under the Contrac�ar b�ma�ing a direc�payment�� Barrawer. �f a refund reduces <br /> princzpa�,the reduction will be treated as a par�ial prepayment under the Contra�t. <br /> No�ices. Any notzce t� Borrower prav�ded for in �h�s Security �ns�rumen� shall be given by d�li�er�ng it or by <br /> mailing�t by firs���ass rnail un�ess App�xcable Lavv requires use of another m��had. The notice sha�l be direc�ed�a <br /> th�Property Address or an� o�her addr�ss Borr�wer designa�es by nv�ice�o Lender. Borrower agrees ta pro�ide <br /> Lender w��h Borravver's m�s�current mailing address, as it rnay change from time-�o-�xm�. Any na�ice�a Lender <br /> shall be given b�first�lass mail��Lend�r's address s�a�ed herein ar any other address Lender designates b�natice <br /> to Bflrro��er. Any no�ic�provrded for in�his S�curi�y Ins�rument sha��be deemed to have he�n�i�en ta Borravver <br /> ar Lend�r when gi�en as pr��ided in this paragraph. <br /> Gou�rning Law;Severab���ty.This SeGuri�y�nstrurnen�sha��be ga�rerned by federal law and�he la�s�f�he sta�re <br /> �f Ne�raska. �n the even� �ha� an�pravisian or claus� af this Securxty Ins�rumen�ar the Contra�� Canflicts w�th <br /> Applicable Lav�, such confl�ct shall n�t affect �ther pr��isions of th�s Security Instrument or�he Con�ract which <br /> can be g�vez�effect withaut�he c�nfl�c�ing pro�is�an.To this end the pro�isions of�his Security Ins�rumen�t and the <br /> Gantract are declar�d�o he severable. <br /> Borrower's Copy.Borrawer sha1�be gi�ven one copy af this Securzty Instrument. - <br /> Q�D04-2D E 4 Gompliance Systems,Inc.�D��-33 t 5-2a 13L2.t a.�.895 <br /> Car�sumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL��3b Page 3 af 5 v+�rn�w.campIiancesy�stems,cam <br />