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Z�15��9�9 <br /> Transfer�f the Pr�perty or a Benefic�a�Interest in Barrovver. If a��or ar.�y par�of the Propert��r any�nter�st <br /> in it is sold or transferred ��r if a benefcial in�eres� �n Borrvwer is sold c�r �ransferred and Borr�wer is no� a <br /> naturai person} �ithout L�nder's pri�r u�ritt�n cansen�, Lender may, at �ts o:ptxon, require �rnmed�ate payment in <br /> fu�� of ai� �ums secured by �his Securi� Ins�rum�zat. Havvever, th�s option sha11 not be e�ercised by Lender if <br /> exercrse is proh�bited by federal la�v as of�he da�e of�his Security Instrurnen�. <br /> �f Lender exercises �his option, Lender sha�� b�ve B�r�ower no�xce af acce��era�xon. Th� na�ice shal� provide a <br /> period of na� less �han the m�n�mum number of days establ�shed by Appl�c��b�e Law fr�m th� date the no��ce �s <br /> de�ivered ar mailed v�ithin which Borrower must pay alI sums se�ured by t:his Security I�stt-ument. If B�rrower <br /> fa�ls to pay�hese sums pri�r to the expiration �f#his p�r�od, Lender may invoke any remedies permi�ted b�this <br /> S ecur�ty�nstrurnen�wi�hout further no�ce or demand on Sorrower. <br /> Borrower's Righ� tn Reins�a�e. If Borrow�r mee�s certain cond�t�on�, B��rrawer shal� have �h.e ��ght �o hav� <br /> enfarcernen�af�his Securi�y Ins�ru.ment disc�n��nued at a�.y txrne pri�r�a th�; ear��er af: �a} 5 days �or such other <br /> peri�d as App���abie Law may specify far reins�atement�bef�re sale of the P�-oper�y pursuant tfl any povver of sale <br /> con�ained in this Securz�y Zns�rurn�nt; flr �b3 entr�y af a �udgm�nt enfor��:ng th�s Securit� Instrument. Thase <br /> condi�ions are that Borr�vver: (a} pays Lender a11 sums urhich �hen wau�d b�u due under�h�s Security ��.s�rument <br /> and�he�antract as if no accelera�ion had occurred;�b}cures an�default af ar��a�her cavenan�s�r agreemen�s;�c) <br /> pa�s al�expenses in�urred�n enforcing this Secur�ty Instrument,inc�ud�.ng,bu�no�lim�ted�o,reasonab�e attorneys' <br /> fees to the extent permi�ted by�av�; �.nd�d�takes such a�t�an as Lender ma�reasonably require�a�ha��he <br /> �ien of this Se�urity Instrum�nt,Lender's rights�n the Proper�y and Borro�ver"s abligatron to pay�he sums secured <br /> by this Security �ns�rumen� sha�� con�inue unchanged. U�an reinstaternent b�,�Bnrrov�er, �h�s S�cur�ty Ins�.rument <br /> and th� ob�igations secured hereby shail rernain ful�y eff�cti�e as if n� acce�_eration had oc�urred. Howe�er, this <br /> r�gh�to reins�ate shall nat apply in the case of acceleration under�he s�ction tit�ed Transfer of the Pr�p�rty�r a <br /> Bene�Cial In�eres�in Borrower. <br /> Ha�ardous �ubstance�.Borrav�rer shal�no�cause ar permit the presence,us��, d�sposal, stora�e, or re�ease of any <br /> Ha2ardaus Substances Qx�or in the Properry.Borrower sha11 n��do,nar allow anyone eise to do,anytihing affec�ing <br /> the Proper�y tha� Ys in vzolatian of any En�ironmental Law, The pr��eding��wa sentences shali nat app�y �o the <br /> presence,use,�r storage on the Property�f sma�l quantit�es of Hazard�us�ub s�ances tha�are generally recogni2e� <br /> �o be appropria�e�a norma�residential uses and to ma�r��enance af the Propert��. <br /> Borrow�r shall prompt�y g��e Lender vt�ritt�n no��ce of any in�es�igation,�1ain�,demand,lawsui�or other actian by <br /> any govern�mental or regu�ata�ry abency or pr�va�e party ir��o�v�ng the Prope-rty and any Hazardous Substance or <br /> Env�r�nrnenta� Lavv �f whxch Borrawer has actual know�edge. If Barra�wer learns, or �s not�f��d by any <br /> ga�ernrnental or regu�a�ory authority,that an�r�moval or�ther remediation a f any Hazardous Subs�ance a.ffecting <br /> �he Pr�perty is ne�essary, Borra�er shail pr�mp�ly ta�e aI� necessa�y remedial ac�ions i.n accordance vv�th <br /> Environrnen�a�Lavv. <br /> As used in this pa�ragraph, "Hazardous Substances" ar��h�se substances defv�ed as toxic �r haza.rdaus substan�es <br /> b� Envir�nmenta� Law and �he follflv�ing subs�anc�s: gasaline, kerosene, c3ther flammah�e flr �axic pet�raleum <br /> pr�ducts, �oxzC pesti�ides and herb�c�des, v�la��le sal�ents, mater�als con�aining asbestos or forma�dehyde, and <br /> rad�aa�tive xnaterials. As used in th�s paragraph, "Environmen�al Law"mean�federai Iaws and lati�s af th�state of <br /> Nebraska that relate to hea�th,safet�or environmental prate�tian. <br /> A�celeration; Remed�es. Lender shali give notice t� Borrower pr�or �o accelera��on foilov�v�ng �orrvwer's <br /> breach of an�cavenant ar agreement�n�his Secur��y Instrumen�ar the��ontract under which ac�eleration <br /> is p�rmitted�but not privr to ac�e��ration under the se�t��n titled Trans fer tif the Praperty or a Benef�c�al <br /> Interes� in Borrower, unless App�icabie Law pro�ides otherwise}. The n�otice sha�l specify: �a) the defau�t; <br /> �b] �he a�t�on rQqu�red to �ure �he �efaults �c} a date, not less tha�r� the rninimum number vf days <br /> established b�Applicable Law fro�a.the date the nati�e is gi�en�o Borro wer,by whfch the defau�t�nus��e <br /> cur�d; and �d} �hat failur� tfl cure the defaul� 4n vr before the date sp��cif�ed in the no�ic� may result in <br /> acce�eration of the sums �ecured by �hzs Securi�y Instrurnent and sal�e of �he Property, To �he extent <br /> permi�t�d by law,the nti�ice sha�l further�nform Sorrower of the right��o reinstate af�er a��eteration and <br /> the r�ght to br�ng a court ac�ian to assert�he non-existe�nce of a defauZt o�•any o�her defense af�3arrvwer to <br /> acceleratifln and sale. If the defaul�:is no�cured on or befare�he da�te speeified in the notic�,Lend�r at�ts <br /> opt�on may require immed�a�e paym�n� xn ful� of all sum� se�ured by �his Security Instrumer�t withuut <br /> further demand and may in�oke the p�vver of sale and any other remed.ies p�rmitted hy Appl�cable Law. <br /> T� �he extent perm�tted hy law, L�nder shall be entitled to col�ect aIl ��xpenses incurred in pursuing the <br /> remed�es provided in �h�s�ect�on, in�luding, but no���mited to, reasonable att�rneys' fees and cos��of title <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the pavcTer of sale�s invol�e�.,Trustee�hali record a not�ce af defau�t in each county in which a�y part�f <br /> the Prap�rty is Ioca�ed and shal�mail cvpies�f such notice in the mannez�gres�r�bed �yr App�i�ab�e Law to <br /> Borrow�r and to �he o�her persans presCrib�d by Appl�cable Law. Afte�-�he �ime requrred by Appiicable <br /> Law, Trus�ee shal� gi�e public not��e vf 5a1� �o the p�rson� and in the �:nanner pres�r�bed b� Appli�able <br /> Law.Trustee,wi�haut demand an Borrflw�r,shall se��the Proper�y at p�;Ebl�c auc��on tv the h�gh�st bidder <br /> at�he tirne and pZace and under the t�rms designated in the noti�e of sale�n ane or more parce�s ant�in any <br /> vrder Trus�ee determines. Trustee may pa�tpane sa�e of a�� or any p�arce� �f �he Prap�rty by puhlic <br /> annauncement at the tim�and plac�of any previously�cbeduled sale.Le��der or i�s designee may purchase <br /> the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receip�af payrnent af the pri�e bid, Trustee shal�del�ver t�the purchaser Trustee's deed �onveying <br /> the Property. The recita�s in the Trus�ee's de�d shal�be pr�ma fa��e e�fd��nce of the truth of the�ta��mentis <br /> �2004-2�I4 Carnpliance Systems,tr�c.FDSa-3315-2�13L2.10.1.895 - <br /> Cdnsumer Real L-state-Security Insts�rnent I3L2036 Page 4❑f 5 w�rrw.complian�esystems,carn <br />