<br /> Payment of Principal and Interest; �ther Charges.Barrawer shall�rampt�y pay u►hen due�he princ�pa��f an�
<br /> �n�eres�on�he debt aWed under the Gon#.rac�and Iat�charges ar any o�her fees and charges due under the Contract.
<br /> Applicable Law. As used in thi� Security Ins�rum�nt, �he term "Applica�3le Law" sha�l mean aTI contr�l�in.g
<br /> app�ica�le federal, state and laca� sta�u�es, regula�ions, �rdinances and admir�is�rative ru�es and o�der� ��ha�have
<br /> �he effec�of�aw�as v�ell as all applicable fna1,�on-appealabl�judiciai opinrons.
<br /> Char�es; LienS. Borrower shail pay a�l ta�.es, assessrnen�s, charges, fines an�i �mpasi�ions at�rihutable �a �he
<br /> Praperty which may atta�n priorrty over�his Se�urity�nstrumen�, and leaseho 1d payrnents�r ground rents, if any.
<br /> A�the requ�s�af Lend�r,Borrawer shall pramp�Iy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Barrower shal�promp�ly discharge any ��en which has pr�arity over�his Se�ur��y �nstrument unless Borrower: �a}
<br /> agre�s �n writing to �he pa�ment of�he obli�ation secured by �he ��en �n t�. mar�ner accep�abl� to Lender; ���
<br /> cantests in good faith the lien by, �r def�nds against �nforcement of the Iie.� in, lega� pr�ceed�ngs which in�h�
<br /> Lender's opinzon operate to pr��en� the enfor�ement of�he lren; or �c} sec ures from the holder af�he Iien an
<br /> agreemen�sat�sfactory t� Lender suhordina�ing the lien ta�his S�curi�y �nstr�:�ment, lf Lent�er determ�nes�hat any
<br /> part af�he Properry is subjec��o a li�n v�hich r�aay a�tain priorzty o�er this S��curity�nstrum�nt, Lender xnay giv�
<br /> Borrower a notice identif��ng the 1ien. Borravv�r shall satisfy the �ien or ta�e one or more of the actians set forth
<br /> ab�ve within ��days af th�giving�f notice.
<br /> Hazard or Proper#y Insurance. Borr�wer shali keep the zmprovemen�s nav�r exist��.b ar hereaft�r erected on the
<br /> Propert�insured against loss by fire,hazards in�luded within the term"extend.ed�o�erage" and any a�her ha2ards,
<br /> �ncludi.n.g flaads or flooding, for ,s�vhich Lender requires insurance. Th�s ir�surance sha�� be ma�ntained zn the
<br /> amounts and for the periads that Lender requires. The insurance carrier provi�ling the insurance sha�l be chasen by
<br /> B�rrawer subj ec� t� Lender's appraval vvh�ch sha�� nat be unreasona��y vvi���held. zf Borro�ver fai�s t� main�ain
<br /> coverag� descri�ed abo�e, Lender rnay, at Lend�r's option, �b�ain covera�7e to protect Lender's righ�s in the
<br /> Proper��n acc�rda�ce w�th se�ti�n�itled Prflte�txon af Lender�s Righ�s in t�he Pr�per�y. �
<br /> AI1 insurance pQlic�e� and renewals sha�� be accep�a�Ie �o Lender and sha11 inc�ude a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender sha�l have the ri�ht��hold�h�po�icies and rene�als. If Lender requv•es,Borrov�er shall promptiy gi�e tfl
<br /> Lender alI receipts�f paid premiurns and r�newal noti�es. In the e�en��f los��, Borrovver shall gi�e promp�notice
<br /> t4 the insurance�arr�er and Lender.L�nder may make prflof of��ss�f na�made pramp�ly by Barravver.
<br /> Unless Lender and Sorro�er other�vise agre� in writ�ng, �nsuranc� proce�d.s shaXl be appl�ed ta restoration �r
<br /> repair �f th� Property dama�e�i, �f, in Lender's sole discretion, �he r�s�ora�ian flr r�pair zs ec�nom�ca��y feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security is no� les�ened. �f, in Lender's sale discretion, �h�res�ara�ion or repair z�nat economica�ly
<br /> f�asib�e ar Lender's s�cu�rzty v�ould be lessen�d,the in�uran�e proceeds sha�I b��app�ied to the sums secured by�his
<br /> S�curi�y �nstrumen�, whether or no� �hen due, wi�h any ex�ess pa�d to Bt�rravver. If Barrawer ahandons �h�
<br /> Froperty,or does not answer w�����.��.e numb�r flf days prescribed�y App��cab�e Law as se�forth�n a no�ice fram
<br /> Lender t� B�rrflvver tha��:he insuranc� carrier has affer�d to settle a�laim,th�Un Lender may co�l����he insurance
<br /> pr�c�eds. Lender may use �h� proce�ds ta repa�r ar res�ore �h.e Proper� or�€� pay sums secured by th�s S��ur��y
<br /> Instr-ument,whether ar not then due.The period af�ime for B�rr�wer to answ�.r as s��farth in�the nfltice wi11 b�gin
<br /> when the no�ice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and B�rr�wer othervv�se agre� in writing, any appl�ca�ian of p��oceeds t�prin��pa�sha�l not ex�end
<br /> or pos�pane th�due date of�he payments due under�he�ontrac�or change th� amount af the payments. �f under
<br /> �he se�tivn t�t�ed Ac�elera�iun; Rem�dies, the Praper�y is a�quired l�y Lend�:r,B�rrower's right to an�insuran��
<br /> p�lic�es and proceeds resulting from da.mage �o the Prvpez�ty pri�r to the acc�u�sition shal� pass to Lender�o the
<br /> ex�ent flf�he sums secured by�his Security Ins�rument�rnmed�a�e�y prior�o the acqu��itian.
<br /> Pr�serva��an, Ma��tenan�e and Prote�t�an flf the PrvPert�; Borrower'� L�an App�ica�ion; Lea�ehv�ds.
<br /> Borr�wer�ha11 not destroy,damag�ar impair the Proper�, allow th�Property�n deteriarate, �r comm�t v�as�e an
<br /> the Property.Borrawer sha��be�n default�f any farfeitt�re action or pr�ceed�nt�,�h�ther�i�vil or crirnina�,is begu.n
<br /> that in Lender's aflod fai�h jud�ment c�uld resul�in farfei�ure af�he Prape�-t:,�or o�her��se materiaX�y impair the
<br /> �ien �reated by �his Securi�y �nstrum�n� ar Lender's security interest. Barr�ower may cur� such a default and
<br /> reinstate, as pr�vided in section t���ed�3orro,w�r's Right to Re�nsta�e, by�aus�ng th�action or prace�ding to�e
<br /> dismzssed with a ru�uag�hat, in L�nde�•'s good fa�th deterrninat�on,prec�udes fcyrfeiture of�he Borrawer's interes�in
<br /> the Property or other ma�er�al impairm�nt of�he Xxen created by th�s 5e�urity �nstrument or Lender's security
<br /> �n�eres�.B�rravver shal�alsa�e in default if Sorrawer,during th�l�an appiicat�on process,gave mater�ally false ar
<br /> inaccura�e xnforma�ian or s�a��ments to Lender �or failed �a pravide Lende�� �vx�h any materYa� �nformation) in
<br /> c�nnection vv�th the �aan e��den��d�y�he �ontract. �f this Secur�ty �nstrume:nt�s an a�easeho�d, Borr�wer sha��
<br /> ��mp�y w�th a��the pro��sxans of�h�lease.�f Borrflwer acqu�res fee title���h��Praperty,�he leaseha��and the fee
<br /> �i�le shal�nat merg�un�ess Lender agree�to th�rnerger�n v����ng.
<br /> Prot��t�on of Lender's R�ghts in th� Property. If Borrower fails to per�orm the cov�nants and agreemen�s
<br /> c�n�a�ned in�h�s S�cur�ty�nstrumen�t, or there is a Iega�pro�eeding that may s ignif�antl�affect Lender's rights in
<br /> th� Property �su�h as a proceeding in ban�rup�cy, pr�bate, for condemnatio�. ar forfezture �r t� enforce lavvs �r
<br /> regulatians}, �hen Lender may do and pay f�r v�ha�e�er is necessary �o pr�r�tect �he valu� of the Property and
<br /> Lender's rights in the Proper�y.Lender's actzons may�n��ude payx.�ag any sums secured by a�ien vvhich has priarity
<br /> flver�his�ecurity�nstrument,appearing in court,pay�ng reas�nab�e attarneys'fees and entering on�he Property to
<br /> make repairs.Al�haugh Lender may take act�an un��r�his se�t�on,Lender doe��nat have ta do so.
<br /> An� amoun�s dis�urs�d hy Lender under this s�c�zon shal� b�come add��i�na.l deb� of Borro�rer se�ured by this
<br /> Securi�y �nstrumen�. Unless B�rrawer and Lender agree to other �erms of payment, these amounts sh�l� bear
<br /> �2404-2414 Comp]ian�e Systerns,Inc.F�]64-3315-�013L2,10.1.895
<br /> Consumer ReaI EsEate-Security Instrument DL2036 Pa�e 2 af 5 w�ww.compliancesystems.com
<br />