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Z�15��955 <br /> DEED �F T"RLJST <br /> ��Dntinu�d� Pag� � <br /> I�e�nedies �V�t Ex�lusive. Trustee �nd Lender, and each of them, sha�� be entitled ta enforce payment and <br /> perfiarmance of any indebtedness❑r vbligations s�cured by this Deed vf Trust and to ex�rcise all rights and potirvers <br /> under this Deed o�Trust, under �he Na��, under any fl�the Related Dvcuments, or un�er any o�her agreement ar <br /> any� laws naw �ar h�reafter in farce; natv►►i�hstanding, some or all ofi such indeb�edn�ss �i7d❑bligations se�ured �y <br /> this Deed a�Trust may nov►► ar hereafter be ath�rwise secured, wh�ther by mortgage, d+�ed af trust, pledge, lien, <br /> assignmen� or o�therwis�. Neither the acc�ptance af this ❑eed o� Trust nor its en�orcfrmen�, v►ihether �y c�urt <br /> act�on ar pursuan�ta the pawer vf sal� or�th�r powers �o�ntain�d in this ❑eed af Trust, shal! prejudice �r in a�ny <br /> manner affec� Trustee"s or Lender's right fia rea[ize upon vr enfarce any other security now �r hereaftsr hefd by <br /> Trustee or Lender, it heing agr�ed tha�Trustee and Lender, and�ach of them, shal!be entitled tv�nfar�e this Deed <br /> of Trus� and any ❑the� secu�ity no►►v or hereafter held by Lender or Trus�ee in such ord��r and manner as the� or <br /> either af them ma� in th�ir absvlute discretian det�rmine. N� rem�dy canferred upvn c�r reserved �Q Truste� or <br /> Lender, is intended ta he exclusi�e o�any�ther remedy in this Dee�l af Trust ar by !aw ��ra�ided or p�rmitted, but <br /> each shall be �umuiatiWe and shaE! be in addition tv e�ery other rerned� given in �his ��eed v�f Trust vr nvw ar <br /> her�after e�cisting at law❑r in equitV�r by statute. E�ery pawer❑r r�medy gi�en by the��ote 4r any af the Related <br /> Do�uments tv Trustee or Lender or t� ►rvhich �i�her vf them m�y b� otherwise entitled, may be exercised, <br /> con�urrently vr independentiy, fram tim�to time and as often as r�ay be deemed expedient by Trustee ar Lender, <br /> and either a� thern may pursue inconsistent remedies. �lothing in this Deed v� Tru:►� sha�l be construed as <br /> prohibiting Lender firom s�el�ing a d���ciency judgmen�against the Tr�astar to the ex�ent s�rch actfon is permitted by <br /> law. El�ction by L�nder fio pursue any rernedy shall nat �x�lude pursuit of any ❑ther remedy, and an �lectiar� to <br /> make expenditures ar to tai�e action to perform an a�iigati�n of Trus�ar under this De�d of Trus�, a�ter Trustor's <br /> �ailure�a perform, shall n��affect Lender's righ�to de�lare a default and exercis�its rem�di�s. <br /> R�ques#fo�Nvtice. Trustor, on behalf o�Trustor and Lender, h�reby requests that a cop��af any Nv#i�e vf Defaul� <br /> and a copy vf any iVotice a�5ale under this Deed af Trust b� maiied to them at the address�s set�vrth in the first <br /> paragraph of this Deed v�Trust. <br /> Att��neys' Fees: Expenses. if L�nder institu'tes any suit nr actian to enfvrc� any of ���e terms af this ❑eed af <br /> Trust, Lender shall be enti�tfed to recaver such sum as the cour#may adjudge reasanahl� as attarneys' ��es a��ria1 <br /> and upon any app�al. Vllhether or na� any courfi actian is in�ol�ed, and to the extent not prohihi�ed �y law, ail <br /> reasvnable expenses Lender in�urs that �n Lender's opinion ar� ne�essary at any timw for the prat�ctivn o� its <br /> interest or the enforcemen��f its rights sha�l becvrne a part Df the lnde�tedness payable��n demand and shall bear <br /> interest a#�he Note rate from�he date o�the expenditure un�il repai�, Expenses cv�ered I�y this pa�agraph inc�ude, <br /> ►rvithout limita�ion, howe�er subject tv any limits under appl�cable la�►v, Lender's attarneu;�' fees and Lender's l�gal <br /> expenses, v►ih�ther ar not there is a lawsuit, including a���rneys' f�es and expenses for �ankruptcy proceedings <br /> ��ncluding ef�arts tv madify or�a�at�any automati� stay or injunctivn}, appeals, and any c�nticipa�ed postTjudgment <br /> cvll�ction 5er�ice5, the cost v�searching recvrds, abtaining tifile reports �including farec�asure reportsy, surWeyors' <br /> reparts. and appraisal fees, tit�e �nsurance, and �fees for th� Trustee, ta �he extent p��ritted by applicable law. <br /> Trustar also wili pa�any court�os�s, in addition ta afl o�her sums pra�ided by law. <br /> Rights of Trus#ee. Truste�shal�ha�s all af the rights and duties af Lender as set forth in�his sectian. <br /> PC]WER� AND�BLIGATIC]NS DF TRUSTEE. The following prv�isions rel���ing�o the p�vvers and obliga�ions af Trus�ee <br /> are part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Pov�►ers❑��rustee. In additivn t❑all powers of Trustee arising as a matter vf law,Truste�,shall ha��the power tQ <br /> tak� the fa�lawing actions vvith respe��t❑the Property upon the wri�:ten request v�Lender and Trustor: ta]join in <br /> preparing and �iling a map vr plat af �he Real Property, inc�uding the dedicatiQn of stre�:ts ❑r ather rights t� the <br /> public; {b} jain in granting any easement or ereating any restrictian on �he Real Pro��erty; and fcf j�in �n any <br /> subardination�r vther agreement affecting this Deed❑f Trust�r�he i��terest of Lender un�der�his Deed af Trust. <br /> TrusteQ. Trustee shall meet a[I qualifications required for T�ustee under appficabl� iaw. In addition �o the rigl�ts <br /> and rernedies set forth ab��e, with respe�t to aff ❑r ar�y part af the Praperty, th� Trus��.e sha�l have the right ta <br /> fareclase by natice and safe, and Lender shafl ha�e the righ�t� fvreclose by judiciaf foreclvsure, in either cas� in <br /> a�cordanc�with and to the full ex�en�provided b}�applicahle law. <br /> Successor Truste�. L�nd�r, a�Lender's ap�ti�n. may fram#ir�e tv time appoint a suG�essc�r Trustee�v any Trustee <br /> app�inted under�his Deed of Trust hy an instrument execu�ed and �ckno►rvfed�ed hy L�nder and rec�rded �n the <br /> office af the rec�rder of HALL �vunty, State vf Nebraska. The �nstrumen� shali c�ntair�, in additian ta a�l ather <br /> rnatters r�:c�uired by s�ate law, �he names o� the original Lenderr �rustee, and Trustv�, the b�ok and page �or <br /> computer systern re�erencef where this Deed af Trust is recorded, and �he name and address af the succes�or <br /> �rustee, and the instrurnent Shall be executed and acknow�ed�ed by a�l the benefi�iaries�r�der this❑eed af Trust or <br /> the�r successvrs �n interes�. The successor trustee, wi�haut con�eyan�e o�fihe Prop�rty, shall succeed ta a11 the <br /> tit��, power, and duties�on�erred upon�th�Tcustee in this Deed of Trus�and by applica�l� law. This proc�dure�ar <br /> substitution o�Trus�ee shaif gavern t�the�x�lusion❑�all vther prv���ians far sub�fitution. <br /> N�TIGE�. Any noti�e required to be gi�en under th�s Deed af Tru�t, including �vith�ut limitati�n any n�ti�e ❑f default <br /> and any nvtice vf sale shail be gi�en in writing, and �hal� be eff�cti�e w�ien actualf� deli�er��f, wh�n a�tually rec�i�ed <br /> �y telefaGsirnile �unless otherwise required by lawy,when depvsi�ed wi�h� na#ionalfy recognized v�ernight�ou�ier,ar, i� <br /> mailed, when deposit�d in th� lJnited States rnail, as first c�ass, certi�ied�r registered mail pcstage prepaid, directed�o <br /> the addresses shawn near the beginn�ng of this ❑eed of Trust, �If cvp'r�s vf nofiices of forecl��sure frvm the holder of <br /> any l�en which has privri�ty o�er �his Deed v�Trust shal! be sent�v Lend�r's address, as sho�+vn near the beginning o� <br /> this Deed ❑�Trust. Any party may chang� its address for nvtices under this Deed of Trust by gi�ing fi�rmal wri���n <br /> notic� ta the oth�r parties, specifiying �hat the purpose of the na�ice �� to Ghange th� par�y's address. For not��e <br /> purpos�s.Trustor agree�to keep Lender in#ormed at afl�im�s of Trustor'� current address. Ur�f�ss otherwise pra�ided <br /> flr requir�d by law, i�th�r�is mare than ❑ne T�ustar, an�notice giWen by Lender t� any Trustc�r is deerned ta be notice <br /> giv�n�v ali Trustors. <br /> NlISCELLANE�US PR�VISIQNS. The faffowing miscell�neous prvE�isions are a part af this Qeed v�Trus�: <br /> Amendrnen�s. This Deed o�Trust, together with any Related Documen�s, ��nsti�utes th� entire understanding and <br /> agr�emen�t o#the par�ies as tv the matt�rs se# forth in�his Deed vf�'rust. Nv a�tera#��n��flr amendment�v t�is <br /> ❑ee�af T�ust sha11 be effecti�e unless given in writing and ��gned h� �he par�y or parties svught to he charg�d or <br /> hound by the alteration or amendment. <br /> Annual Repvrts. !f �he Property is used �ar purposes o�h�r �han Trustvr's residence, Trusto� shalf fu�n�sh to <br /> Lender, upon reques�, a certified sta�ement af net ❑peratin� income recei�ed �rorn the F'rvperty during Trusto�'s <br /> previous fiscal year in su�h form and detail as Lender shal� require. "Net ❑pera�ting incvme" shaff rnean aIf cash <br /> receipts from the Property less ail cash expenditures rnade in�vnnect�vn w�th the❑perativr�a�the Property. <br /> Cap�ian He�dings. Captivn h�ad'rngs �n this D�ed �f Trust a�re for canveni�n�e purpose�� anly and are nat tv be <br /> used to interpret or define the pra�isions af th�s❑eed af Trust. <br /> Merg�r. There sha�� be na merger❑f�h� in�erest a�estate created by�this De�d❑f Trust vuith any ath�r in#er�st❑r <br /> estate in the Proper�y at any time held by or fvr the b�ne�it�if Lsnder in any capacity, vuitlhou#the w�itt�n cvnsent <br /> vfi Lender. <br /> Gov�rning Law. This D�ed a#Trust wii! b� gv�erned by �e�deral lavw applicable to LendEtr and, tv fihe extent not <br /> preempfied by#ederal law,#he laws of th� 5tatg vf IV�br�ska w�th�ut regard to its cvn�lict:►vf la�provisions. This <br /> � <br /> } <br />