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Z�15��955 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> �Cont�nued� Page 7 <br /> Deed o�Trust has heen a�cepted hy Lender in the Stats a�Nebraska. <br /> Choice vf Yenue. lf there is a Iawsuit, Trustar agrees upvn Lender's request t❑ submi� tfl th�jurisdi�tiQn af the <br /> �aur�s o#Hal�Caunty, State vf Nebraska. <br /> Nv Wai�er by Lender. Lender shall not be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any righ�s under this Deed of Trust unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in v►rriting and signed by Lender, No delay or omissian on the part❑#L�nd�r in exerCising any right <br /> shai�operat� as a waiver o�such right ar any other righ�. A wai��r by Lender of a pravis�an�f this D�ed of Trust <br /> shall not prejudi�e or c�nsfiitute a wai��r af Lender's right atherv►rise to d�mand strict �vmpl�anc� with that <br /> pro�ision ❑r any other pro�isian of this ❑eed of Trust. No prior waiver by Lender, nor any caurse af dealing <br /> between Lender and Trustar, shall c�nstitu�e a wai��r of any of Lender`s rights ar of any vf Trustar's abligations <br /> as tv any �uture �ransa�tions, Whenever the cvns�nt a� Lender is requir�d under�his Deed ❑f Trust, the granting <br /> o�such consent hy Lende� in any ins�an�e shal! not cvnsti�ute continuing consent ta subsequen� instan�es where <br /> such�vnsent is�equir�d and in ail cases such consent may be granted or wEthheld in the;sole dis�retion of Lender, <br /> Se�erabil�ty. If a court flf cvmpe�ent jurisdiction �inds any pr�visian of this De�d of Trus�ta be illegal� in�alid, or <br /> unenforceable as to any cir�umstance, that finding sha!! nvt make th� �ffending pro�isivn illegal, invalid, ❑� <br /> unenf�rceabie as tv any ather cErcumstanc�. I� feasible, �he offending pro�isi�n shall he cansid�red m�d�fi�d so <br /> that it becom�s legaf, �alid and enfor�eable. If the affending pra�Esion cannot be; so madi�Fied, it shalE be <br /> �onsidered del�ted fram �his Qe�d �# Trust. llnless o�herwise required by faw. the illegali�y, in�alidity, vr <br /> unenfarc�ability❑f any pro�ision af this De�d of Trust shall not af�ect the legality. �alidity❑r enfiarceability o�any <br /> ❑ther provisi�n of this deed af Trust, <br /> 5uccessvrs and Assigns. Subject t❑ any iimitations stated in this ❑eed of Trus�on transfer v�Trust�r's interest, <br /> �h�s �eed of Trust sha11 b� binding upon and inur� to the ben�fi� of the parties, their sucCessars and ass�gns. If <br /> vwnership of fhe Property becomes�ested in a persan ather than Trus�vr, Lender, without notice to Trustar, may <br /> deal rrvith Trustar's successors with reference ta this Deed o#Trust and the lndebtedness by way af forbearance ar <br /> extension withou�releasing Trusto��r�m�he abliga�ivns of this C�eed❑�Trust❑r liability under the lndebtedness. <br /> Time is of the Essen�e. Time is❑f the essence in the perf�rmance of this Deed vf Trust.; <br /> Wai�e Jury. All parties to this �eed of Trust her�by waive�h� right�o any�ury trial in any ac#ion, proceeding,ar <br /> counterclairn braugh�hy any par�y against any other party. <br /> Vlfaiver af Homest�ad Ex�mption. Trustor hereby rel�ases and wai�es a11 rights and benefits of the h�mest�ad <br /> exemption laws af the State o�Nebraska as to all Indeb�edness secured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFINITI[]NS. The f�llawing capi�alized wvrds and terms shall have the fvllowing meanings when used in this Deed o� <br /> Trust. Unless specifical[y sta�ed to the ��ntrary, aii references to dal�ar amaun�ts sha�f inean amc�unts in lawful maney <br /> vf the Uni�ed States o�r America. Words and terms used in the singular shall include the plura�, and the pfura! shall <br /> include the singular, as the ��nt�x� rnay r�quire. Words and terms not ath�rwise defined in this ❑eed vf Trust shal! <br /> ha�e the mean�ngs attri�uted to such terms in th��ni�orm Commercial Code: <br /> 6�neficiary. The w�rd "Beneficiary" means Ex�hange Bank,and its successors and assi�ns. <br /> Bvrrawer. The word "Borrawer" means June M, Frank R�Uacable Trust and includes afl co-signers and co-makers <br /> signing the Note and all their successors and assigns, <br /> ❑eed of Trust. The words "'Deed o# Trust" mean this ❑eed ❑f Trusfi amang Trus�ar,;Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includ�s withaut lim�tation a�! assignrnent and s�curity interest pro�isions relating to the P�rsana! Prvperty and <br /> Rents. <br /> C]efault. The ward "De�ault" m�ans th�Defaulfi set forth�n this D�ed pf Trust�n�he section ti�led "Default", <br /> Environmental Laws. The wvrds "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and alt stat�, f;ederaf and I�cal statutes, <br /> regulat�vns and o�dinan�es relating t❑ th� protection,of human health o� the en�ironment, in�luding withou� <br /> limita�ian the Compreh�nsi�e Environmenta! Response, �;vmpen�ativn,,and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. S�ction 9E01, et seq. �'"CER�LA"�, the 5uperfund Arnendments and Reauthori�a�ion Ac�af 198f, Pu�, L. <br /> Na. �9T499 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Ma�erials Transportation Act,�9 U.S.C. Se�tion 15��,et seq.,the Resaurce <br /> Conservatian and Reca�ery Act, 42 �.S.C. 5ection 69�1, et seq., or❑�her appli�ab�e state ar federal �aws, rules, <br /> or regu�atEans adapted pursuant thereto, <br /> E�ent vf Default. The words "E�ent of De�ault" mean any of the e�ents of default set forth in this Qeed of Trust in <br /> the events of defiault section of this aeed of Trust. <br /> �uaranty. The w�rd "Guaranty" means the guaranty�rom guarantar, endorser, surety, ar ac�amrnadation party to <br /> Lend�r, including withou�limitation a guaranty af all ar part o�the Note. <br /> Hazardnus Subs#ances. The words "Hazardaus 5ubs�ances" mean materials �hat, hecaus� of their quantity, <br /> cvncentratian or physical, �hemi�al or infectious charac��ris�ics, may cause vr pose a present ar potentiai hazard <br /> to human heafth ar the en��ronmen�t when irnprop�riy used, trea�ed, s�ored, disposed af; generated, manufiactur�d, <br /> transparted or otherwise handled. Th� wv�ds "Hazardous Substances" are used in th�ir�ery braadest sens� and <br /> include without limitation any and all haza�daus ar toxic substances, materials ar v►►ast� as defined hy or listed <br /> under the En�irvnmental Laws. The term "Ha�a�daus Substances" alsa includes, withaut limitativn, pe�roleurn and <br /> pe�raleum by-products�r any frac�ion thereof and ashestos. <br /> Improvements. The word "lmpro�ements" means all existing and fufiure imp�ovements, butld�ngs, s#ructures, <br /> mobile h�mes affixed ❑n the Real Property, fa�ilities, add��ions, rep�a�ements and other evns�ruction on the Real <br /> Property. <br /> Indebtedn�ss. The wvrd "lndebtedness" means all prin�ipal, interest, and ather arnounts, c�sts and expenses <br /> payable under �he Nvte vr Related ❑a�umen�ts, �agether with aii ren�wefs of, extensions of, modificativns of, <br /> consolidatians of and substitutEons�or the Note❑r Related DvGumen�s and any am�unts expended or ad�anced by <br /> Lender tv discharge Trustor's ❑�figati�ns or �xpenses incurred by Truste� or Lender to enfarGe Trustor"s <br /> obfiga�ions under this Deed vf Trust, tagether with �nterest on such amounts as pro��ded in this ❑eed af Trust. <br /> Speci�i�ally, withvut limitation, �nd�bt�dness in�ludes al! amounts that may be indtre�tly secured by the <br /> Cr�ss-Colla�era�ization pro�ision of this Deed�fi Trus�. <br /> Lgnder. The word "L�nder" means Exchange Bank, �ts succ�ssors and assigns. <br /> Note. Th�vuvrd "Not�" means all past, present and fu�ure notes, loans or other a��igatiflns�f the bvrrower. <br /> Pers�nal Property= The wards "Personal Praperty" mean afi equipment, fixtures. and other ar�icles ot persanal <br /> property now �r hereafter owned by Trustor, and now or hereafter at�ached or affixed to the Real Property; <br /> tag�ther with all accessians, parts, and additi�ns to, all replacements of, and al1 substi�utivns for, any of such <br /> property; and togeth�r with all prviceeds {in��uding without iimita�ian ali insurance praceeds and refunds of <br /> premiums��rom any safe or ather dispositian�f the Property. <br /> Property. The ward "Praperty'" means co1#ecti�ely the Real Property and#he Persanal Properfiy. <br /> Real Praper#y. The words "Real Praperty" mean the rea! pr�perty, interests and rights, as further described in this <br /> Deed❑f Trust. �► � <br /> �::� <br /> �-� <br />