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Z�15��SZ1 <br /> interest f�rom the date of dis�ursement a� �he same rate ass�ssed �n ad�anc�s und�r �he �ontrac� and shall �e <br /> payable,wi�h interes�,upan noti�e from Lender�fl Borr�wer reques��rig�aym�nt. <br /> Inspe��ion. Lender ar its agen�may make reasanable en�ries upon and inspec��ons af�he Praper�y. Lend�r shali <br /> give B�rr�wer not��e at the�ime of or priar to an inspection specifying reasonable cause far�he insp�ct�on. <br /> Condemnation.The proceeds�f any avvard�r claim for damages,dzr�ct or�ons�quen�ial,in connec�ian v�ith any <br /> condemna�ion or ��her�a�ing of any par�of�h�Property, or for c�nveyance in l�eu of condemna���n, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha��be pa�d to Lender. <br /> In�h� ev�nt af a��tal�a�ing of the Property, the proc�eds shall be applied t�the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrurnen�, vWhether ar no� then due, w��h any e�cess pa�d to Borr�vver. �n th� e�ent of a partxa� tak�ng of�he <br /> Prap�r�y in wh�ch the fair market�alue of�he Prop�rty �mrnediately before the tak�ng is equal t� or greater than <br /> �he am�unt�f the sums s��ured by thas Secur��y zns�rumen# immed�ately befare the tak�ng, un�ess Bor�ravver and <br /> Lender o�herwis�agr�e in v�ri�rng,�he sums secured b}��h�s Se�urity�nstrumen�shal�be redu�ed by the amount of <br /> �he prflceeds mu���pl�ed by the fal�ow�ng fract�on: �a�the to�a� amoun�nf�he surns secured�mmediately before�he <br /> tak�ng, div�ded by �b} the fair rnarket valu� �f�he Proper�y immed�a�ely bef�re�he ta.k�ng. Any balan�e shall be <br /> paid to Borraw�r. �n the event �f a par��al tak�.ng �f the Froper�y in which�he fa�r marke� vaiue �f the Propez-�y <br /> imrnedia�ely before the taking �s �ess than.�he amount of the sums secured irnmediateiy before th�tak�ng, un�ess <br /> Borrawer and Lender athervvise agr��in writ�ng ar uniess App�icable Law o�herwis�pr�v�des, �h�proce�ds sha�� <br /> be applied ta�he�ums secured by thxs Securifiy�ns�ument whether or not�he sums are then�ue. <br /> �f the Propert�is aba�daned by Borrovver, or if, after na�ice by Lender�o Borr�wer that the �ondemnar�ffers t� <br /> m.ake an award or set�le a cla�m.for dam.ages, Bnrrawer fai�s to respond�o Lender wx�h�n the rn�nimum num�er of <br /> c�ays estab�zshed by Applicab�e Law after the da�e th�notice is g�ven,Lender is authar�zed ta col�ect and apply�he <br /> praceeds, at ��s op��an, either to rest�rat��n or repair af the Praperty or �a the sums s�cured by �his Security <br /> Znstrumen�,whe�her ar nat then due. <br /> Uniess Lender and Bor�r�v�er otherwi�e agree xn wr���ng, any app�icati�n of pr��eeds ta principal shal�na�ex�end <br /> ar pastp�ne the due date of the payments du�under�he�ontract or change the amaunt�f such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower ��ot Released; Fvr�earance By Lender Not a Waiver. E�tension of �h� txme for pa�ment or <br /> rn�d�fica��on of amar�izatxon of the sums secured by thi� 5ecuri�yr Instrument granted by Lender to Sorro�ver or <br /> any su�cessor in in�erest of Borr��er shall no� �perate to release the �zab����y of the �rig�nal Barrower or <br /> Barrov��er's successvrs in ir��erest. Lender sha11 no�be requ�red�o comrnence praceedings a�ainst any successor in <br /> interest or refuse to extend��.me for pa�rrn.ent ar o�herv�ise modif�amar��za��on af�he sums secured by this Security <br /> �ns�rumen� by reasan of an� demand rnade by the ori�inal Borro��r or Borr�v��er's successars in znterest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a�ai.�er of�r preclude the exer�ise of any <br /> righ�ar rem�dy. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns Bound; Jfl�nt and Severa� Liabiliti�; Accamm�dation Signers. The �ovenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of th�s Securi�y�nstrument sha11 bind and benef��the successors and ass�gns of Lender and Barrower, <br /> subject �o �he pravisians of sectxon �i�led Transf�r of �he Pr4perty or a B�nef�cial Int�rest in Borrawer. <br /> Borrower's cov�nants and agreemen�s sha�1 be j oint and se�eral.Any person who ca-signs this Secur�ty Instrurnent <br /> but has no personal l�ab��xty under the �ontrac� ("Accommodat�on S1��I�I'r��: �a� �s c�-sign�ng th�s Security <br /> �nstrument only to mortgage, grant and canwey tha� Accammflda�ion Signer's �nterest in th� Proper�y under the <br /> t�rms af �he Securi�y �nstrument; �b} is n�t personally ab�iga�ed to pay the sums secured by �h�s Securi�y <br /> �nstrument;and�c�agrees�ha�Lend�r and any other Borr���er may agr�e to extend,�fy, forbear or make any <br /> accornmadations w�th regard�o the��rms of this Security�nst�um�nt or the��ntract�vithaut�ha�Accommada�xon <br /> Signer's cansen�. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he Ioan secured by �h�s Security Instrumen� is subj�ct to a Iaw vvhich sets maximum �oan <br /> charges, and that law�s f nally in�er�reted s�that the �n�eres�ar o�her loan charges col��cted or��be co�lec�ed�n <br /> cannec��on wi�h the laan e�ceed �he permitted limx�s, then: �a� any such loan charg� shail be reduced b� the <br /> amount n�ces�ary ta reduce the charge ta the permi�ted lim�ts and�b} any sums a�ready co�lec�ed fram Barr�wer <br /> which e�ceeded permit�ed ��mits vc�il� be refunded to Borrovver. Lender may ch�ose to rnake th�s refund by <br /> reducing the pr�nc�pai awed under the Con�ra�t�r by making a direct payment�o B�rra��r�r. �f a refund redu�es <br /> principa�,the reduc�ion w�l�be treated as a par�rai prepayment under the�on�ract. <br /> No�ices. Any notice �o B�rrower provided far in �h�s 5�curz�y rnstrument shall be g�v�n by deli�ering �� or by <br /> rnazling zt b�f rs�c�ass mail uniess Appl�cable Law requires use af anQther me�h�d.The no���e shall�e direc�ed�o <br /> the Froper�Add�ess ar any o�her address Bflrrawer desxgnates by no��ce t� L�nder. Borrower agrees to provide <br /> Lerid�r v�ith Barrower's mast curren�mai��ng address, as �t may change from�ime-�a-�ime. Any no�ice�o Lender <br /> shall be gi�ren by f rst c�ass rnail�a Lender's address s�at�d herein or any o�her address Ler�der designates b�notice <br /> �o Borrawer.A.ny not�ce pro��d�d f�r in�h�s Securi�Instrument sha�X be deemed�o have b�en giv�n t� Borrower <br /> or Lender�hen given as pro�ided in thzs paragraph. <br /> Gavern�ng Law; Severabx��ty.This Secur�ty�nstrumen�sha11 b�gov�rned 1��fed�ral Iaw and the�aws�f�he s�a.te <br /> of I�Tebraska. �n�he event�hat an� prov�s�on or clause �f this 5e�uri� �nstrurnent �r the �on�ract confl�c�s with <br /> Applicable Lavv, such conflic� shal� not affec�o�her pravisions af�his 5ecuri�y Instrument ar�he Cvntract which <br /> can be given effec�vvi�hout th�c�nflic�ing provisian. To�his end�he pravisians�f this Se�urity Ins�rument and th� <br /> Gontract are dec�ared t�be se�erab�e. <br /> Borr��ver's�opy.Borrovv�r shail be gxven�ne copy of this 5ecuri�y�nstrumen�. <br /> C�2��4-2��G Cvmplian�e 5ystems,Inc.�DGO-78A3-2q 13LZ.1 a.1.895 <br /> Cansumer Rea�Estate-5ecurity Instnaznent DL�036 Paue 3 of S www.compfia� <br />
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