<br /> Transf�r af the Proper�y or a�eneficia�Int�rest�n Borrower.�f a11 or any par�of�he Propert�or any���rest
<br /> in �� is �o1d or transferred �or �f a �enefcia� interest in Borrower �s so�d ar �ransferred and Borrower is na� a
<br /> natural person} withou� Lender's prior v�ri�ten cansent, Lender ma�, at i�s optzon, r�quire immedia�e pa�nent in
<br /> fu�� of al� sums secured b� �his Secur��y �ns�rument. However, this option sha�� n�t be �xercised by Lend�r �f
<br /> exercise is proh�b�ted by federal la�as of�he date�f this Security Ins�rument.
<br /> �f L�nder exercises this �p��an, Lender shall give B�rrower notic� of a�celera�ion. The natice shall provzd� a
<br /> per��d af not ��ss than the minimum nu.mber of days es�ablished by Applicab�e Law from the da�e the notice is
<br /> delivered or ma��ed vvxthin which �orro�v�r�nust pay all su��ns secured by�his Security Instrumen�. �f Borrav��r
<br /> fails ta pay these sums pr�or to �he exp�ration of thi� period, Lender may i.nvake any remedies perm�t�ed b��hzs
<br /> Securi�y�ns�rum�nt w��hou�fur�her not�ce or demand fln Borrower.
<br /> Borrower's R�gh� to Re�nstate. �f Borrower mee�s cer�ain condit��ns, Borrovver sha�� have the right to ha�e
<br /> enforcernen��f this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�dis�on�xnued at any t�me pri�r to the earlier af: �a� 5 days�or such other
<br /> period as App���abie Law may specify for reinstatemer�ti�befare sa�e of the Proper�pursuan��a any�pow�r af sale
<br /> conta�r��d in �his Secur�ty �n��rurnent; or �b) en�xy af a j udgment enfarcing th�s Secur�ty Instrument. Those
<br /> condi��ons are �hat Borr���r: �a� pays Lender a�� sums which then�ou�d be due under this Security �nstrurn.en�
<br /> and the�ontract as if no accelera�ion had occurred;(b�cures any defau�t of any ather�ovenan�s�r agreemen�s;�c}
<br /> pa�s ai1 expenses�ncurr�d in enforcing this Secur�ty�ns�rument, inc�ud�ng,but nat lim��ed�a,reasanable a�arney�'
<br /> fees to the extent permit�ed by lavv; and�d}takes su�h actian as Lender may reas�nab�y requxre�o assure that�he
<br /> Iien af t.�iis Security Instrum�nt,Lender's rights�n the Property and Borrower's obligat�on to pay the sums secured
<br /> by this Security Ynst�-ument shall continue unchang�d. Upon reinstatement by Bflrrower, this Secur�ty Instrurnen�
<br /> and th� obligation� secured hereby shal�rema�n fully effe��ive as if no a�celera�ian had ac�urred. Howev�r, this
<br /> righ�to reins�ate sha��nat apply Yn the case of ac�e�era�ion under the section�it�ed Trar�Sfer of�he Praperty�r a
<br /> Benefic�ai In�ere5t in Barrvwer.
<br /> Ha�ard�u5 Substan�es.�3orrovver shall nfl��ause�r perm�t�h�presence,use, dispasa�, s�arage, ar release of any
<br /> Hazard�us Substanc�s on or in�h�Praper�y.B�rrov��er sha��n�t da,r��r a�I�w anyone else ta do,anything affe�ting
<br /> the Proper�that is in vialatinn of any En�ironmen�a� Law. The przc�ding �wo senten�es shall no� appiy to the
<br /> presence,use,or storage�n the Prop�rty of small quan�i��es of Ha�ard�us Su�stances that are generally recognized
<br /> �o be appropriate�o normal resident�al uses and�o maintenance of th�Property.
<br /> Bnrravver shall pr�mpt�y giv�Lender v�ri�ten n�tice of any in�rest�gat�an,claim,demand, lawsuit or o�her acti�n b�
<br /> any gavernmen�al ar regula�ary aben�y �r priva�e party involving the Propert�y and ar�y Hazardous Su�s�ance ar
<br /> Environrnenta� La� �f which gorrawer has actual knotivledge. If B�rrow�r �earns, or is n�t�f ed by any
<br /> ga��rnmen�al or regu�a��ry authori�y,tha�an�removal or ather remediati�n of any Hazardous Suhstance affe�ting
<br /> �he Property i� necessary, Borrovver shall prampt�y take all ne�essary rem�dial ac�i�ns in accordance wi�h
<br /> Environmenta�Lavv.
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "Hazardous Su�stances" are those substances d�fined as toxic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Enviranmental Law and the fallowing substances: gas�lxn�, kerosene, other flamrnab�e or toxic petrol�um
<br /> produc�s, rvxi� pesticides and herbicides, �olatile solvents, ma�er�als con�aining as�es�os or formaldehyde, and
<br /> rad�oactive mater�a�s. As used in�his paragraph, "Environmental Law"mea.ns fed�ral�aWs and Iaws of the state�f
<br /> Nebraska�hat relate to hea��h,safety or env�ronmen�al pro�eCtion.
<br /> A��elera�ion; Remedies. Lender shall g�v� notice to Borrower prior �o acceleratg�n following Borrower'S
<br /> breach af any covenan�or agreemen�in this Seeurity Ins�ru�nen�❑r the Cantract�xnder whi�h accel�rafion
<br /> is permitted�but not privr�o a�ce�eratian under the sect��n�ztled Transfer of the Property or a Ben�f�c�a�
<br /> Interest in Borrawer, unIess Applicable Law provide5 otherwxse). The not�ce shal� spec�fy: �a) the defau�t;
<br /> ��� �h� acfion required �v cure the default; �c� a date, no� �ess than the minimum number of days
<br /> established by Applicable Law fr�rn the da�e�he na#��e is gi�en to Borrawer, by vvh�ch the defau�t mus�be
<br /> curedy and �d} that failure t❑ cure the d�fault on vr befor� th� da�e speci�ed xn the noti�e may re�ul� in
<br /> a�ee�er��ivn of �he sums secured by this SeCur�ty Instrumen� and sale af the Praper�y, Tfl �he �x�en.t
<br /> permitted by Iaw, �he no��c�Shall fur�her inform Borrower of the r�ght tv re�nstat�after aece�erat�on and
<br /> the righ�to bring a cvur�action ta asser�the nan-exis�ence of a defaul��r any other defense of Enrrower to
<br /> a��elerati�n and saIe, If the defaul��s not�ured on or before�he date spec�fied in the nQtice,Lender at its
<br /> optian may require immedia#e payment in fu�l flf al� sums �ecured by �his S��ur�ty Ins�rument wi�hvut
<br /> further demand and may invoke the pawer of sale and any ather remedies perrni�ted �y App�icab�e Law.
<br /> To the �xtent permit�ed by Ia�v, L�nder shal� be en���led �o col�e�t aZI expenses �ncurr�d in pursuing the
<br /> rer��dies prflvided in th�s Sec�ivn,�n�luding,b�x�not��mi#ed�o,reasanable attorneys' fees and cos�s af�itle
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the power of sale is invaked,Trustee shal� record a natice af default in each coun�y in which an�part of
<br /> the Proper�y is located and sha�l mail c�pies�f such notice in the manner pre�cribed by App[�cabie Law to
<br /> Bnrr�vv�r and to the ather per�ons prescribed by Applicable Law. After�he tim� r�quired by Applicable
<br /> Law, Trustee shal� gi�e pub��c no�i�e of sa�e t� the persans and in th� manner pre�cribed �y Appl�cable
<br /> Law.Trustee,with�ut der�and�n Borr�wer,sha�l se�l�he Propert�at pu�l�c auct�on �a�he highest b�dder
<br /> at the���ne and pla�e and under�he terms designated in the notic�of sa�e in vne or more parcels and�n any
<br /> nrder Truste� determine�. Trustee may postpnne saie of aIl �r any parcel of �he Property by publ�c
<br /> announeemen#a�th�trme and pla�e of any prQviously sch�duled sa�e.Lender ar i�s designee may purchase
<br /> the Property at any sa�e,
<br /> L�p�n rece�pt of paymen�af the price bid, Trustee sha�l del�v�r to the pur�haser T`rustee's deed eanveying
<br /> the Property.The reci�als in the Trus�ee's d�ed shall be prima faCie e�idence Qf�he�rufh of the statements
<br /> C��4��-2�14 Compiiance Systems,Inc.FDSfl-78�i-20]3L2.14.1.895
<br /> Consumer Real Es#ate-Security�nstrurncnt I]L2036 �'a�;e�of 5 www.cornpliancesyst�t�s.com
<br />