<br /> Payme�t of Pr�nc�pa�and In�ere�t; �ther Charges.Borrower sha��prompt�y pay when due�he prxnc�pa�of and
<br /> �nteres��n the deb�owed under�he Contrac�and la�e charges or any other fees and�harges due under the Con�rac�.
<br /> App�icable La�v. As used in this Se�ur��y �ns�rument, �he t�rrn "Applicable I�aw" sha�� mean a�� con�ralling
<br /> applicab�e fed�raL state an�i local sta�u�es, regulations, ord�nances and adrn�n�s�rativ�rules and �rders �that ha�e
<br /> the effect of laW3 as�vell as all app�icable final,non-appealable judi�ial opinions. -_
<br /> Charges, Liens. Borro��er sha�l pay all �axes, assessments, �harges, fines and �mpositiflns attrihutable �o �he �
<br /> Proper�y which rna�at�ain prior�ty Q�er�h�s Security Ins�rumen�, and leaseh��d payments or ground rents, if an�. _
<br /> At the request af Lender,Barro��er sha1l promptiy furnish�o Lender rec�ipts evidenczng the pa�ments.
<br /> Borrower shall promp�ly discharge any lien v�hich has priority over�his 5e�urity�ns�rumen�un�ess Borrow�rr: �a�
<br /> agr�es zn wr�t�ng to the paym�n� af�he abl�ga�ion secured by �he lxen in a manner accep�ab�e to Lender; �b�
<br /> contests �n good fai�h the lien by, ar defends against enfflrcen�ent of�he Iien in, lega� proceedzn�s v�hzch in the
<br /> L�nd�r'� opinian opera�e ta pre�ent the enforcemen� of the �ien; or �c� secures fram. the ho�der of�he Iien an
<br /> agreement �atisfac�ory�o Lender subordina�ing the lien t�th�s Securi�y�nstrument. �f Lender determines�hat any .
<br /> part of th�Property is sub�ect ta a��en whrch ma}�a�a�n pr�nrrty ov�r this S�cur�fiy Instrumen�, Lender ma�give
<br /> Borraw�r a nfltice �dentifying�he lien. Barrower sha�� satisfy the lier��r tak� one or m�re af�he ac�ions set forth
<br /> above wi�thin 1�da�s of the giving�f notic�.
<br /> Ha�ard ar Property Insurance. Borrow�r shall keep the�mpro�emen�s now existing or hereafter erected�n the
<br /> Prope�izasured agarnst lass by fire,hazards inc�uded wi�hin the�erra"e�tended co�erage"and any o�her ha.zards,
<br /> inc�udzng floods or fl�oding, for v�hich Lend�r requires insurance. Th�s insurance shal� b� main�ained �n the
<br /> amoun�s and far the perinds that Lender requires.The ir�surance�arr�er providing�he insurance shall be chasen by
<br /> Borrovver sub�e�t ta Lender's appro�al which shal� not b� unr�asonab�� withheld. rf Borrower fai�s �� maxn�a�n
<br /> caverag� described above, Lender may, at Lender's opt�on, obtain caverag� t� pr���ct Letader's r�gh�s in �he
<br /> Property in accordan�e�zth sec�ion�itled Pro�ection of Lender�s Rights in the Property.
<br /> Al� xnsu�ance polici�s and renewals sha11 be accep�ahle ta L�nd�r and sha�� �nclude a �tandard mortgage ��ause.
<br /> Lender shal�have�he right to h��d th�p��icies and ren�wals. If Lender requires, B�rrovver shall promptly g�ve ta
<br /> Lender ail receipts flf pa�d prem�ums and renev�a.�n�tices. �n the even�af l�ss,Borrav�er sha1l gi�e pramp�natice
<br /> to�he insurance carr�er and L�nd�r,Lender may make praof of�ass�f not rnade pramptly by Bonrovver.
<br /> Iln�ess Lend�r and Barrvwer athe�-�vise agr�e �n v�r��ing, insurance proceeds shall be applied �o restorat�an or
<br /> repair ��'�he Proper�y damaged, if, in Lender's s�le d�scretion, the �es�aration ar repa�r �s economically feaszb�e
<br /> and Lender'� securi�y �s not Iessened. If, in Lender's sQle d�scretian, the restorat�on or repa�r is no� economically
<br /> feasible or Lender's securi�y wou�d be Iessen��,�he Ynsura.nce proceeds shal�be applied to�he sums secured by fih�s
<br /> Security �ns�rurnent, wherher ar not �hen due, vvith any exc�ss paid to Borrov�er. �f B�rraw�r aband�ns the
<br /> Property�?or daes not answer u�i�hin the nurnber of days pre�cr�be�by Appl�cable Law as set for�h�ta a notice from
<br /> Lender to Borrovver�hat the insurance carrier has affered t�set��e a claim, ��en Lender may col�ect the �nsuran.�e
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use the proce�ds�o repa�r or restore �he Prop�rty or to pay sums secured by this Se�urz�y
<br /> �nstrum�nt,whether or not�hen due.The period of�irne f�r BQrr�wer ta ansvver as set forth xn the no�ice�ill begin
<br /> when the no�i��is gi�en.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borro�ver otherwise agre� �n writing, any application �f proceeds ta pr�ncrpa�shall not extend
<br /> ar postp�ne the due date of the paym�nts due under the ��n�rac��r�hang�the amflun�flf the paymen�s. If under
<br /> �he secti�n titled Acce�eratgon; l��rnedies,the Prap�r�y is acquired by L�nder, Borrower's right to any insuran�e
<br /> polic�es and prac��ds resulting from damage to the Proper�y przor to the acquisition shal� pass �o Lender�o �he
<br /> ex�ent of�he sums secured by th�s Se�urity�nstrumer�t irnmediatel�prior�o the acquisi�ian.
<br /> Prese�-rvation, Maintenan�e and Pro�eetion Qf the Property; �orrower�s Loan Application; Leaseholds.
<br /> Bflr�ower shall no�destroy, damage ar impair the Praper�y, aX�av��the Property to de�eriarate, �r�ommit�vvaste an
<br /> the Pr�p�r�y.Borrovver shall be in defau��if any forfeiture ac�ion or pr�ceedrng,wh��her cxv��or�rirnxna�,is begun
<br /> that in Lender's gaod fa�th�udgment �ould resul� in fflrfe��ure of the Fr�perfiy or o�herwi�e�ma�erially �mpair�he
<br /> lien cre�.ted by this Security �nstrument or Lender's securi�ty in��rest. Borrawer ma� �ure such a defaul� and
<br /> rei�ns�ate, as proW�ded in sec�i�n trtl�d�3flrrower'�Righ�to Reinstate, by causing the ac�ian ar proc�ed�ng t�be
<br /> dismissed v�ith a rul�ng that,�n Lender's gaad faith deterrnina��on,precludes forfeitur�of�he Borraw�r's�.nterest in
<br /> the Properfiy or a�her mater�a� impairmen� of the lien crea�ed by �hrs 5ecurity �nstrument or Lender's security
<br /> interes�.Borrawer shall a�so be�n defau���f B�rrovver, during the I�an applica��on proce�s,gav�m.a�erially fa�se�r
<br /> �na�cura�e informa�ion or sta.��men�s to Lender (or faxled to prflvide Lender w��h any material informat�an� i�n
<br /> conn�ction�v��h the �oan evidenced by th� ��ntrac�. �f this Securit�r�nstrurnent is on a Ieasehoid, Borr�wer shal�
<br /> c�rnply�vith ali the provis�ans of�he�ease. If Borrow�r a�quxres fe�t�t�e t��he Proper�y,th� leasehold and the fee
<br /> �i��e shal�not merge unless Lend�r agr�es to�he merg�r�n wr���ng.
<br /> Pratec�ion of Lender's R�ghts �n the Proper�y. �f Borrawer fails to perform �he covenants and agreements
<br /> con�ained in�his Security Zns�rum�nt, or there�s a I�gal.pr�ceed�ng�hat may sagnificantly affect Lender's r�ghts in
<br /> the Praperty �such as a pra�eeding xn ban.�ruptcy, proba�e, for cond�mnation or farfeiture or to enforce �aws or
<br /> regulations�, �hen Lender may �o and pay for v��hatev�r is necessa�-y �o pro�ect the valu� of the Proper-t� and
<br /> Lend�r's riah�s�n the Propert�.Lender'�a�ti�ns may in��ude paying any sums secured by a lien which has prior��y
<br /> over�his Se�urity Znstrumen�, appearix�g in cour�,pay�ng reasonable attorneys'fees and enter�ng an the Propert�y to
<br /> make re�a�rs.Although L�nder may take action under this s�ction,Lender does not ha�e xa do sa.
<br /> Any arn�unts disbursed by Lender un�ler this sec�i�n sha11 be�ome add�t��nal debt af Borro�ver secured b�r this
<br /> Security Instrum.�n�. Unless Borrfl��er and Lender agree ta other ��rms of paymen�, these amaunts shal� bear
<br /> �2Qfl4-2�I�Cvfnpliance Systems,Inc.FDb4-78A3-2D 13i.2.1�_1.895
<br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Security Instrurrient DL2D35 Page 2 af 5 w�rw.cQmp�iancesystems.carn
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