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<br /> Home Federal Sa�ings&Loan Assoc�at�on af Home Federal Sa�ings&Loan Assnciat�an of
<br /> Grand Island Grand Is�and
<br /> 221 S�u�h Locust S�reet �Zl Sou�h Lo�ust Stree�
<br /> GRA�D ISLA�D,NE GS$U1 GRAl�]]ISLAND,NE 68501
<br /> �Space Abo�e This Line F�r Recording�ata}
<br /> L�AI�4RIGINAT�R C�MPANY NA�E:Home Federa�Sa�ings&L�an ASso�iat��n of�rand Island
<br /> NMLS��MPANY�DENTIFIER: 446443
<br /> LaAN�RIGINAT�R NAME:�hr�s Kaskie
<br /> �MLS�RI�INAT�R��ENT�F�ER:4946G8
<br /> I�EEI� �F TRUST
<br /> SY THIS i)�ED �F TRUST}
<br /> THI S DEED �F TRL7ST �"Secur�ty Ins�rurnent"� �s made �n July 14, ��15. The gran�ors ar� SC�TT IVI
<br /> CAMER�I�T and�VENDY L CAM�R�N,HUSBAND A�D"L�IFE,whase address rs 843 SA�E�V��D AVE,
<br /> �RA�D ISLAN�, Nebraska 68803�-4�51 �"Barrower''}. Lo�-�ro�ver is nat necessarx�y �he sarne as the Person or
<br /> Persons who sign �he Hom� Equity L�ne of Credit Agreement, da�ed Ju�y ��, ZDI 5 ("��ntrac�"}. The
<br /> obligat�ons of Borr�vvers wh� did n�t s�bn�he�antract are explained fur�her�n the section�it�e�i Su�cessars and
<br /> Assigns Bound; Jain� and Se�eral Liab���ty; Accamm�da�xan Signers. The trustee is Arend R. Baacky
<br /> A�torney wh�se addr�ss is P.a. Box 79�, Grand Island,Nebraska 6880� �"TrusteeT'�. The beneficiary is Home
<br /> F�dera� Savings c� Lnan Ass��iat��a �f�rand Island, which is organi�ed and exis�ing under the laws of�he
<br /> United S�a�es af Arnerica and wh�se ad�ress is 2Z1 �vuth Locust Stree�, Grand Is�and, Nebrasl�a ��5�1
<br /> �"Lend�r"�. SC�TT M CAMER�N and�ENDY L�AMER�N have en�ered in�o a��ntract wz�h Lender as of
<br /> July 1�, 2D15,under�he terms of whzch Barrawer may, from�ime to��me, a�tain advan�es no���exceed, at any
<br /> Twenty Thousand and UUIl�� Doilars �U.S. $20,���.��} �"Credit Limit"�. Any par�y xn�erested ix�. the details
<br /> related�o Lender's continuing�b��ga�ian to ma�e advances to Borrawer is adv�sed�o cansuit dzr���1y wi�h Lender.
<br /> If not paxd �ariier, the sums owin.g ur�der Borrower's Con�rac� with Lender will be due an July 15, 2�Z0. This
<br /> Secur�ty �r�stru�nen� secures to L�nder: �a� �he repayment of the de��under�he �ontrac�, with interest, includix�.g
<br /> fu�ure ad�ances,and a�l renewals,extensions and rnodif ca��ons af the Con�ra��; �b}the payment of a��o�her sums,
<br /> w��h�n�erest, adv�anced��pro�ect the security of�his Security Instrumen�under the proviszans �f the sectxon�itled
<br /> Pratec�ian of Lend�r's Righ�s in the Proper�y;and�c}the perf�rmanc�of Borrower's co�enant�and agreements
<br /> under�hzs Securi�y Instrument and the Contrac�. For th�s purp�se, Borrower, �n consxdera�ion af the deb�and the
<br /> trust herein crea�ed,zrre�ocab�y gran�s and�onveys�o Trus�ee,�n trus�,w�th p�wer af sa�e,the fo�i�wing described
<br /> proper�y Iocated in the C[�TJN�TY of HALL,State of Nebraska:
<br /> Address:843 SAGE�V���AV�,�RAND ISLAND,I�ebraska 6�543-4951
<br /> Legal D�scriptiion: L�T �NE IIUNDRED F�UR �104}, LARIJE SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY �3F
<br /> T�GETHER ��TH a�� �he i.mpro�ements no� or herea�ter erected on the property, and a11 eas�ments,
<br /> appurtenan�es, and fi�tures now or hereafter a part af�he pr�perty. A��replacemen�s and add��ions sha�� also be
<br /> �overed �y �his 5ecur�ty Instrum�nt. AI� of the farega��g �s referred to zn th�s Securit}r Ins�rument a� the
<br /> "Pr�perty."
<br /> B�RR�WER��VENANTS tha�Borraw�r�s lawfui�y seised of the es�ate h�reby conveyed and has�he right ta
<br /> gran� and con�ey the Property and �hat �he Prap�r�y �s unen�umbered, except far encumbran��s of re�ard.
<br /> Snrrower warrants and wi�l defend genera�iy�h� ti��e �o �he Praperry aga�ns� al� cla�ms and demar�ds, subj ect t�
<br /> any encumbrances of rec�rd.
<br /> Borrower and Lender co�enan�and agre�as fo��ows:
<br /> Cc�2004-2014 CampIiance Systems,��c.FD6D-78A3-Z�I3LZ.��.1.895
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Secur�ty Instrument DL��35 Pa�e i a�5 www.compliancesysterns.corn
<br />