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��15�4759 <br /> D��C� �3F TR�JST <br /> �Con#snued} Rage s <br /> Trustor`s property, any assignment far the ben�fit af cred+tars, any ty�e of creditar workvut, ar the <br /> �ommencemen�of any proceeding unde�r any bankruptcy o�insoi�ency laws by or against Trustor. <br /> Tak�ng v�the Prape�ty, �4ny creditor ar governmental agency tri�s to take any of the Properky ar any o#he�af <br /> Trus�or's properky in which Lender has a lien. Tnis includ�s taking o�, garnishing a� or levying on Trus�or's <br /> ac�our�ts with Lender. Howe�er, if 7rustor disputes in govd faith whether the �lairn on which �he taking af t�e <br /> Proper�y is hased is �arlid or reasonable, and i� Trusfivr �ives Lender written notice of th� c�aim and fu rn�shss <br /> Lender with moni�s or a surety bond satisfa�tory to Lende�to sat�sfy#he cfaim,then �his defauit pro�ision wiil no� <br /> app�y. <br /> Breach of��her Agreement. Any breach by Trustor under the te�ms of any othe�agreement between Trusto�and <br /> Lender that is no� remedied within any g�ace pe�iad pro�ided �her�in, including withflut limitat�on any agreement <br /> ��ncerning any indebtedness ar ather obfigation af Trustvr to Lender,whe�he�exi��ing now o�1ate�. <br /> E�ents Affecting Guaran#Qr. Any of the preced�ng even#s�c�urs with �espect to any guarant��, endorser, sure#y, <br /> �r ac��mmodat�on party o�any ❑�the fndebtedness or any guarant�r, endors�r� sur�ty, ar accommodation pa�ty <br /> dies or be�om�s in�arnpe�ent, or re�okes ar disputes the �alidity of, ar I�ability under, any �uaranty af the <br /> �ndebted ness. <br /> Exist�ng Ind�btedness. The payment af any installment of principal or any in#erest on the Ex3sting Indebtedness is <br /> not made within th�time required by the promiss�ry nate eviden�ing such indebtedness, or a d�faul#accurs under <br /> the inst�umen�securing such indebtedness an� �s no��ured during any app�icabie graGe periad in such instrument, <br /> �r ar�y suit or ather action is cammenced ta f�reci�se any exis�ing lien on the Prope�#y. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. lf an Even�af Default occurs under this Deed of Trus#, at any�ime thereaftsr, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exe�cise any one or more o�the foi�vwing rights�nd remedies: <br /> Accele�ativn Upan ❑efau�t; A�d�tiona! Remedies. I�F any ��ent of�efav��occurs as pe���e ter�s flf the Note <br /> secured hereby, Lender may dec�are al! lnde�t�dness se�ured by this Deed of Trus�to be due and payable and <br /> the same sha��thereupan becam� due and payable withou�any presentiment,demand,profest or natice of any <br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> (a} Either in pers�n ❑r hy agent, with ar without bringing any aci�on o� p�oceeding, or f�y a r�ceiWer <br /> appainted by a cour�and withaut rega�d �� the adequa�y of its security, ente��upon and take possessi�n <br /> o��he Prope�ty,or any par�thereaf, in its awn name or in the name of Trustee, and do any ac�s which it <br /> deems necessary or d�sirabie to preserve the�alue, marke�abiiity or�entability of the Property,�r part of <br /> the Pr�perty ar interest in the Prapert�; increase the income frorn the Property or p�-ot�ct�he securi#y of <br /> the Property; and, with or withaut taking possessior� �f the Property, sue for or othervuise �ailec� �he <br /> rents, issues and profi�s ❑f th� Property, including those pa�t due and unpaid, and apply�he same, less <br /> ca�ts�nd expenses of aperatian and�vilectian at�a�neys'fees,�a any indeb�edness seGured by#h�s Deed <br /> af Trus�, a!� in such orde� as Lender may determine. The entering upon and takin� possession of �he <br /> Prop�rty, the collect�on a�such ren#s, 155UB5 and profits, and the applica#�on thereof shall no� cure or <br /> wai�e any default or na�ice af defiault under this �eed o�Trust�r in�a�idate any act don� in resp�nse ta <br /> su�h defauit❑r pursuant tfl such natF�e ofi default; and, notwithstanding the c�ntinuan��in �ossession of <br /> the Property or the co�fection, receipt and appiication of rents, issues vr prafits, Trust�e ar Lender shai� <br /> be en��tled t�exercise ev�ry right p�ovided far in the�late or the Related Dvcuments or by law upon �he <br /> ac�urrenc�ofi any event of defauit, includ�ng#he right fio exercise the power of sa�e; <br /> t�} �ommen�e an act�on to�are�sos�this Deed a�Trust as a mortgage, appo�nt a�ecei�er or speci#�ca�ly <br /> enfor�e an�.a�#h�covenan�s hereaf; and <br /> (c} ❑el��er t�Trustee a writ�en d�claration af de�ault and demand fo�sale and a written n�t�c�af defau�t <br /> and el�c�ion to cause Trustor's interes#in #he Pr�p�rty to be s�ld,which notice T�ustee sha�l cause ta be <br /> duly filed for recvrd�n the appropr�ate o�fices of the Gounty in which the Property is located; and <br /> �d} 1N��h resp��t to all ar any part of�h� Persona!Proper�y, L�nd�r shall ha�e al�the righ�s and �emedies <br /> of a secur�d par#y under the Nehraska Uniform Gammercial�ade, <br /> F�rec�osure by Power o#Sa�e. If Lender elects to foreclose�ay exer��€sa of the Powe�v�Sale herein cantained, <br /> Lend�r shai� natify Trustee and shall deposit wi�h Trustee this ❑eed of Trus#and the Nate and such reGeipts <br /> and eviden�e of expenditures made and secured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may r��uire. <br /> �a� Upan�e��ipt of sucY�noti�e fram �ender,Trustee sha�1 cause to be record��, pub�ished and de��vered <br /> to Trus��r such Notice c�f Defauft and Nofiice o�Sa1e as then required by f�w and by�his Deed �f Trust. <br /> � Trus#ee sha�l, withc�ut demand ❑n Trustor, aft�r such time as may then be required hy law and a�ter� <br /> re�or�ation of su�h Natice af❑�fauit and afte�Natice af Safe ha�ing been given as required by law, sPi� <br /> the Praperty at the�ime and pia�e o� sa�� fixed by it in such h�o�ice of Saie, either as a whole, or in <br /> separate�nts ar parc�ls or it�ms as Trustee shail deem expedient, and in such o�der as it may deter�m�ne, <br /> a#publ�c auction�a the highes�bidder�or cash in lawf'ul mon�y Qf the Unit�d S�a��S payable a�the time <br /> a�F sale, Trustee shail deli�er tv such purchaser ar purchas�rs th�reof i�s good and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds convey�ng the prflperty sa said, bu�with�u� any covenan� or warranty, �xpres� �r impiied. The <br /> �ecita�s in such de�d of any mat�ers o�r facts shail be conciusive praof o�the truth�uiness thereo�. Any <br /> person, including without limitation Trustor,Trus#ee, or L.ender,may purchase at such sale. <br />