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��15�4759 <br /> �E�I� C3F T'RUS1� <br /> �C��ltinu��� Page 7 <br /> �b} As rnay b� permitted by law, after deducting ail casts, fees and �xp�nses of Trus�ee and a�th�s <br /> Trust, including casts of evid�nce of titfe in connec#ion with sa�e,Trustee sha�!appEy�he pro�eeds�f sale <br /> �o payment of �i}all s�ms expended unde��he terms of this Deed af T�ust or under the terms af the Nate <br /> n�t then repaid, in�iud�ng but no� limited ta accrued in�e�est and la�e charges, (ii} a�l other sums the�� <br /> seGured he�eby,and (�ii}�he remainder, E�any,ta�he person ar persans�egally entit�ed#hereto. <br /> [c} Trustee may in the manner pra�ided by�aw pastpone sale a�all or any po�kion of the Proper#y. <br /> R�medies Not Exclusive, Yrustee and Lender, a�d each o� thern, shall be entitled #o en�nr�e paymer�t and <br /> perforrnance�f any in�ebt�dn�ss or ahligatians sec�red hy this Deed❑f Trust and ta exercise aEi rights and powe�s <br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the Note, under any of the Related ❑ocurnents, �r under any other agreement or <br /> any iaws now❑r her�af�er in force; no�v+ii�hstanding, some or ali �f such indeb�edness and abliga#ians secur�d by <br /> this Deed v�Trus�may n�w or herea�ter be❑�h�rwise secured, whe�her by mor�gage, deed of trust, pledge, lien, <br /> ass�gnment vr atherwis�, Neither the acceptanc� a� �his ❑eed of Trust n�r �ts enfio�rcemen#, whe�her by court <br /> ac�ion ar pursuant to �he pvwer o�sa�� ar o#he�pouvers contain�d in this �eed of Trust, shall pre�ud�ce or in any <br /> manner affect Trustee's ar Lend�r`s right to r�alize upan ar enfar�e any ather secur�ty now or her�afte� he�d by <br /> Yrus��e or Lende�, it�eing agreed that Trus#ee and Lender, and each af th�m, shall be enti�led to enfior�e�his Deed <br /> af Trus�and any other security now ar hereaf#er held by Lender ar Trustee in such �rd�r and mann�r as they or <br /> either af�hem may �n �heir absaiut� discret�on det�rmine. No �emedy conferred upon vr reserved to Trustee or <br /> Lender, is int�nded�a b�ex�iusive�f any❑th�r remedy in this❑eed of Trust or by�aw pravid�d or permitted, but <br /> e�ch sha�E be cumulati�e and shail be �n addition to e�ery o�h�r remedy given in th�s Deed of Trust or now or <br /> he�eafter ex�sting at law or�n equity or by s�atute. Every pawer or remedy given by the�lote or ar�y of�he Related <br /> D�cuments �o Trustee or Lender ar ta wh�ch either of �hem may be othenN�se entitled, may be exer�ised, <br /> concurrently or independently,from �im�to time and as aften as may be deemed expedi�n�by Trus�ee a�Lender, <br /> and either ❑f them may pursue inconsisten� remedies. Nothing in this ❑eed of Trus� shal! be �onstru�d as <br /> prahibiting Lender from se�king a def�ciency#udgmer�t against the Trustor ta the ext�nt�uch action is perrnst�ed by <br /> I aw. <br /> E�ec�ion of Remed�es. All a� Lender's rights and remedies wi�l he cumulati�e and may be exercise� alone or <br /> ta�eth�r. �f Lender dec�des ta spend maney ar t� perFarm any of Trus�ar's �b�igations under th�s Deed of Trust, <br /> a�ter Trustor's fai�ure t� d� so, that decisian by Lender w�il n�t affec� Lender's r�ght t� declare Trustor in default <br /> and to�xercise Lende�'s remedies. <br /> R�quest far Notice. T�ustor, on behalf�f Trustar and Lender, here�y requests�hat a �opy of ar�y No�ice�f D�favlt <br /> and a�opy a�any Natice ot Sale under this �eed o�Trust�e maiied'�a them at the addr�sses set�orth in fhe first <br /> paragraph of th is aeed of T�ust. <br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or action �o enfarce any ❑f the te�rns Q�th is ❑eed a�F <br /> T'rust, Lender shall be entitled t� recover such sum as the caurt rnay ad�udge reasvnable as at�orneys'��es a�tria� <br /> and upon any appeal. �lVhether or nat any cQurt ac#ion is invoiWed, and to the extent nat prohibi�ed by law, afi <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incu�s �hat �n Lend�r's opinion are necessary at any time for the protectian of its <br /> in��r�st ar the enfar��ment af its r�ghts shall be�ome a part af the �ndebtedness payable on demand and shall bear <br /> interest at the IVote ra�e from�he da�e fl�the expenditure untii r�pa�d. Expenses covered by this paragraph inc[ude, <br /> without lirnitatian, howe�er subjec�to any limits under applicable law, Lender's attorneys'fees and Lend��'s }ega! <br /> expenses, whether or no# �here is a lawsui�, inc�uding attorneys' fe�s and expenses far bankrup#�y proc�edings <br /> �including efforts�o modify or vacate any au�omatic stay ar injunctian}, appeals,and any anticipated�ost-}udgment <br /> co�le��iQn se�vices, the cast ❑f s�archin� records, �bta�ning�i�le rep��ts �including fore�lasure reports), surveyors' <br /> rep��ts, and appraisai fees, tit�e insurance, and fees for the Trustee, to the extent permi�ted by applicable law. <br /> Trus�vr alsa wi��pay any caurt costs, in addit�an ta ail❑ther sums provided by�aw, <br /> Ri�hts vf Trustse. Trus�ee shall have al1 0��he rights and duties of Lender as set f��th in#his section. <br /> PDINERS AN❑ �BLiGAT�aNS DF TR�STEE. Th��o�Iowing pro�isions reiating#o the powe�rs and ob�igatfons o�Trustee <br /> are par�of this Dee�af Trust: <br /> Pauvers af Trustee. In additian tv aIl pawers af Trus#ee ar�s�ng as a matter af 1aw,Trus�ee sha11 ha�e the power ta <br /> �ake t�e fol�ovving act��ns wi�h�espec�t�th�PrQperty u�on the writt�n request of Lender and Trus�or: �a}join in <br /> p�eparing and f�ling a rnap or plat af the Real Prope�ty, including �he dedication o# streets or oth�r ri�hts to �he <br /> puhlic; �h} jain in granting any eas�ment or creat�ng any restr�ct�an on the Real Prape�ty; and �c� join in any <br /> suhordination or other agreemen#afF�cting this❑eed o�Trust or the interest of Lender under this�eed af Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trustee shafl meet a�l qualificat�ans ��quired for Trus�ee under applicable law, In additian ta the rights <br /> and remed�es set farth abo�e, wi�h respecf�a afl or any part of the Property, the Trustee shali ha�e #h� right to <br /> fo�ec�ose by no�ice �nd saie, and Lender wi!! ha�e the right�tv farecfose by judic€ai fareclosure, in ei�he� �as� in <br /> acc��dance with and tn the full ext�nt�ravided by applicable law. _ <br /> Successor Trustee. Lend�r, at Lender's optian, may from tim�tv time appaint a successar Trust�e t❑any Trus�ee <br /> appainted under this Deed of Trus� by an instrurnen�execu�ed and acknawl�dged by Lender and rec�rded in the <br /> af���e o�the recvrder o�HALL �vun�y, Sta�e af Nebraska. The inst�umen� shalt con�ain, in ac�di�ion ta all other <br /> matters �equired by s�ate law, tne names of the arigina� Lender, Trustee, and TrustQr, �he bovk and page �or <br /> computer system reference} where this Deed of Trust is recorded, and the name and address a�the successor <br /> trustee, and the instrument sha�l be executed and a�knawiedged by a1�the b�nefciaries under this Deed af Trust ar <br />