<br /> . �EE[� C3F TRUS�"
<br /> �C�n��nu��� Page �
<br /> a�a�labie remedies �or an Event �� Default as prov�ded belflw unless Trustor eith�r ��} pays the tax befare it
<br /> beco�es de�inquent, or ��} �antests t#�e tax as prav�ded abo�e in the Taxes and Lien�section and deposits wi�h
<br /> Lender cash or a su�Ficien�carporate sure�y bond ar other securi#y sa�isfacto�y ta Lende�.
<br /> SE�URITY A�REE�ENT; FINANC�N� STATEMENTS. The �o��owing prflvisions re�ating ta th�s Deed o� Trust as a
<br /> secur�ty a�r�eement are a part a�this Deed v�Trust:
<br /> Securi�y Agreemen#. This instrumen# snall Gonst�#ute a Security Agreement to the extent any o�the Property
<br /> canstitutes fx�ures, and L�nder shall haWe all of the r�gh�s of a secured party under the Llnif�rm Commer�ial Cc�de
<br /> as amended��om time to tim�.
<br /> 5ecur��y In�erest. llpan request �y Lende�, Trus#or shall take wha�e�er actian is requested by L�nde�ta per�ect
<br /> and con�inue Lender's s��ursty inte+r�st in #ne Pe�sonal Prope�ty. !n addition to re�ording this �3eed o�T�rusf in the
<br /> real praper#y records, Lender�may, a# any #irne and wi#haut furthe� au#hori�a�ian f�om Trustflr, fi�e executed
<br /> counterpar�s, copies o� repr�ductions o� this ❑eed o� Trus� as a financing statemen#. Trus�or shall reim�urse
<br /> �ender for aii expenses fncurred in perF�cting or contin�ing this s�curity int�rest. Up�n�e�ault, Trustor shall not
<br /> rerno�e, se��:r or detach th� Pe�sonal Property fram the Praperty. Upon defauit, T�us�or shai! assemble any
<br /> Persvnaf Prap�rty no# affi�ced tc� th� Property in a rnanner� and at a place reasonabfy con��nient �a Trustar and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ai�ab�e �o Lender w�thin fhree �3} days after receip# of written demand fram Lender to the
<br /> ex#ent pet�mi�ted by applicable 1aw.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustor �debtar� and L�nder (s�cured party} frarn which info�mati�n
<br /> cancerning the secur�ty �n�er�st granted by this Deed af Trust may be ab#ained �eac���s required hy the Uniform
<br /> Comm�rc�ai Code}a�e as sta#�d on�he�i rs�page o�th is D��d of Trust,
<br /> FURTHER A�SURANCES; ATTC]RNEY-IN-FACT. The foi�awing pro�isions reiating to fur�h�r assuran�es and
<br /> attorney-in-fact are a part of�his❑eed af Trust:
<br /> Furt�er Assurances. A�any �ime, and from time to time, upon reques# ❑f Lender, Trust�r wil� make, execut� and
<br /> deli�er, or�vill cause to be rnade,exeeuted ar deli�e�ed,to L�nder ar�o L�nder's designee, and wh�n re�uested by
<br /> Lender, cause to he filed, r�corded, refiied, vr rer�carded, as th�e case may he, at such times and in such �ffEces
<br /> and pla�es as �ender may deern ap��vpriat�, any and al4 su�h martgages, deeds af trust, securi�y deeds, se�urity
<br /> agreements, financing �tatements, continuatinn statements, instruments vf furth�r assurance, c�rti�icates, and
<br /> oth��documents as rnay, in the sole opiniot� of Lender, be necessary vr desirabie in o�der to effectuate, cample�e,
<br /> perf'ec#, c�ntinue, ar pr�serve �'l} Trustor's abligations un�i�� the �lo�e, t#��s 'Deed of Trust, and the Relafed
<br /> Documents, and �2} the liens and se�urity in�er�s�s�rea�ed by this Deed of Trust on the Praper�y,whe�her now
<br /> owned or hereafter acquired by Trustor: Unless prQhibit�d by iaw ar Lender agr�es to the contrary in writ�ng,
<br /> Trustor sha�! reimburse Lend�r for aii costs and expenses incurred in cann�ct�on with�he matters ref�rre�ta�n t�is
<br /> paragra�h.
<br /> Ai�orney-in-Fac#. If Trustor fai�s ta do any v�the#hings referred t� �n the preced€ng paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> �or and in�h�natr�e o�Trustor and at Trus�ns's expense. Fv�suc#� p�rposes, Trustor hereby irrevocabiy appa�nts
<br /> Lender as Trustar's attarney-in-fact far the purpase o�making, �x�cuting,del��ering,fiiing, recording, and daing all
<br /> other things as may be necessary or desira�le, in Lender's sole op�nion, �o accomp�ish th� matt�rs referred to in
<br /> th�preceding parag�aph.
<br /> FLILL PERFORMANCE. I� Trus#vr pays al� the Indeb#edness when due, and atherwise pe�far�rns all th� ob�igatians
<br /> impos�d upon Trustar under �his Deed o� Trus#, Lender shal� exeeute and deliWer to Trus#ee a reques# for fufl
<br /> recon�reyan�e a�d shall ex�cute and del�ver ta Trust�r suitab�e sta�ements af termin�tion af any f nancing s�atement on
<br /> fiie ev�dencing Lend�r's s�curity interes#in the Rents and the Persanai Property. Any rec�n�ey�nce fe�requ�red hy law
<br /> shal�bs paid by T�ustor, if permitted by appl�cab�e�aw,
<br /> EVENTS QF DEFA�iLT. At Lender's op�ion, Trusto�r wiil b� in defauit unde�-this Deed of Trust if any of the following
<br /> happen:
<br /> Payment Default. Trus�ar faiis t❑make any payrnent when due under tt�e Indebtedness.
<br /> B�eak �ther Promise$, Trustar breaks any promise made to �ender ar fails to pe�form prompt�y at the time and
<br /> s�rictfy in the manner pro�ided in th�s D�ed of T'rust�r in any agreement rel�ted to this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Compf�an�e De#ault. Failure to �amply with any ❑th�r t�rm, obligation, covenant ar condition contained in this
<br /> Dee�af Trust,the Nat��r in any of the Reia�ed Documents.
<br /> De�aui't an C]ther Payrr�ents, Failure af Trus�o�w4thin the time��quired hy this need af�rust ta make any payment
<br /> for taxes or insurance,or an}�other payment necessary�o pre�en#fi�ing of vr�o effe�t discha�ge of any�ien.
<br /> False 5ta#ements. Any representat�on or sta�ement mad�or furnished to Lende�by Trus�or or on Trust�r'�behalf
<br /> under this Deed❑�Trus�o€�the Re�a�ed Documents is fa�se or mis�ead�ng in any ma�erial respec�, �ither now or at
<br /> #he t�me made or furnished.
<br /> Defecti�e Colla�eral��atian. ThiS �eed of Trust or'�r�y o��he Related ❑vcuments ceases tv be in full force and
<br /> effec# �includ�ng failure o�any cailaterai document to create a �alid and pe�fect�d secur�ty interest or I�en} a�any
<br /> time and for ar�y r�ason. �
<br /> Death ar Insvivency. The death�f Trustvr,the inso�ver�cy of Trustor,the a�apaintment of a�eeeiver far arry pa�k of
<br />