<br /> C]EED �F TRL�ST
<br /> ���]r]ttt�U�d} Page 4
<br /> �he Not�; or {C} be treated as a bailoon payment which will be due and paya�fe at the No#e's ma�uri�y. The❑eed af
<br /> T�us�also w�il secure payrnent o�these amounts, The rights prvvided for in this �aragraph sha[I be in additian to any
<br /> a�her rights or any remedies to which Lender may be entitled on account of any default. Any such action by Lender
<br /> shall no�be canstrued as curing the defaul�s❑as to bar Lender from any remedy�hat it❑thenNise wauid ha�e had.
<br /> 1NARRANTY; ❑EFENSE aF T1TLE. The fo�lowir7g pr��isior�s relating ta vwne�ship af the Prope�y are a pa��f th�s❑eed
<br /> af Tr�ust:
<br /> Title. Trustor vvarrants that: (a} Trustor holds good and mark�table ti�le of record to the Property in fee sirn�le,
<br /> free and clear af afl liens and en�um�rances o�he��han those s�t forth in the Reai Praperty de�criptian or in the
<br /> Existing indeb�edness sectian below or ir� any ti�fe insuranc�policy, title�epor�, or f€naf ti�le opinion issu�d �n�avor
<br /> ❑f, and accepte� by, Lender in connection with this Deed of Trus�, and �b}Trustor has th� fuli right, power, and
<br /> au�harity�o execu�e and delEv�r�h is Deed of Trust to Lende�.
<br /> Qefens� of Title. Subject to the exception in the paragraph above, Trustor warrants and wil� fvr�v�� defend fhe
<br /> ti��e t�the Property against th� iawfu! claims of al� persans. !n the e��nt any actian ar proceeding is commence�
<br /> �ha#questions Trustor's title❑r the interest❑f Trus�ee�r Lender ur�d�r#his Deed of Trus�,Trustor shali defend th�
<br /> actian a�Trustar's expense. Trus�or may be�he n�minal pa�y �n such proceeding, but Lende�sha�l be entitled ta
<br /> partieipat� in the praceeding and �o be represented in the pr�ceeding �y counsel af Lender's own �hoice, and
<br /> Trustor wif�de�iver, or cause ta be de�ivered,#o Lender such instrumen�s as Lender may request from time ta time
<br /> to permit such par�icipation.
<br /> Campliance Vllith Laws. Trustor warrants tha� �he Property and Tru�tor's use af#he Prope�y complies wi�h all
<br /> existing ap�lica�le laws, ardinanees,and regula�ions of ga�ernm�nta!au#horities.
<br /> 5urvi�al of Prom�ses. Af! promises, agreements, and statements Trustor has made in this Deed of Trust shal�
<br /> survive the execu#ian and deli�e�y of this ❑eed of Trust, shaii be continuing in nature and shall remain in fu�!force
<br /> and���ect until such time as Trustar's Cndebtedness is paid in ful�.
<br /> EXISTING�NDEBTEC]NE55. The�allowin� pra�isions�flnc�rn�ng Existing Ind�bt�dness are a part of�his❑eed of T�-ust:
<br /> Existing Lien. The lien of �his Deed of T�-ust secur�ng #he Indebtedness may be secvndary and inferior ta an
<br /> existing lie�. Tr�s���expressly ca�enants and agrees#o pay, or see t�th� payment❑�, th� Existing �nd�h�edn�ss
<br /> and ta prev�nf any defaul�an �uch�ndeb#edness,any default under the instruments e�id�ncing such ind�b�edness,
<br /> ar any default under any security documents for such indebtedness.
<br /> No Modi��cat�on. Trustor shai� not enter �nto any agreement wi�h the ho�der of any mar�gage, deed of trust, or
<br /> o�her securi�y agreemen� wh�ch has priority a�er #his Deed of Trust by which �hat agreement is madi�ied,
<br /> amended, extended, or renewed wi�haut th� priar written consent of Lende�. Trustor shall ne�ther reques� n�r
<br /> accep�at�y future adWances under any such se�urity agreemer��withau#the prior writt�n cansen�of Lende�.
<br /> C�NDEMNATi�N. The folf�wing provisians relating ta condemnatton prflceedings are a part of this��ed af Trust:
<br /> Proceedings. 1� any proceeding in c�ndemnat�on is filed, Trustor s�a�l prompt�y nQ�ify Lender in wri�ing, and
<br /> Trustor shall promptly take such st�ps as may be necessary to defend �he action and ❑btain the auvard. Trus�ar
<br /> may be the nominai party in such proceeding, bu�Lender shall be entitled to par��c�pate in the praceeding and to be
<br /> represented in the praceeding hy counse[ o�its awn chaice, and Trus#or wiil deli�er �� cause �o be delive�ed to
<br /> Lender sueh instruments and dacumentat�on as may b� r�qu�sted by Lender frarn time tc� time to permit such
<br /> participation.
<br /> Application v#Net ProGeeds. If alf �r any part o�the Property is c�ndernned by eminent domain praceed�ngs or by
<br /> any pro�e�ding or purchase in lieu of condemnatian,Le�der s�ay af i�s elec�ion r�quire that all or any parkion of the
<br /> net pr�eeeds of the award be app�ied to the indebt�dness ❑r the repair vr restoration afi the Property. The net
<br /> proceeds of the award sha!! mean�he award after paymen�o�all reas�na���cos�s, expenses, and attorneys'fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in connection wi�h the condemnation.
<br /> I[VIP�51Ti0N �F TA7[ES, FEES AN D CHARGES BY GUVERNMENTAL AUTH[�RlT1ES. The�oilowing provisians rela�ing
<br /> �o ga�ernmental�axes,fees and charges are a pa�of this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and �h�rges. Upon reque�t by Lender, Trustor shalf execute su�h documents in additi�n ta
<br /> this ❑�ed❑f Trust and take whatever other a�tian i� re�uested by Lender�o pe�ect an��ont�r�ue Lender's�i�r�on
<br /> the Rea! Praperty. Trustor shail re�mbu��e Lender for ail taxes, as d�s�ribed below, toge�her wi�h all expenses
<br /> incurred in r��ording, perfecting �r continuing this Deed of Trust, including withau� limitation ai� taxes, fees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and❑ther charges for recor�d�ng ar r�giste�ing�his f�eed of Trust.
<br /> Tax�s. Th� follouv�ng sha[i consti#u#e tax�s to which this s�ct�on applies: {'�� a specif�c �ax upon �his ty�e c�f
<br /> fleed ��f Trust or upon aiI ❑r any part of the lndebfedness secur�d hy this ❑eed of Trust; ��} a specific tax on
<br /> Trustar which Trustor is authorized or required tfl deduct fram p�yrnents on the �nd�btedn�ss secured by thi�type
<br /> of Deed o�Trust; [3} a tax an this type vf Deed❑f Trust chargea�ie against�he Lender or#he holder a�the Nate;
<br /> and �4} a specific tax on all or any portion of th�Indebtedness or on paymen�s vf principal and interes�made by
<br /> T�ustor.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which this sect��n applies �s ena�ted su�sequer�t �o th� date of this De�d a�
<br /> Trust, �his event shali ha�e #he same effe�� as an Event of I7e�ault, and Lender may �xercise any ar a�t of its
<br />