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Z�15��555 <br /> ❑EED �F TF�UST <br /> ��ont�r�ued� ���� 3 <br /> wi�Chin twenty���� d�ys; ❑r f 2� if the cure requ�res more than fiwenty �2D� days, immediately initiates steps which <br /> Lender d�ems in Lend�r's sol� discretion to be sufficient to cure the defauft and �h�reaf�er continues and <br /> Gornp�etes all reasanahle and necessary steps su��icient��produce c�mpliance as saan as reasonably practical. <br /> RIGHITS AND REI�lfEDiES �iN DEFALILT. Up�n the occurrence of any E�ent �f Defiau[t under any indebtedness, ar <br /> shauld Borr�wer or Trustor fail �o comply with any v� gorrovuer's �r Trusto�'s flbliga�Ci�ns under this ❑eed �f Trust, <br /> Trustee or Len�er m�y exercise any one or mare of the�ollowing rights and remedies: <br /> e4�celerafiion LJpon Default; Add�tional Remedies. lf any E�ent�f �efault occurs as per the t�rms o�f the Note <br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare all Indebtedness secured by this De�d ��Trus�to be due and payahle and <br /> the same shall ther�upan be�ome due and payable without any presentment, demand, protest or notice o�any <br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> {a} Either in pers�n or k�y agent, wifih or without bringing any action �r proceeding, ❑r hy a re�ei�er <br /> appointed by a eourt and without regard t� the adequacy o�its s�curity, enter upfln and take possess�an <br /> of the Property, or any part thereof, in its ❑wn name or in �he name o�Trustee, and da any acts which i� <br /> deems necessary or desirab[e to pr�serve the �alue, marketability or r�ntabili'�y af the Property, or part af <br /> the Property t�r interest in the Proper�y; increase the incorn� �r�m �he Proper�y or protect the security of <br /> tne Property; and, wi�h ar wi�hout taking possession of �he Proper�y, sue for �r �therwise colfect the <br /> rents, issues and profits of the Proper�y, including those past due and unpaid, and apply�he same, less <br /> costs and�xpenses of ap�rati�n and c���e���on at�arneys' fees,to any indebtedness s�cured by this Deed <br /> of Trust, all in such order as Lender may determine. The en�ering upan and taking possessian o�F the <br /> Property, the collection a� such rents, issues and pr�f�ts, and the application thereof shall not cur� or <br /> wai�e any defau[t or n�tice o�default under this Deed ai�Trus�ar in�alidate any a�t done in response t� <br /> such default or pursuant�a such notice o�defau[t; and, natvvithstanding the �ontinuanGe in possess�on o�f <br /> �he Property or the calleGtion, receip� and �pplication o� rents, issues or profits, Trustee or Lender shalf <br /> be entitled to ex�rcise every right proVided fvr in �he No-�e❑r the Related Documents❑r by law upan the <br /> ❑ccurr�nce ❑f any e�ent of defau[t, including�he right to exercise the power❑f sale; <br /> 4b] ��mmence an acti�n to�oreclose this Deed �f Trust as a mortgage, appaint a r�cei�er a�-speci-�ically <br /> enfor�e any of th�covenan�s hereof; and <br /> �c) Deli��r ta Trustee a writ�en de�lara#ion of de�ault and demand far sal�and a wri�ten notice of defaulfi <br /> and ele�tion tQ �ause Trus�or`s in�eres�in the Property to be sold, which no�i�e Trustee shal[ cause�o be <br /> duly filed�or recard in the appropriate o��ices a��he�ounty in which the Prvp�rty is fa�a�ed; and <br /> (d� With respe�t ta a[!ar any part o�the Personal Property, Lender shall have all the righ�s and r�medies <br /> of a secured party under the Nebraska Uniform Commercia[Code. <br /> Fvreclosure by Pow�r vf Sale. [f Lender efects to farec�ose by exercise of the Pawer of Safe here�n con�ain�d, <br /> Lender shall notify Trus�t�e and shall deposit wi#h Trus�ee this �eed o-�Trus� and the Nate and such receipts <br /> and e�idence af e�penditures made and secured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> �a} Upon receipt a-�such natice frvm Lender,Trustee shai� cause to be recorded, pu�lished and deli�ered <br /> to Trustor such No�tice o� Default and Notice of Sa[e as then requi��d by faw and by th�s C�eed vf Trust. <br /> Trustee sha�1, without demand on Trustor, af-ter such �ime as may then be required by law and after <br /> re�orda�ion o-�such Na�ice of���ault and after Notice o�Sale ha�ing been given as required hy law, sell <br /> �h� Praperty a� the time and pla�e ❑f sa[e fixed by it in such Nvtice o�F 5a1�, either as a whole, or in <br /> separate [ots or parcels or items as Trustee sha11 deem expedient, and in such order as i�rnay deterrnine, <br /> at publi� aucti�n to the highest bidder for cash in law�ui money vf the L1ni�ed S�ates payahle at the time <br /> of sale. Trustee shall deliver �� su�h pu��haser or purchasers �hereo�F its good and sufficient deed �r <br /> deeds con�eying the praperty 5D so[d, bu� without any �ovenant or warrantyr eX�]fE55 or implied. The <br /> r�ci�als in such deed of any ma�ters or �acts sha[l b� conclusi�e praof af�he truthfulness thereof. Any <br /> person, inc�uding withaut limitation Trustor,Trustee, ar Lender, may purchass a�k such sale. <br /> {b} As may be permit�ed by law, after deducting a[[ casts, f�es and expens�s a� Truste� and of this <br /> Trus�, including c�sts of e�id�nce�af-ti-tle in connection w�th sale,Trustee shall apply the prac�eds of sale <br /> to paymen�of {i) all sums expended under the terms❑f-�his �eed af Trust nr under the terms o�the No�e <br /> not then repaid, inc�uding but not limited �o accrued in�terest and [ate charges, �ii� all other sums then <br /> secured hereby, and �iii�the remainder, if any,t�th� person or persons legally enti�led thereta. <br /> {c} Truste�may in�he rnanner pravided by law pvstpvne sale of all �r any por�ivn❑f the Pr-operty. <br /> Remedies Not Ex�lusive. Trustee and Lender, and each of thern, sha11 be entitfed to enfnrGe payment and <br /> performance❑f any indebtedness or�bligatians secured by�his Deed vf Trust and t❑ e�er�ise a[� rights and p��rvers <br /> under this ❑eed of Trus�, under the Note, under an�of the Related Documents, or under any o�her agreernen� ar <br /> any laws now Qr hereafter in far�e; notwithstanding, s�m� or all ❑f such indebtedness and ob[igatians secured by <br /> this Deed af Trust may now or hereafter �e o�herwise secured, whether by m�rtgage� deed of trust, p�edge, lien, <br /> assignrnent or otherwise. hleither the a�c�ptance a� thi� Deed o� Trust nor ifis enforcernent, whether by court <br /> ac-�i�n or pursuant to the power of sa�e or Q�her povirers �onta�ned in this Deed o�Trust, shal[ prejudice a� in any <br /> mann�r affect Trustee's or Lender's right �o reali�e upon or enfarce any vther security now ❑r hereafter held by <br /> Trustee or Lender, �t being agr�ed tha�Trust�e and Lender, and each of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Deed <br /> of Trus� and an� other securi-�y now ar hereafter held by Lender or Trus�ee in such order and manner as they ar <br /> Pither �f them may in their absalute discretivn deterrnine. N❑ remedy c�nf�rred upon �r �-eser�ed t❑ Trustee or <br /> Lender, is in�ended to �e exclusi�e of any other r�rnedy in this ❑eed af Trust or by faw pro�ided or permitted. but <br /> each shall be cumulat��e and sha[� be in addi�ian to e�ery ather remedy given in th�s aeed of Trust ar n�w or <br /> hereafi�er existing at law or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy g���n�y the Nate ar any of the Related <br /> Dflcuments to Trustee or Lender ar to which �ither a� them may be o�herwise enli��fed, rnay I�e exercis�d, <br /> con�urrently or independcntly, from tirne to tirne and as often as may be deerned expedient by Trustee or Lender, <br /> and ei�her of �hem may pursue �n�onsisfient rernedies. Nothing in this Deed of Trust shall �e construed as <br /> prohibiting L�nder frorn seeking a deficiency judgmen�against the Trust�r�o the exten�su�h action is p�rmi-�ted by <br /> law. <br /> Election a�f Rer�ed�es. All a� Lender's rights and remedies w�ll be cumulati�e and may be exercised alone ar <br /> t�gether. �f Lender decides t� spend money or to perfarm any of Trustor's ob[�gations under this Deed af Trust, <br /> a�ter Trusfior`s failure to d� so, that decisi�n by Lender will not aFfect Lender`s right to declare Trus�or in default <br /> and to exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> .4 <br /> Requ�st fvr Na�kice. Trustor, on hehalf of Trustor and L�nder, hereby reques�s that a copy�f any Not�ce of ❑efau[t <br /> and a copy of any Natice o�Sale under this D�ed of Trust be rna��ed t❑them at the addresses set forth in the first <br /> paragraph❑�this ❑eed❑�F Trust. <br /> ►�ttor�eys' F�es; Expenses. 1�F Lender institut�s any suit or a�t�on to �nfar�e any o�F �he terms ❑f this ❑eed o-f <br /> Trust, Lender sha[[ be entit�ed t� recav�r su�h sum as the c�urt may adjudge reasonab[e as attorn�ys' �ees at tr�al <br /> and upon any appea�. Vllhether ar not any court action is in�olvedo and to the exten-� nr�t prohibi�ed by law, all <br /> reasonabl� expcns�s Lender incurs that in Lender's apinion are ne��ssary at any �ime for the pro�ect�on of its <br /> interest or�he en�F�rcement vf its rights shalf become a par�vf th� Indebtedncss payab[e on demand and sha[[ bear <br /> in�eres�at the Note rate��-om the date of�he exp�nditure unt��repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph includ�, <br />