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Z�15��555 <br /> �EE[] �F TRLJ�T <br /> ���ntinu�d� Pa�� � <br /> right, title ❑r interest in the Fiea[ Pr�p�rty; whether legal, heneficial or equi�able; whether �oluntary or inW�luntary; <br /> whether by outright saf�, deed, insta[irnent sa[e contract, land cantract, rontrac� �ar deed, leasehald in�erest with a <br /> term gr�ater than three {3} years, lease--optian cantract, or by sal�, assignment, or�ransfer of any bene�ic�ai int�res�in <br /> or to any land trus� holding title-�a the Real Proper�y, or by any ather method of conv�yance of an interest in the Reai <br /> Property, Haw�ver, �his �ption shall not he exer�ised by Lender if such exercise is prohF�ited by federal law or by <br /> Neb�aska law. <br /> TA�CES AN� L�E1VS. The follawing pro�isions relating ta the taxes and liens on th� Property are part of�his ❑eed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payrnen�. T�ustor sha11 pay when du� �and in all��ents priar�ta delinquen�y} aIl taxes,special taxes, assessments, <br /> charges �incfuding water and sewer}, fines and impositions fe�ied against or on accoun�C Q�the Property, and shalf <br /> pay when du� a�� �faims �or w�rk don� on or far ser�i�es rendered or ma�erial furnished ta the Property. Trustor <br /> sha[I maintain�he Praper-ty free a-F alf liens ha�ing priarity a�er ar equal to fihe interest of Lender under�I�is Deed of <br /> Trust, excep� for the lien Qf taxes and assessrnents not due, excep� fiar the Existing lndebt�dness referred to <br /> below, and except as a�herwise pro�ided in�his Deed of Trust. <br /> PR�PERTY DAM►�GE ENSURAN�E. The faff�wing pro�isions �e�ating�o in$uring the Property are a part o-f th�s ❑eed of <br /> Trust. <br /> ilrlain�enan�e of Insuran�e, Trustar shall pracure and main�ain policies �f ��re insurance with standard �xtended <br /> co�erage endorsemen�s fln a replacement basis for the full insurable �alue co�ering all fmpravemenfis on the Real <br /> Praper�y in an am�unt su��icient ta auoid appli�ation of any cainsurance cfause, and �rvith a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in fa�ar of Lender, toge�her wi�h such o�her ha�ard and liahility insurance as L�nder may reasonably require. <br /> Policies shall b� written in form, amounts, ca�erages and basis reasonably aGGeptable ta Lender and �ssued by a <br /> company or companies reasonably acceptabl� �a Lender. Trustar, upan reques� o# Lender, wilf deli�er to Lender <br /> �rvm time�o time�the policies ar certi�icates �f insurance in form satis#a�tory ta Lender, including stipu�ations that <br /> co�erages tirv�l[ na�t be cancelled ar cfiminished vvithout a� [east ten �1�� days prior wri�ten no�ice t� Lender. Each <br /> �nsurance p�licy als❑ shall include an en�orsement provid�ng that co�eraye in fa�or❑f Lender virill not be impaired <br /> in any v�ray�y any ac�, om�ssion ar de�au�t�-�Trustor or any other person. 5hould the �ieal Praperl;y be focated in <br /> an area designated by the Administrator of the Fed�ra[ Ernergency IV[anagement Agency as a special flaod I�azard <br /> area, Trustor agrees fio obtain and maintain Federa[ F[ood fnsuran�e, if a�ailable, far the �ull unpaid principal <br /> balance flf�he loan and any priar i�ens❑n the praperty securing the loan, up tfl the maximurn pol�cy limi-ts s�t under <br /> the Na�i�na[ Flood lnsurance Pragrarn, ar as �therwise required by Lender, and to rnaintain such insurance-�ar�he <br /> term af the[oan. <br /> LENDER'S E�PEN�1TU�iES. lf Trustor �ails {A} to keep the Property free �f all taxes, liens, securi�y interests, <br /> encurnbrances, and ath�r c[a�ms, �g} to pro�ide any requ�red insuran�e �n the Property, �C� to make r�pai�s to �he <br /> Property or �o comply with any �bliga#i�n to m�inta�n Existzng �ndeb-�edness in gaod standing as requir��i l�eio�rv, �then <br /> Lender may da so. �f any act�on ar proceeding �s commenced that wou(d ma�erialfy affect Lend�r's interests in �he <br /> Proper��, then LendPr on Trustor's beha�� rnay, but is nofi required �o, take any action that Lender belie�es to he <br /> appropriate to pro�ect Lender's interes�s. All expenses incurred or paid by L�nder �ar such purposes will th�n b�ar <br /> interest at the rate charged under th� IVate from the date in�urrPd or paid hy Lend�r �o the dat� of repayment by <br /> Trustor. All such expenses will k�ecorne a part of the �ndebtedness and, a�C L�nder's opti�n, wili �A� be paya�le an <br /> dernand; �B} �e added to the �alance �f the Nate and �e apportiflned amang and be payable with any instaffrnent <br /> payrnents fio become due during either �17 the term of any applicahle insuran�e poli�y; ar ��y the remaining terrn ❑f <br /> �he Note; or {C} be trea�ed as a ba�io�n payrn�nt v�rhich wiff be due and payable at the IVate's maturity. <br /> 1N►4R�iAWTY; DEFEIVSE❑F T1TLEe The f�[[awing provisians relating to ownership o�F the Prop�r�y are� part o�this Deed <br /> nf Trust: <br /> T�tle. Trus�or warrants that. �a� T�ustor ho[ds gaod and mark�table titie o� record t❑ the Praperty in -�ee simple, <br /> -�ree and clear of all liens and encumbrances �ther than those se�t forth in the F�eaI Praperty d�scription or in the <br /> Exis�ing Indebtcdness sec�ivn below or in any tit�e insuran�e poli�y, titie rep�rt, or�inal tit[e opin�on issued in fa�ar <br /> of, and accepted k�y, Lender fn cannection with �his ❑eed of Trust, and {b� Trustar has the full right, power, and <br /> authori�y-to execu�e and def i�er th�s Deed❑f Trust to Lender. <br /> ❑�fense of Title. 5uhject -�o the exception in the paragraph aba�e, Trustor warran�s and wi�� fore�er defend fihe <br /> ti�le to the Proper�Cy against the lawful claims of all persons. <br /> EiC�5T1NG lEVDEBTEDN�SS. The follouving pravisions concerning Exist�ng Indebtedness are a part of this ❑eed of T�ust: <br /> Existing Lien. The lien af this �3eed o� Trust securing the Indebtedness may be secondary and inferior to an <br /> existing lien. Trustor express[y co�enants and agrees to pay, or see t�the paymen�of, the E�cisting Indebtedn�ss <br /> an�ta pre�ent any defau�t�n such ind�btedness, any default under the instruments���dencing such indebtedness, <br /> or any defauit under any security docurnen-�s for such indeb�edness. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. At L�nder's �pt�an, Trustor v�rilf be in default under this Deed �f Trust if any of the follaviring <br /> ha�pen: <br /> P�yrnent Default. Borrower-�ails to make any payment when due unde�the Indeh�edne�s. <br /> Brealc �ther Prvmises. Borro�er❑r Trustar breaks any pramise made to Lender or�ails to pert�rm promp�ly at th� <br /> �irn� and strictfy in the manner provided in this Deed of Trust or in any agreement r�lated to this ❑eed of Trus�. <br /> Corr�pfiance �e�au�t, Failure t� camply wi�h any other t�rm, ab[igation, co�enant or candi�ion cantained in this <br /> Deed�f Trust,�he Note ❑r in any of the Related �ocuments. <br /> Defaul�on Dthe�Paym�rsts. Failure af Trustar within the tirne required by fihis Deed of Trust ta rnake any payment <br /> for faxes or�nsurance, ❑r any other payment nec�ssary t�prev�nt fifing❑f ar�o effec�dis�harg�of any lien. <br /> ❑eath or fnsolvency. The dea-th of Barrower�r Trustor, �he insol�ency af Borrower or T�ustor, the appain�men�o� <br /> a receiver for any pa�# of Borrower's ar Trustar's praperty, any assignment far the benefit of creditors, any type of <br /> creditor workout, or the c�rnmencement❑#any proceeding under any bankrupt�y or insofvenGy laws by or against <br /> gorrower or Trustor. <br /> Even-ts A�#ect"rng Guarantoro Any of the pre�eding e�ents occurs wi�th respect to any guarantor, end�rser, surety, <br /> or accommoda�ion party o� any �� the �ndeb�edness or any c�uarantor, endorser, surety, or accommodation par�ty <br /> dies or becames incompetent, �r reWokes or d�sputes �he validi-ty o�, or liability under, any Guaranty of the <br /> lnde�tedness. <br /> fr�se�uritye Lender�n gvod faith believes itselfi insecure. <br /> Ex�sting indebtedness. The paymen-�ofi any installment ofi principal or any interest on�he E�iskin� Indebtedness is <br /> not made within the tirne requir�d by the prornissory nate��idencing such indebtedness� or a de-Fault o��urs und�r <br /> the instrurnent securing such indebt�dness and is not cured during any applicab�e grace period�n such instrurnent, <br /> or any sui�or othe�'action is cornm�n�ed t�fore�lose any exis-ting lien on the Praperty. <br /> Right to�ure. If any defau[t, other than a default in paymenfi, is curab[e and i�Trust�r has na�been gi�en a notice <br /> ❑f a breach of�he sarne pro�ision of this Deed of Trust within the preceding twelve �1�f rnonths, it may be cured if <br /> Trustor, a-�ter Lender sends written notice ta Borrov�►er demanding cure ��F such default: {1) cures the default <br />