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Z�15��555 <br /> �3EE� �F TF�U�`� <br /> {��nt�nu�d� ��ge 4 <br /> without ��mita�ion, howe�er subject t� any fimits und�r appiicable lavu, Lender's afifiorneys' fees and Lenderrs [ega( <br /> expenses, rrvhe�Cher or not there is a lawsuit, including attarneys' �ees and expenses far bankrupficy proceedings <br /> �includ�ng e�farts to modify or�aca��any autamatic stay ar in�unction;, appeals, and any anti�ipated pQs�-judgment <br /> caflectian services, the cos�af sear�f�ing recards, obtaininy ti�le'rep�rts �including foreclosure repor�ts�, sur�eyors' <br /> reports, and appraisaf fees, -�itle insurance, and fees for �he Trustee, to the extent permitted by appli�able law. <br /> Trustar also wil�pay any c�urt casts. in additi�n t�all other sums pr��ided by iavv. <br /> M15��LLANE�US PR�VIS[D�VS. The fo[[awing miscellaneous pro�isions are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> GoWerning Law. This ❑eed af Trust wi[� be goverr�ed �y �ederaf [aw app[i�aE�le t� Lender and, fio th� extent not <br /> preempted by federal law,'the laws o��he S�a�e o�Ne�araska withau�regard tv its�nn�[i�ts vf law prv�is"rans. This <br /> Deed c�f Trust has been a��epted by Lender�n the�tate of Nebraska. <br /> Time is of the Essen�e. Time is o-f the essenc�in�he performance of fhis Deed of Trust. <br /> Wai�er of Hornestead Exempfion. Trustor hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefi�s of the homes�ead <br /> exempt�on la�rvs af the 5ta�e of Nebraska as�a all f ndebtedness secured by this�eed of Trust. <br /> DEF[IVIT[OiVS. The foffovving words shall have the following rr�eanin�s when used in this ❑eed o�Trust: <br /> 6ene-Ficiary. The word "B�neficiary" rneans Pinnacle Barik- KMN, and i�ts success�rs and assigns. <br /> BorrowerA The v�rard "6arrower" means CHARLIE SH�EMAKE�i and SHAVIINA M SH�EMAKE�; and includes ali <br /> co-signers and �o-malcers signing the Na�e and all-�heir successars and assigns. <br /> ❑ee�[ of Trus�. The words "Deed of Trust" rnean this Deed c�f Trust among Trus��r, Lcnder, and Trustee, and <br /> in�ludes wi�hout limitation all assignment and secur�ty interest pro�isians rela-�ing to the Personal Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> Environr�enta[ Laws. The words "'En��r�nrnental Laws" mean any and a(� sta�te, -Federal and Ioca� sta�utes, <br /> regulations and ardinances relating to the pro�ection a� human health ar �he envirflnment, includin� without <br /> lim�ta�ion the Comprehensi�� Environmen�al Response, Compensa�ion, and Liabili�y Ac��f �984, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Se�tian 9�Q'�, et seq. �"CEFiCLA"}, the Superfiund Amendments and Reau�horization Act of 1986, Pub, L. <br /> fVo. 99-493 �FiSARA"},the Hazardous Ma�erials Transport�tion Act,49 IJ.S.C. 5ection 1$�1, et seq.,the Resource <br /> �onser�ation and Reca�ery Act, 4� LJ,S.C. Sec�ion 6��1, et seq., or o�her applicable stat� or federal laws, rules, <br /> �r regulations adap�ed pursuant thereto. <br /> Event v�❑e�aulta The w�rds 'rE�ent af❑2�au[t" mean any af the e��nts of default set f�rth in this Deed of Trust in <br /> the even-ts of defaul�section of this ❑��d of Trusrt. <br /> Exis�ing lndeb��dness. The �nrards "Existing Indebtedness" rnean the indebtedness described in the Existing Liens <br /> - proWisian�f this ❑eed�f Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" mean� the �uaranty from guarant�r, �ndo�ser, surety, or accomrnodati�n party to <br /> Lender, in�luding withaut[irnitation a guaranty o�aff or part of the IVote. <br /> Impro►rements. The v►�ord "Impr�vements" m�ans all exis�in� and future impro�ements, buildings, struc�u��s, <br /> rnobile homes affixed on the Real Praper�y, facili�Cies, additions, repla�ements and other ranstruc�ion on the Real <br /> P�operty. <br /> I�debtednesso The �rvord "Indebtedness" means al[ principa[, interest, and other amoun�s, C05f5 and expens�s <br /> payable under the Nvte or Fie�ated ❑�curnents, toge�her with all renewals of, extensi�ns a#, modi�ications o�, <br /> cansalidatians �f and substitut�ons �or the Note or Re[ated Documents and any am�unts expend�d or �d�anced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustar's ob�igations ar exp�nses in�urr�d b� Trustee or Lender -�o en-�arce Trustor's <br /> �b{igations under this Deed of Trust, tagether with interes� on such arnounts as pro�id�d in this aeed o�Trust. <br /> Spe�ifi�al[y, wilhout limitation, lnde�t�dness includes the futur� advances set forth in the Futur� Ad�an�es <br /> pr��ision of this ❑eed of Trust, together vvith a[[Enterest thereon. <br /> Lender. Tho word "Lend�r" means Pinnacle Bank- KMN, i�s successors and assigns. The virar�s '�SUCC�550C5 U� <br /> assigns" rnean any person or company that acquires any int�r�st in�he Note. <br /> Nate. The v�rord "Note" means the promissvey note da�ed July fi, 2�15, �n the ori�ana� �prin��pat amaunt af <br /> $���,�3�.3g �rom gorrawer to Lender, tagether wi�h aff renewals of, extensions of, madifications of, <br /> r'e�inancings of, consolidations of, and suhstitutians f�r th�promissary nate o�r agreement. <br /> Persvnal Proper�tjr. The w�rds "Personal Prop�rty" mean ai[ equipmen't, f�xtures, and nther articles of persanal <br /> proper�y naw or hereaffer owned uy Trustor, and now ❑r hereaf�ter a�Cta�hed ar af�ix�d t❑ the Real Praperty; <br /> together with a[f ac�essivns, parts, and additions to, all replacements of, and all substitutiUns far, any of such <br /> property; and together with af[ proceeds {incfuding without firnitation a[I insurance praceeds and refunds �F <br /> premiums} from any sale or�ther disposition�f th�Property. <br /> Property. The word "Praper�y" rneans co[lecti��ly the Real Property and the P�rsonal Proper�y. <br /> Rea[ Proper�y, The words "Reaf Property" mean the real property,, interests and r�ghts, as further described in this <br /> �eed vf Trust. <br /> Rela�ed ❑ocumen�s. The words "Related ❑ocurnen-�sii mean a�� promissory notes, credit agreements, loan <br /> agreements, en�ironmental agreements, guaranties, securi-�y agreernents, mor�gages, deeds of trust, security <br /> de�ds, collateral mortgages, and all other instrurnCnts, �greemen-�s and documen�rs, whether nov�r ❑r hereaft�r <br /> existing, execut�d in connection with the lndeb-tedness. <br /> Remts. The ward "Rents" means all presen-� and future ren-�s, re�enues, income, issues, royafties, profi-�s, and <br /> other benefi�s deriWed from the Property. <br /> Trustee. The word "Trustee" means P[NNaCLE BANK, whose address �s 53❑ N BLJF�LINGTDN, HASTINGS, NE <br /> 689�1 and any substitute or suc�essor-�rustees e <br /> Trus�or. The word "Trustor" means E�IIVfiV CHARLES SHDEMAKER and SHAWNA M, SHQEMAKER. <br /> EACH TRUST�Fi AGKN�WLE�GES 1-IAVING FiEA��] �LL THE PRQ1I�St[]N� ❑F TH1S �EED DF T�l]5T, AN� EACH <br /> TRUSTQR►q,GREES T��TS TERMS. <br /> TRUST�R: <br /> �C <br /> EDVI1flV CHARLES SH�EMAKER <br /> � _� <br /> 5 �A 1VI. SH�ENlAKER <br />