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��15�45�7 <br /> �b� If there shal� be filed by �r against Borro�er a petition under the <br /> Bankruptcy ��dc, and Borrav�er, as lessor und�r any Lease, sha11 determin�t� reject such Lease <br /> pursuant to Section 355�a� of the Ban.i�ruptcy Code, then Barrower shall give Lender not less <br /> than ten �1�� days' pr�or n�tice of the date on whi�h Barrower shall appl� to the bankruptc� <br /> caurt for auth�rity to reject the Lease. Lender shall have the right, but not the obligation, to <br /> serve upon Borrov�er �vithin such ten-day period a notice stating that �i� Lender demands that <br /> Barro�ver assume and assi�n the L�ase t� Lend�r pursuant to Sectian 3�5 of the Bankruptcy <br /> Gode and �ii� Lender co�enants to �ure ar pravide adequate assurance af future perfarmance <br /> under the Lease. If Lender serves up�n Borrovver the nat�ce described in the preceding sentence, <br /> Borrovver shall nat see� t� rej ect the Lease and shall cornply with the demand pro�id�d for in <br /> clause �i� of the preceding sent�n�e within thirty [30� days after the notice sha��have been gi��n, <br /> subj e�t to the perf�rma.nce by Lender af the covenant provided f�r in c�ause �ii� of the�reced�ng <br /> sentence. <br /> ARTI�LE 4 -l��LIABILITY,FURTHER ASSURA.NCES <br /> Section 4.1 No Liability of Lender. This Assignment shall not be construed <br /> t�bind Lend�r to the perfarmance of any of th� covenants, conditians or pravisions c�ntained in <br /> any Lease or L�ase Guaranty or �th�rwise impose any obl�gation upon Lender. Lender shall nat <br /> be �iable far ax�.y Iass sustained by Barro�er resulting from Lender's failure to Iet the Pra��rty <br /> after an Event af Default or from any other act or omzssion af Lender in managing the Property <br /> after an Event of Default unless such Ioss is caused by the �villful rnisconduct or bad faith of <br /> Lender. Lender sha�I not be obl�gated ta perform ar dischaxge any vbligatian, duty or lrability <br /> under the Leases or any Lease �`ruaranties or under or by reason of this Assignment and <br /> Borr�wer shal�, and hereby agrees to, indemnif� Lender f�r, and to hold Lend�r harmless frarn, <br /> any and all �iabilityy lass or damage whi�h may or might be incurred under the Leases, any Leas� <br /> Guaxanties or under �r b� reason af this Assignm�nt and fr�m any and all claims and dernands <br /> whatsae�er, including the defense af any su�h claims ar demands which may be asserted against <br /> Lender by reason of any alleged abligatians and undertakings an its parE ta perform or dis�haxge <br /> any of the terms, covenants or agreem�nts contained �n the Leases or any Lease Guarant�es. <br /> Sh�uld Lender incur any such liab�lity, the amount ther�af, including costs7 expenses and <br /> reasonable attarne�s' fees, shall be secured by this Assignment and the other Laan Dacuments <br /> an�Borrower shal�reimburse Lender therefor irnm�diatel�upon d�mand and upon the failure of <br /> Barrovver so to do�der may, at its opt�on, dec�are a�l sums secured by th�s Assi�nment and th� <br /> other Loan Documents irnmediately due and payable. This Assigr�ment sha11 r��t operate to place <br /> any �bli�ati�n ar liabilrty for the c�ntr��, care, management or repair of the Praper�y upon <br /> Lender, nor far the carrying out of any af the terms and �onditi�ns �f the Leases or any Lease <br /> Guaranties; nor shall�t aperate t� rnake Lender responsible or liab�e for any waste committed an <br /> the Property by the tenants or any other partxes, or f�r any dangerous or defective conditinn of <br /> the Property including,�w�thout limitation,the presence of any Hazardous Substanc�s �as defin.ed <br /> in the Env�ranmenta� Indernnity�, or far any ne�ligenc� in the management, upkee�, repair or <br /> control af the Praperty resulting in loss or injury or death to any tenant, licensee, em�layee or <br /> stranger. <br /> Section 4.� No Mort a ee in Possession. Nothing h�rein cantained sha1Z be <br /> cvnstrued as constitut�ng Lender a "mortgagee in poss�ssion" in the absence of the taking of <br /> -�- <br /> 79582.�00066 EMF C]S SG28875Dv1 <br />
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