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��15�45�7 <br /> l�ote, ar the �ther Loan I3ocuments and this Assignment is made and accepted v�ithout prejudi�e <br /> ta any of th� rights and remedies possessed by Lender under the terms there��. The right af <br /> Lender to col�ect the Debt and t� enfarce any other security ther�for held by it may be e�erc�sed <br /> by Lender either prior to, s�multaneously with, or sub sequent to any action taken by it hereunder. <br /> Borrawer hereby abso�utely, unconditional�y and irrevaca�ly waives any and al� rights to asser� <br /> an� setoff, counterclaim or crossclaim af any nature whats��ver with r�spe�t t� the o�ligations <br /> af Borrower u.nder this Assi�nment, ihe Loan Agreement, the 1�T�te, the other Loan I�ocuments <br /> or atherwise �ith resp�ct t� the Loan in any actaion ar �raceeding braught by Lender ta �ollect <br /> same, or any portion thereof, �r ta enforce and realize up�n the lien a.nd securrty interest creat�d <br /> b� this Asszgnment, the L�an Agreement, the Note, or an� af the other L�an I]�cuments <br /> �provided, however,that the fore��ing �hal�n�t be deeme�i a waiver�f Borrower's right to asser� <br /> any compulsory c�unterclaim if such counterclaim is compe�led under local lav�r or rul� af <br /> procedure, nor shall the faregoin� be deemed a waiver of Barrov�er's right to as�ert any claim <br /> which would constitute a defense, setaff, counter�laim or crossclaim af any nature vuhatsoever <br /> against Lender in any sep arate a�tion or pro ceed ing�. <br /> Sect�on 3.3 �ther SecuritY. Lender may�ak� or release other security far the <br /> payment of the I]ebt5 may release any party primaril� or seeondarily lia�le therefor and may <br /> apply any other security held by it to the reduction or satisfactian of the I]ebt withaut pr�judxc� <br /> ta an�af its rights under this Assignment. <br /> Section 3.4 l�Tan-�Vai�er. The e�er�ise by Lender of the option granted �t in <br /> Section 3.� of this Assignmer�t and the collection of the l�ents and surns due under the Lease <br /> Guaranties and the application thereaf as here�n provided sha11 not l�e c�nsidered a wai�er of an� <br /> defauit b�r Borra�ver under the I��te, th� Laa.n Agreernent, the Leases, this Assignment or the <br /> other Loan Documents. The failure of Lender to insxs� upon strict performance of any term <br /> here�f shali not be deemed ta be a vvaiver of any t�rm af this Assignrnent. Barro�er shall not be <br /> relieved of Barrower's oblxgations hereunder by reas�n of(a} the failure of Lender to comply <br /> � �vith any request of B�rrower ar any other party to tal�e an� acti�n to enfarce any of the <br /> provisions hereof �r of th� Loan Agreement, the Note or the �ther Loan Documents, �b� the <br /> re�ease regardless af consideration, af the whale or an�part af the Property, �r�c� any agreement <br /> or stxpu�ation by Lender e�tending the tirne of payment or�therwise mod�fyin�or sup�lem�nting <br /> the terms of this Ass�gnment, the Loan Agreern�nt, the Note, ar the other Laan Documents. <br /> Lender may resart f�r the payment af the Debt to any ather security held by Lend�r in su�h ord�r <br /> and rnanner as Lender, in its discretian, may elect. Lender may take any action ta recov�r the <br /> Debt, �r any portion th�r�of, or to enfarce any covenant hereof without prejudice to the right af <br /> Lender thereafter t� enfarce its rights under this Assignrnent. The r�ghts af Lender under this <br /> Assignment shall be se�arate� dist�nct and cumulative and none shall be given �ffect ta the <br /> e�clusion of the oth�rs. No act �f Lend�r shall be c�nstrued as an ��ection to proceed under an� <br /> �ne pravision herein to the e�clusion of any other prov�sion. <br /> Secti�n 3.5 BankruptcY. �a} Upon ar at an� txme after the occurr�nce and <br /> durin� the continuance of an Event of Default, Lender shall have the right to proceed in its own <br /> name or in the narne �f BorraWer in respect of any claim, su�t, actian or proceeding relating to <br /> the r�j ection of an� Lea�e, including, without Iirnitat�on, the right to f�le and prosecute, to the <br /> exclusion af Borrav�er, any praofs af claim,, motions, appiicati�ns, noti.ces and other <br /> dacurn�nts, in any cas�in respect af the lessee un.der such Lease under the Bank��uptcy Code. <br /> -s- <br /> 79582.0�0066 EMF U5 56288750v1 <br />