<br /> a�tual passessian �f the Property by Lender. In th� e�ercise of the pawers herein grant�d
<br /> Lender,na�iabi��ty shall be asserted ar enforced against Lender, al1 such liabil�ty being e�pr�ssly
<br /> waived and released by Borrov�er.
<br /> S�ct��n 4.3 Fu�-ther Assurances. Borrower vvill, at the cast of Borro�ver, and
<br /> withaut ��pense ta L�nder, do, execute, acl�n.o�vledge and deliver all fur�her acts, �on�eyan�es,
<br /> assignments, notices of assig�ments,transfers and assu.rances as Lender shall, frorn time ta time,
<br /> require for the better assuring, c�n�e�ing, assignzng,transferring and confirming unto Lender the
<br /> propert� and rights hereby assigned ar intended now or hereafter so t� be, or which Borrawer
<br /> ma� b� or may hereafter become bound to con�ey �r assign to Lender, ar far carrying out the
<br /> intention ar facilitating the performance of the terms of this Assignrn�nt or far fili.ng, re�istering
<br /> ar recording this Ass�gnment and, an demand, �ill e���ute and de�iver and hereby authorizes
<br /> Lender to e�ecute in the name�f Borrav�er ta the e�tent Lender ma�la�vfully d� s�, one or mar�
<br /> financing statements, chattel martgages �r c�mpaxable security instruments, to evrdence more
<br /> effectiv���the lien and security interest hereof in and upon the Leases.
<br /> Section 5.1 �onfli�t af Terms. In case of any �anflict betvveen the terms of
<br /> this Assignment and the terms of th� Loan Agreement, the terms of the Loan Agreement shall
<br /> .
<br /> preval .
<br /> S�ctivn 5.2 Na �ral Chan e. This Assignment and any pravisions here�f
<br /> may n�t be modified, amended, waived, �xtended, changed, discharg�d ar terminate�i orally, or
<br /> b� an�r act or failure to act on the part af Borra�ver or Lender, but only by an agreement in
<br /> writing signed by the party a�ainst �vvhom the enforcement of any m�dification, amendment,
<br /> v�aiver,extension, change, discharge �r terminatior�is s�ught.
<br /> Sect�on 5.3 General I�efinitions. All capitalized terms not d�fin�d herein
<br /> shall have the respective meanings set forth in the Loan Agreem�nt. Unless the �ontext c�early
<br /> indicates a contrary zntent or unless otherwise specifically provided herein, v�rords used in this
<br /> Assignment may be used inter�hangeably in singu�ar ar plura� f�rm and the v�ord "Borrower"
<br /> shall mean "each BorraWer and any subsequent owner or owners of the Property ar any paxt
<br /> thereof�r inter�st therein," the word"Lender" shall mean"Lender and any subs�quent holder of
<br /> the l�ote,the v�rord"Note" shall m�an"the 1tiTate and any other e�riden�e of indebtednes s s ecured
<br /> by the Loan Agre�rnent, the word "Praperty" sha11 ir�clude any partion of the Pruperty and any
<br /> interest ther�in, the phrases "att�rneys' f�e5��y ��legal fe�s" �ld "counsel fees" shall includ� any
<br /> and all attorney's, paralegal and 1av�r clerk fees and dis�ursements, including, but not �imited ta,
<br /> fees and disbursements at the pre-trxal, trial and appe�late levels incurred or pa�d by Lender in
<br /> pr�tect�ng its �nt�rest xn the Property, the Leases and th� Rents and �nforcing �ts rights
<br /> hereunder; whenever the conte�t may require, any pronouns used herein shall �nclude the
<br /> carrespanding mas�ulin�, femin�ne or neuter forms,arid the singular form af nouns and pronauns
<br /> shall include the plural and vice vers a.
<br /> Sectian 5.4 Ina licab�e Provisions. If any term, covenant or cond�tzon of
<br /> this Assignm�nt is held tQ be �nvalid, i�legal or un�nforceab�e in any respect, this Ass�gnment
<br /> � shal�be construed u�ithout such provision.
<br /> -�-
<br /> 79582.a[�UU�6 EMF LT5 5628S750W1
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