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��15�45�� <br /> Sect�on 4.3. ��MPLIANCE �ITH. APPLICABLE LAWS,,..AND_RE�ULATI�1�5. All of the <br /> Irnprovements and the use �f the Praperty by the Borr�wer comply with, ar�d shall remain in <br /> complianc�with, ai� appli�a�le statutes, rules,r��ulations and private co�enants noW or her�after <br /> relating t� the �vv�nership, construction, use or operatian of the Pr�pert�, including al1 applicable <br /> hea�th, fire and 1�uilding c�des, and all app�icable statutes, rules and r�gulations per�aining to <br /> requ�rements for �qual oppor�uni�y, antidiscrim�natian, fa�r housing, enviranmenta� protection, <br /> zoning and land use. All material certzfications, permits, lzcenses and appravals, includin�, <br /> w�thaut lirnitatian, cer�ificates of completian and vccupanc� permits required f�r the 1ega1 use, <br /> occupanc�r and aperati�n af the Propert�r as a manufactured hau�ing or mobile home community, <br /> as a�plicab�e �in either case, the "�ammunity") have been ob�ained and ax� in full farce and <br /> effe�t. To the b�st of Barrawer's knowledge, the Comrnunity c�mplies with alI local, sta.�e and <br /> f�deral Iaws and re�ulatxons governing manufa�tur�d housing or mab�le harne communities, as <br /> app�i�able. Ta the best of Borravver's �iowledge, all of the�ements comp�y with aI� <br /> material requirernents of any applicable zoning and suhdivisi�n 1aWs and ordinances. <br /> . Art�c�e 5 -� DUE�N SALEIEI�CUMBRANCE <br /> Se�tian 5,1. �Q SALEIENCLTMSRANGE. E�cept in accordance vvith the e�press t�rms <br /> and conditions cantained in the Loan Agreement, Barra�ver shall not cause �r permit a sale, <br /> conveyance, mortgage, grant, bargain, encurnbrance, pledge, assignment, or grant of any options <br /> w�th respect to, ar any other transfer or C115�Q51t1�r1 �directly or lI]C�1r�Ctly, valuntari�y ar <br /> involun�arily, by aperation of Iaw or otherwise, and whether or not for consideration ar of <br /> r��ord� of a direct or indirect legal or heneficial interest in the Propert� or an� part thereof, <br /> Borrovver, any constituent owner ar other ho�der of a direct or indirect equity �nterest ir� <br /> Barrov�er, any indemnitor or other guarant�r af the L�an, an� constituent a�vner ar other holder <br /> of a drrect or ind�re�t equity interest �n such indernnitor ar guarantory an� manager or aperat�ng <br /> lessee of the Praperty that rs affi�iated with B�rravuer or any consta.tuent o�ner ar Qther ho�der of <br /> a direct or�ndirect equity interest in such manager or such aperat�ng�esse�. <br /> ArtiCle� — PREPAYMENT;RELEA SE�F PR�PERTY <br /> Seet�on�.1. PREPAYMENT. The Debt may not be �repaid in whole or in part except in <br /> str�ct acc�rdance with the e�press terms and conditions of the I�Tote a.nd the Loan Agreement. <br /> Section 6.Z. RELEASE �F PR�PERTY. Barro�ver shall not be ent�tl�d to a re�ease of ar�y <br /> portian of the Proper�y from the lien af thxs S ecurit� Instrument e�cept in accordar�ce vvi�h t�rms <br /> and canditions of the Laan Agreement. <br /> Article 7 — DEFAULT <br /> Section 7.1. EVE1�T�F DEFAULT. The term"Event of Default" as used in th�s Securzty <br /> Instrument shall ha�re the meaning assigned ta such term in th�Loan Agreem�nt. <br /> Article$ -- 1�GHT5 A1�D REIIrIEI]IE5 UP�N DEFAULT <br /> Se�tian 5.1. RE���Es. Upon the occurr�nce and dur�ng the cont�nuance �f any Event <br /> �f Default, Borrower agrees that Lender �nay �r a�ting by or through Trustee rna� take such <br /> action, with�ut natice �r dernand, as zt deems advisable to protect and enfarce its righ�s against <br /> s <br /> 79582.�0�066 EMF US SG287948v1 <br />