<br /> Borrower and in and to the Pr�perty, including, but no�limited ta, the f�llov�ing actions, each�f
<br /> v�hich may be pursued concurrently or otherwise, at such time and in such �rder as Lenc�er ar
<br /> Trustee may determine, in the�r sole discret�an, Withaut impairing or other,wis� affe�ting th�
<br /> �ther rights and remed�es af Lender ar Trustee:
<br /> (a} de�lare the entire unpa.�d Debt t� be immediatel.y due and pa�al��e;
<br /> �b) institute pr�ceedzngs, jud�cial or �therwise, for th� complete fareciosure �f this
<br /> Security Instrument under any a�plicable pravisian af la�v, in wh�ch case the Pr�per�y or any
<br /> xnterest therein may be sold for cash or upon credxt in ane or rnore pax�e�s or in severa� interests
<br /> or partions and�n any order or rnanner;
<br /> �c� vvith or Without entry, to the extent perm�tt�d and pursuant to the pracedures
<br /> pr�v�ded by applicable �av�, institute prnceedings for the partial foreclosure of this Security
<br /> Instrument for the portion af the Debt then due and payable, sub�ect to the continuing lien and
<br /> securit� interest of this S�curl�y Instrum�nt for the l�alan�e of the Debt not then due, unimpaired
<br /> and with�ut I o s s �f pri ority;
<br /> �d� sell for cash ar u�on credit the Prape�-t.y ar any par� thereof and a�l estate, c�aim,
<br /> demand, right, title and inter�st of BarroWer therein and rights of redemption thereof,pursuant to
<br /> power af sale or otherwis�, at ane or more sales, as an entir�ty or in parcels, at such time and
<br /> p�ace,upon such terms and after such notice thereof as rnay be requirec�ar permitted by law;
<br /> �e� institute an action, suit ar proceeding�n equit�for the spec�fic performance of any
<br /> cavenant, condition or agreement cantained herein, in the Note, the Laan Agreement or in the
<br /> ather Loan Dacuments;
<br /> �f� recover j udgment on the Note ��ther before, durin� or after any praceedings for
<br /> the enforcement of th�s Security Instrum�nt or the other Loan Docurn�nts;
<br /> �g� seek and obtain the appointment of a receiver,trustee, �iquidator or canser�atar af
<br /> the Praperty, �vith�ut not�ce and withaut regard f�r the adequacy af the security for the Debt and
<br /> vvithaut r�gard for the saZvency of Borrov�er, any guarantor ar indemnitor under the Loan or any
<br /> other Person l�able for the payrnent Qf the Debt;
<br /> �h� the license granted to Borro�rer under Section 1.� hereof shall automatically be
<br /> revoked and Lender may enter into or upan the Pr�per�y, either personally or by its agents,
<br /> nominees or attorneys and dispossess Borr�wer and its agents and servants therefrom, w�ithout
<br /> liabil�ty for trespass, da.mages or atherwise and e�clude Borrawer and its agents or ser�ants
<br /> wholly therefrom, and take possession af al� baoks, records and a�counts relating thereto and
<br /> B�rrower agrees to �urrender passession of the Proper�.y and af�uch bo��s, rec�rds and accounts
<br /> to Lender upan demand, and th.ereup�n Lender may ��) use, �perate, manage, control, insure,
<br /> maintain, repair, restore and otherwise deal �vith all and every part of i.he Praperty and conduct
<br /> the business �hereat; �ii} complete any c�nstruction on the Property in such manner and f�rrn as
<br /> Lender deems advisable; �xi�} make alterations, additi�ns, renewa�s, re��ace�nents and
<br /> improvements to or on the Proper�y; ��v} e�er�ise all rights a.nd povvcrs of Barro�ver with respect
<br /> ta the Proper�y, whether in the name af Borrawer or otherwise, includ�ng, without limitation, the
<br /> r�ght to rnake, �ance�, enforce ar modify Leases, obtain and evict tenants, and demand, sue for,
<br /> �
<br /> 79582.00D066 EMF i_]S SG287948�1
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