<br /> An�app�ication�f pa�men�s, insurance proceeds, ��r Miscel�aneous Proceeds t�principai due under the Note
<br /> shall not ex�end ar postpon�the du�date, or chang��he amaun�, of the Perifldic Paymen�s.
<br /> 3. �`unds for ESGrow I�ems. Borravaer shall pa�to Lender on�he day Periadic Paymen�s are due under th�
<br /> No��, until the Note�s paid in fuli, a sum�th� "Funds"� �o prflv�de for payment of axnounts du�for: �a}�axes
<br /> and assessments and ather��em��vhi�h�an atta�n priorit� over this Se�urity �ns�rumen�as a li�n or
<br /> encumbrance on the Proper�y; �b}leasehold paymen�s or graund rents on the Fropert�, if any; tc}pr�rniums
<br /> far an�and ail insurance required�y L.ender under Sec�ion 5; and�d} Mnrtgage InsuranG�premiurns, if ar��,
<br /> or any sums payable by Borr�v��r�a Lender�n lieu of the payment of Mor�gage Insurance premiums �n
<br /> a�cordan�e wi�h the proWi���n�of Se�tion ��. These items ar��;alled "Escrovv �tems." At�r�gina�ion or a�
<br /> any t�me durzng the term of the Loan, Lende�r may require that C�mmunity Assaciat�an Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Ass�ssrnen�s, �f an�, be escrowed hy Rorrower, and such du�s, fees and asse�smen�s shall be an Escrow
<br /> Item. Borrow�r sha��promptiy furnish to Lender a��no��ce�of amounts�o�e paid urtder thx�Sec�ian.
<br /> Bvrr�w�r shall pa� Lender�he Funds f�r Escrov� Items unless Lend�r wai�es Borrower's❑�ligat�on�o pa�
<br /> tihe Funds for an�or alI Escraw ��ems. L�n�.er may wa��e Borrawer's ob�igat�on�o pay to Lender Funds for
<br /> any or all Escraw�tems a�any ti�rne. Any su�h wa�v�r may�nly be�n writing. �n�he ev�nt of such waiver,
<br /> Borrower shal�pa�directiy, when and where payable, the amaunts due for any Escrow �tems for which
<br /> paym�n�of Funds has been�a��ed by Lende�and, �f Lender requires, sha��furnish to L.�nder receipts
<br /> e�iden�ing such pa�men�vvithin such�im.e per�od as Lender ma�require. Borrower's obligati�n�o make
<br /> such payrn�nts and to�ravide rece�p�s shall far all purposes be�eemed t�be a cavenant and agreement
<br /> c�ntained�n th�s Secur�ty Instrum�n�, as the phrase "co�enan�and agreement" is used�n Sec�ion 9. �f
<br /> Borrower�s o���ga�ed to pa�r Escr�w�tems d�rect�y, pursuan��o a vva�ver, and Borrawer fai�s to pay the
<br /> amaun�due far a�Escr�w Item, Len��r may e�erc�se ��s ri�hts und�r S��t��n 9 and pay such amount and
<br /> Borra�er shall then be abligated under Sec�ian 9�o repay�a Len�er an� such amount. Lender ma�r re�oke
<br /> �he wa��er as to any or a�l Escrov�►f Iten-�at an�time by a notice gi�en in a�cordance wzth Sectznn �5 and,
<br /> upon such re�ocat�on, Borr�wer sha��pay to Lender al�Funds, and in such amounts, that a�re then required
<br /> under this Sectian 3,
<br /> Lend�r may, at any�ime, callect and ho�d Funds in an am�un��a� suff�cien��o perrni�Lendex�o apply�he
<br /> Funds a��he�ime specif�ed und�r RESPA, and�h} n�t ta ex�eed the ma��mum arnount a lender can require
<br /> under R�SPA. Lender shall e��imate�he anloun�of Funds due on the basis of�urrent data and reasonab�e
<br /> estimat�s of e�p�nditur�s of future Escrou��tems or othe�-�xr�se in accflrdance with App�icable Law.
<br /> The Funds shai�be he�d�n an xnst�tution wh�se dep�si�s are insured by a fed�ral agency, �ns�rumenta�i�y, ar
<br /> entit� ��nc�udin�L�nder, �f Lender is an insti�ution whas�depos�ts are so insured}or in an�r Federal Home
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha11 app�y�he Funds to pa�the Escrow���m5 no later than the�ime spe�ified under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shall not char�e Borrower f�r hold�n�and apply�ng the�unds, annua��y ax�.a�yzin��he
<br /> escrow account, ar verify�ng��e Escrow Zterns, unless Lender pa�s Borr�wer�ntere��on the Funds and
<br /> App�icable Law perm��s Lender to mak�such a�har�e. Un�ess an a�r�ement is made�n writ�ng ar
<br /> App�icahle Law r�quir�s �nt�re�t t�be�aid on the Fuxads, Lender shalx nat ve requir�d�a pay Bflrrawer any
<br /> in�erest�r earnin�s on the Funds. Barr�wer and L�nder can agr��in�vriting,howeve�r, that�nter�st sha�l�e
<br /> paid an�he Funds. Lender sha��g��v�to Borrower, w��hout�harg�, an annua� a�c�unt�ng af the Fu��ds as
<br /> required by RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surp�us of Funds he�d in�scr�w, as defined under R.ESPA, Lender shall account ta Barrower f�r
<br /> the excess funds in accardance v��th R�SPA. �f there�s a shortage af Funds heid in escravv, as def�ned under
<br /> RESPA, I.�nd�r sha11 no�ify Borr�v�r�r as required by RESPA, and Borr�vver sha11 pay to I.�nder the arnount
<br /> necessary to make up the shor�age�n accordan�e with R�SPA, but in na mare�han �.2 mon�a�y payments. If
<br /> there is a defzciency of Funds held in�scrovv, as defin�d under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borraw�r as
<br /> NE6RASKA-Singie�arnily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac IJNIF�RM INSTRIJMENT Form 3028'�1�1
<br /> VMP(�, VMP6�N����3Q2}
<br /> Waiters Kluwer�inancfal Ser�ices Page 5 of 17
<br />