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��15�4511 <br /> B�RR�WER��VENANTS that Borrawer is lawful�y seised af the estate her�by convey�d and has the right to <br /> grant and con�rey�he Praperty and that th�P�oper�y is unencumbe�ed, exc�pt for encumbrances of rec�rd. <br /> Borrawer warrants and w�ll defend generally the title to�he Property against a11 claims and demands, sub�ec�to <br /> any�n�umbrances �f r��ord. <br /> T�i�S SECUR�TY�N�TRUMENT combines unif�rm cav�nants for natianal use and non-uniform covenants w��h <br /> ��m.�ted var�ati�ns by�urisdict�on�o const�tuxe a un�form s�curity instrumen�cavering rea�prape�ty. <br /> Unif orm �orrenants. B�rrower and L�nd�r�avenant and agr��as f��lows: <br /> �. Payment vf Principal, Inte�est. E�crvw Iterns. Prepayment �harges, and Late �harg�s. Borrower <br /> shal�pay v�rhen due the prinGipal of, and inter�st an, the d�bt evidenced by the�ote and any pr�payment <br /> charges and�ate charges due under the I�vte. B�rro�ver shall also pay funds for Escrow Items pursuan�to <br /> Sectian 3. Payments due un.der�he No��and th�s 5ecurzty�ns�rurnent sha�1 be made in U.S. cur�ency. <br /> However, if any �heck�r�th�r ins�rument r�c�ived by L�nder as payment under the N�te or this Secur��y <br /> �n�trument�s returned ta Lender unpaid, Lender may requ�re that any�r all subs�quent payments due und�r <br /> the Note and�his Secu��ty �nstrumen�he made in on�ar more af the fol�awing farms, as selected by Lende�-: <br /> �a}cash; �b}money order; �c}cer��fi�d che�k, bank ch�cks treasurer's check�r�ash��r's check, pro��ded any <br /> such check is drawn upon an inst�tut�an whflse depos��s are�nsu�red by a:�ederal agency, �ns�rumental�ty, or <br /> en�ity; or�d} Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Pa�ments are deem�.ed rece���d by L,�nder wh�n r��ei�ed at the lo�ation designated in the Note or at su�h <br /> other lflcation as ma���d�s�gnated b�L�nder�n ac��rdar���w�th the natic�pr�visians in Sectian �5. <br /> Lender may return any payment nr par��a�payment�f the pa�rnent ar partza�payments are�nsuff�c�ent�o <br /> bring the Loan current, Lender may accept an�pa�ment ar par��a�pa�men��nsuffic�en�ta bring the Loan <br /> curren�, Without wai��r of any r�ghts hereunder or prejudice ta i�s r�ghts t�refuse such payrnent or par��a� <br /> paymen�s in the future,but Lender is na�obl�gated to app�y su�h paym�nts a��he time such payments are <br /> accep�ed. �f each Per�odic Paym�nt is app�ied as of i�s scheduled due da�e, then L�nder need not pay�nterest <br /> an unapplied funds, Lender xnay ho�d such unappli�d funds unti�Borrower rnakes paym�nts�o bring the <br /> Loan current. If Barrower does no�do so�cavzth�n a reastinabl�period af time, Lender shall e��her app��such <br /> funds or return them to Borr�wer. �f nat app���d earizer, such funds w���be app�z�d to�he outstanding <br /> p�rznc�pa�balanee under the Note imrnediately prior�o forec�osure. No affset or claim�vh�ch Borrower m�ght <br /> have now or�n�he future agains�Lender shail re�ieve Barrower from rnaking paymen�s due under the Note <br /> and�his Security Znstrument or perf�rn�ing�he cov�enants and agreements secured by this ��curi�y <br /> Instrumen�. <br /> �. Applicativn t�f Payments vr Praceeds. Excep�as o�herw�s�descr�bed zn�his S�ct��n 2, al�paym�nts <br /> acGepted and app��ed by L�nder shall be app�ied in the following Qrder of priarity: (a} in�erest due und���he <br /> Nate; �b}pr�ncipal due under�he Nflte; ��}amounts due under Se��ian 3. 5uch pa�m�n�s shall b�applied�o <br /> each Periodic Paymen�in the orde�r�n wh��h�t became due. An�remaining am�un�s shall b�app�ied firs��Q <br /> �a�e charges, second ta any�the�r amnun�s due under th�s�ecu�rzty �nstrumen�, and then ta reduce the <br /> principa�balance of the I�ote. <br /> �f Lender rece�ve�a payment from Barrow�r f�r a de�i��quent P�riadic Payment v�hich in�lu�es a suff�cient <br /> amount to pay any�a�e charge duey �h�payment may be appl�e�.ta�he d�linquent payrner�t and the�ate <br /> charge. If more than one P�riadic Paymen� is auts�and�ng, Lender�may app�y any paymen�r�c�zved from <br /> Borrawer t��he repayment af the Periodic Payrnent,� if, and ta the e�.ten��hat, each payment can be paid i� <br /> fu11. T�the�xtent that any excess exist5 after the payment is app�ied to the fu��payment�f one or more <br /> P�r�od�c Paymen�s, such excess may be app�ied to any late charges due. �loluntary prepayments shall be <br /> app�ied�rst�o any prepa�m�nt Lharges anci th�n as �iescribed in the Note. <br /> NEBAASKA-Sing�e Farnily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM IN5TRl3M�NT Farm 3�28�101 <br /> VMP[� VMP�{N��t130�) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financia!Services Page 4 af 17 <br />