<br /> in the Praperty and�ights under th�s Security Instrumen�; and�d�takes such actian as Lender ma�
<br /> reasonably requ�re�� assure that Lender's interest in�he Proper�y and r�ghts under�h�s SeGur�ty Instrument,
<br /> and B�rrow�r's obligation��pay the sum�se�ured by �his Securit�r Instrument, sha��cantinue un�hanged.
<br /> Lender ma�r�quire that Borro��er pay such reinstatemen�sums and expenses�n one or more�f the fai�awing
<br /> forms, a� selec�ed b� Lender; ta}cash; �b}m.oney arder; �c�certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's check, provided any such c�eck is drawn upon an insti�ut�on�vhose d�posits are insured by a
<br /> federal agenc�, �ns�ru�nental��y�r entit�; ar td}Electr�n�c Funds Tsransfer. Upon reins�atemen��y Sarro�er,
<br /> �his Security�nstrurnent and o�ligati�ns secured hereb�sha�� rema�n fully effec��ve as if no acGe��ratian had
<br /> �ccurred. Hovvever, �his right ta re�nstate sha��not app�y�n the case of accelera�ion under Sec�ion 1 S.
<br /> ��. Sa�e af Nate; Change of Loan Serr►icer; Notice of �rievan�e. The Note or a par�ial�nterest in the
<br /> Nate�together►�vith th�s Secur��y Ins�rumen�}can be said ane ar mare times�ithout prior notice to
<br /> Borrawer. A sa�e migh�r�sult in a change in the entit��known as the "Loan Servicer"}tha�c�ilec�s Periodic
<br /> Paymen�s due under the Note and this Security�nstrurnent and perforn�s oth�r martgag��flan serv���n�
<br /> ob�igat�ons under the Na�e, �his Security Instrument, and App�icab�e Law. Ther�also rnight be one or more
<br /> changes of the Loan S�rW�cer unrelated to a sale of the Note. �f there�s a change of the Loan S�r�icer,
<br /> I�arrawer wi��be given�ritten nofice�f the change v�hich will sta�e the nam�and addr��s�f�he ne�Loan
<br /> Ser�icer, th�add�ress to which paymen�s should be made and any other�nformation RESPA requires in
<br /> cannect�an w�th a notice of transfer of servieing. �f the Note�s s�id and thereafter th�Loan is ser�iced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer��her than the purchaser of the Note, tihe rnor�gage�oan servicing ob�zgations to Borrower w���
<br /> remain with the I.oan Ser�icer ar he�ransferred to a succe�sor L�an Servicer and are nat a5sumed by�he
<br /> l�ot�purcha��r unless othervvise pro�ided by th�No�e purchaser.
<br /> Neith�r B�rr�w�r nor Lender�ma�commence,�jo�n, flr be jo�ned�o any judicial dc�ion�as either an
<br /> individual�itigant or�he memb�r of a c�ass}that arises frnrn�.he a�her par�y's act�ons pursuant to this
<br /> Security In�trurn�r�t or that alieg�s that�he ather party h�s breached an��rovis�an�f, ar any duty owed b�
<br /> reason of, �his S�cur��y�ns�rumen�, un�il such B�rrower or Lender has n�tif�ed the a�her par�y�wi�h such
<br /> n��i�e g��en in camplian�e with the requirements of SeGti�n 15}of suc�alle�ed�reach and afforded the
<br /> other par��here�a a rea�onabie period after the giving �f such notic��o take corrective act�on. �f App��cable
<br /> Law prov�d�s a�im.e period which must elapse before��r�ain act��n can be tak�n, that time period w�ll be
<br /> dee�ned to be reasonable f�r purpose� of th�s paragraph. The not�c�of acceleration and opp�r�un��y ta cur�
<br /> gi�en ta Borrower pursuan��a Section 22 and the not�ce af ac��lera�ion gz�ren to Borrower pursuant�o
<br /> Sec�ian �8 shall be deemed to satisfy the noti�e and�pportuni�y to�ake corre��ive action prov�s�tins�f�a�s
<br /> Section 24.
<br /> �'1. �iazardaus Substances. As used in�h��Sect�on 21.: ta} "�a,�drdous 5`u�s�araces"are�hose substances
<br /> def ned as toxic or hazardous subs�ances, pollutants, �r was�es by Env�ronrnenta�Law and�he fo�lowin�
<br /> SubS�ances: gaso�ine, k�ros�ne, other flammab�e or toxic pe�roleum pr��uc�s, toxic pesticides and herb�cides,
<br /> valati��e s��vents, �na�eria�s containing asbe�tas or f�rmaldehyde, and rad�oact�ve ma��r�ais; {b}
<br /> "�t2viror�rnejzta�Law"means fed�ral laws and�aws�f the j urisdic��on w�ere the Praperty zs located tha�
<br /> re�ate to health, safety�r en�ironmental pro�ection; (c� "�n�iror����e��tal CleQnup" includes any response
<br /> ac��on, remed�al ac��on, �r r�mfl�a� action, as def�ned in Env�ronmental Law; and�d} an "Environn�en�al
<br /> Co�d�tinn"means a condi�ior�tha�can cause, contr�but��o, or atherwise tr�gger an En�v�ronmental Cl�anup.
<br /> B�rro�aer sha�l n�t cause ar permi�the prese�c�, use, disposa�, storage, or re�ease af any �azardous
<br /> Substan�es, �r threa�en t� re�ease any Hazardaus Subs�ances, on or in the Property. Bflrrower shal�no�do,
<br /> nor allo�r an�one else ta do, any�hing affec��ng the Propert�r�a}�ha��s�n vzola���n of an�Env�ranm�ntal
<br /> Law, �b}which creates an Env�ronmen�a��ond��ion, ar�c�which, due��the presence, use, or re�ease of a
<br /> Hazardous Sub��an�e, crea�es a Gondi�ion that ad�ersely affects th�Walue of the Proper�y. The preceding tv�o
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-�annie MaslFr�ddie Mac L�NIFaRM 1tVSTRUMENT ��r�,�o�s��o�
<br /> VM�� VMPfi�N�}i�3023
<br /> WaIters ICl�wer�inancia!Ser�ices Page�3 of 17
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