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��15�4511 <br /> desigr�ated a sub�titu�e not�ce address by n�tzc�t� L�nd�r. Barrower sha�l prompt�y no�ify Lender flf <br /> Borrow�r's change of address. If Lender spec��es a pra�e�ure far report�ng B�r�aw�r's change af address, <br /> then Borrawer�ha��only repar�a chan�e of add�ess through tha�sp�cif�ed procedure. <br /> There may he only ane designated not�ce address und�r th�s Se�urity Ins�rumen�at any�n�tzrne. Any natice <br /> to Lender shall be g��en by de�iver�ng �t ar by mailing it by firs�class mail to Lender's add�r�ss s�ated herein <br /> unless L�ndex ha�d�s�gnat�d anflther add�ess by not�ce�o Borrower. Any n���ce�n c�nnect�Qn with�h�s <br /> �ecurity �nstrument shall nat b�deemed to ha�e be�n gi�en t�Lender unt��ac�ua��y�r�cei�ed�y Lender. If <br /> any not�c�r��uired by th�s S�cur�ty Ynstrument�s alsa requ�red under Appli�ab�e La��, th�Appl��ab��Law <br /> r�qu��remen�wi11 satisfy the carresponding requirem�n�under th�s Securi�y Instrumen�. <br /> �6. �v�ern�ng Law; Severab��ity; Rules of �anstruction. Th�s Seeurity Instrument sha�l be governed by <br /> federal law and�he�aw of�he jur�sd�c��on in which the Proper�y is loca�ed. Al�z-�ghts and obl�gati�ns <br /> conta�ned in this Security Ins�rument are subjec�to any requirements and�imitatians af A�pliCabl�Law. <br /> App��cab�e Law might exp�ici�ly or irnplici��y al�ow the part�es ta agree b� c�ntrac��r it might be s�lent, but <br /> such s�len�e shal�not be constru�d as a prah�b�t�oz�aga�ns�agr�ement by c�ntxa��. �n th�ewent tha�any <br /> provis�on ar claus�of this Securzty�ns�rurnen�or the Note c�nfli��s w�th App��cab�e Law, such conflic�sha�l <br /> not affec�a�her pro�riszons af�h�s Se�ur�ty Instrument or the Note which can be given eff�ct vvithout the <br /> conflict�ng pravision. <br /> As used in this Security Instrument: �a)u�ords of�he mascuiine�end�r�ha�� mean and�n��ude corre�gonding <br /> neuter words or�ords of the feminine gender; �b�words in the s�ngular sha�l m�an and �nc�ude th�plural <br /> and W�ce�ersa; and�c�the vvord "may" g���s so�e discreti�n with�ut any ob��gat�on to take any acti�n. <br /> '17. B�rraw�r's Cvpy. Borr�wer sha�l be gi�en ane c�py flf�he Note and�f this Security Instrument. <br /> '1�. Transfer of the Property ar a Beneficia� �nt�rest in Borraw�r.A�used in this 5e��ion �8, "�n��res��n <br /> the Property" means any��gal or��n����al interest in the Property, �nclud�ng, but not Iim�.ted t�, thase <br /> bene�cial�ta�erests transf�rred in a b�nd for deed, cantrac�for deed, installmen�sales�an.��ac��r�scrow <br /> agre�ment, �he intent af v�rhic�.�s the transfer of title by Borrower at a future da�e to a purchaser. <br /> If a11 or any part of�he Proper�y or any Inter�st in the Proper�y�s s�id ar transferr�d�or if Borrow�r�s not a <br /> natural p�r�on and a benef�cia� in�er�s�in B�rrflwer is so�d�r transferr�d�wi�h�llt Lender's prio�r wr�tten <br /> consent, Lender may requ�re imrnedzate payn�ent in fu�I af al��ums secur�d by�his Securi��r�ns�rum�n�, <br /> Howe�er, thxs apt�on sha�l not�e exe�cised hy Lender if such exercis�is proh�b��ed by App�icable Law. <br /> If L�nd�r exerc�ses�h�s op�ion, L.�nd�r shall g�ve Borra�ver n�t��e�f acceierat�on. The notice shall pr�vide a <br /> peri�d of not�ess�han 3�day�from the date the not�ce�s g���n�n accardance�vith Section �5 within wh�ch <br /> B�rraw�r mus�pay a�l sums secured by this Secur�ty�ns�rument. �f Borrower faiis ta pay�hese sums pria,r�a <br /> th�expiration�f this per�od, Lender may in�o�e any remedie�permi��ed by this Security�nstrumen�with�ut <br /> fur�her not�ce or dernand on Borrov�er. <br /> �9, Borrower's R�ght tv Reinstate After Acce�erati�n. If Barraw�r meets cer�ain conditians, Barrawer <br /> shal�ha�re th�right ta ha��enfQr��ment of�his�ecur�ty �nstrumen�discantinued at any�ime przor�o�he <br /> ear�iest of: �a�five days b�for�saie af the Property pursuan�to any po�v�r of sale con�ained�n thzs Securit� <br /> �ns�rumen�; (b}su�h�ther per�ad as App�icable Law might specify for the��rminatian of Barr�wer's righ�t� <br /> reinstate; or�c}entr�r of a,�udgmen�enforcing this Security Instrumen�. Those cand'zt�ons are that B�rr�wer: <br /> (a}pays Lender a�l sums wh�ch th�n wau�d be due under this Securzty Instrument and�he Ivote as�f rio <br /> a�ce�eration had o�curred; �b}cures an�defau��af an�other caWenants or agre�ments; �c�pa�r�a�I expenses <br /> inGurred in enforcing this Securit�Instrumen�, inc�ud�n�, but nvt limi�ed t�, reasonab��a�t�rne�s' fees, <br /> prflper��inspect��n and�aluation fees, and other f�es incurr�d for the purpose of protectzng Lender's in��rest <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie Farnity-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�OAM INSTR€JM�NT �orm 30�8 11a1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6{N�y�1302) <br /> Wvlters Kl�wer Financia�S�rvic�s Page 12 af'�7 <br />