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��15�4511 <br /> sen�enc�s shall nat apply ta the presen�e, US�y ar s��rage on the Praper�y of small quar�t��ies of Ha2ardous <br /> Su�stances tha� are genera��y recagnized t�be apprapriate�o normal residential uses dnd to main�enance of <br /> th�Praper�y��ncluding, but nat�inut�d t�, hazardaus substanc�s in c�nsumer products}. <br /> �3arrower sha�l prompt��g�ve Lende�r written no�ice of�a} any invest�gat�on, c�a�m, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> act�an by any gavernm�ntal flr regula�ory agency or pri�a�e party inva�v�ng the Praper�y and any Ha�ardous <br /> Subs�ance or En�iranmental La�v af which Bnrrawer has ac�ua�know�ed�e, �b}an��n�rironmental <br /> Condi�ionf inc�uding but not�imited to, any sp��l�ng, Ieak�ng, discharge, releas��r threat of release�f any <br /> Hazardaus Substanc�, and��}any cand�ti�n cau�e�.by�he presen�e, us�or release af a Ha2ardous Subs�ance <br /> which adverse�y affec�s�he�alue of�he Praperty. If Borrawer learns, ar is notified by any�avernmental or <br /> regu�a�ary au�hority, or any�r��at�par�y, �hat any r�rn�val�r o�her remediation of any�3azardous Subs�ance <br /> affeCt�ng the Praperty is nece�sary, Borrower sha�t prompt�y take a��necessary remed�a� actions in <br /> accardan��wi�h En�ironmental Law. Noth�ng herein shal� c�reat�any abligat�on on Lender�or an <br /> Environm�ntal Cleanup. <br /> Nvn-Uniform �oWenants. B�rr�wer and Lender cavenant and agree as fo��ows: <br /> ��. Accel�ratian; Remedies. Len�er shal�g�ve nnt�c�to Borrower pri�r�fl acceleration fallowing <br /> Barrow�r's breach of any covenan�ar agreernen�in�his Securi�y Ins#rurnent�bu�na�priar to <br /> a�cel�ra��on under�ec��on 18 un�ess A�plicable Law pr�vides o�herwise�. T'he n�tic�shall specify: �a� <br /> �he defau�t; ��}�he act�an r�qu�red�o cure the defaul�; �c} a da�e, no�less than 3U days from the date <br /> �he no��ce�s given to Borrower, by which�h�defaul�mus�be cured; and�d) tha�fa��.ure�o cure the <br /> defaul�an or�efare�he date specif�ed in the na��ce n�ay resu���n acce�era��on af the sums secure�l by <br /> �hi�Security In��rumen�and sale af�he Property. 'I'he no�ice sha��fur�her inf�rm Bvrrower of the <br /> r�gh��o reins�ate after acceieratian and the righ�to�r�ng a caur�ac�ion to assert the non-ex�stence af a <br /> default�r any ather defense�f Borrower�o accelera�ian and sale. If�he d�fau�t�s no�cured on ar <br /> before the da��specif�e��n�he no�ice, Lender a�xts vp�ion may requ�re�mmed�atie payment in ful�af <br /> a��sums secured�y�his Securi�y Ins�rument w��h¢ut further demand and nr�ay invoke�he pawer�f sale <br /> anc�any ather remedi�s perrni�fied by Applicable Law. Lender shal�be en�itl�d�v c�ilec�a��expen5e5 <br /> incurr�d in pursu�ng�he remed�es pravided in�his Se��ion Z�, including,bu�n��l�mited�o, reasonable <br /> at�urneys' fee�and��st5 af�it�e�v�dence. <br /> If�he power of sa�e is in�oked, Trus�ee shal�record a natxce aF defau���n each caunty in which any <br /> par�of the Property is located and shall ma��cop�e�of such not�ce in the m.anner pre5cribed by <br /> App�icable Law to B�rrower and to�he o�her perSon��rescr�bed by Applicable Law. After the�ime <br /> required by A�p���ab��Law, Trust��shali giv�public no�ic�of sale to the persons and i�the manner <br /> prescr�bed by App��ca��e I�aw.Trus�ee, wi�hau� demand an�3orrower, 5ha�1 sell�he Prvp�rty at puh��� <br /> au���on to the highest bidder a��he time and pia�e and under the�erms designa�e��n�he not�ce�F sale <br /> �n on�ar rnore parcels and in any order Trus�ee deterrnines. Trus�e�m�ay pas�pone sa�e of alI or any <br /> parcel of the Proper�y by public annauncemen�a�the time and piace of any pre��ously scheduled 5ale. <br /> Lender or i�s designee may purchase�he Fraper�y a�any�ale. <br /> Upan rece�p�of pay�n�nt of�he price�id,Trus�ee shall deii�er to the pur�haser Trus�ee's deed <br /> convQying th�Praper�y.The rec��als in�he Trus�e��s d��d�hal�b�pr��na faC�e e��.d�nce vf the truth�f <br /> the statements made�hcrein. Trus�ee sha��app�y�he proceeds vf the sa�e�n�he fo���wing�rder: �a� t� <br /> a�l c�st�and exper�ses nf e�er�is�ng th�pawer nf�ale, and the sa�e,including th�paym�nt oF�he <br /> Trus�ee's fees ac�ua��y xncurred and reas�na��e a�torn�ys' fees as perm��ted by App��ca��e Law; �b� ta <br /> a��sums s�cured�y th�s S�cur�ty In�trument; and�c}any excess�a th�person or person�legally <br /> en��tled ta��. <br /> N�BRASKA-Singie Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac�NIFORM lNSTRUMENT Fnrm 34�8 11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi(NEf 4130�21 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Fir�anciaE 5er�ices Pag�'14 af 17 <br />