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��15�45US <br /> ���� �F 1��.U��" <br /> ��at���nu�d} page 3 <br /> reas�na��y ne�essary to protect and preserve�he Property. <br /> TAXES AN❑ LI�NS. Th� fa�fowing pravisians re�ating to #he taxes and iiens an the Prope�y are part o�this ❑eed of <br /> Trust: . <br /> Pa�men#. Trusta�shall pay when due �and in a11 events prior t� delinquency}a!i taxes, special taxes, assessmen�s, <br /> charges �including wa�er and s�wer-}, �nes and impositions levi�d against ar on accoun�af the Praperty, and shall <br /> pay when due a�l elaims �or work dane an or�or sen�sces rendered or materia� furnished fc�the Property. Tr-ustor <br /> shall rnaintain th�Properfy free of ail iiens ha�ing priori#y o�er�or equal to fhe in#erest af Lender ur�der this Deed of <br /> Trus#, except #or fh� li�n of taxes and assessm�n#s not due, ex�epf �or the Existing �ndebtedness referred �o <br /> below, and except as othen�vise pro�ided in this❑eed of Trus�. <br /> Right t��ontes�. Trustor may vuithhald payment of any�ax, asses5men�, ar claim in connec��on with a gQod fai�h <br /> dispute a�er the o�l�gation to pay, so long as�.ender's interest in the Pr�pe�ty�s not jeapardized. 1f a fien arises or <br /> is filed as a result o�nonpayment, Trusfor shal� w�thin fifteen �'!�} days after the fien a�-ises ar, if a lien is fi�ed, <br /> with�n fifteen �'f 5} days after Trustor has no�ic� o�#he�i�ing, secure �he discharge o�th� lien, or if reques�ed by <br /> Lende�,d�posit with �.end�r cash or a suff��ient corporate surety bond or other s�curity sat�sfactary to Lender in an <br /> amvun�sufficient to d��charge the iien plus any costs and att�rneys'�ees, or other et�arges tha�could aecrue as a <br /> resu�t of a�or�clasure or sale under th�lien. In any con��st, T�ustor shall d�fend ifsel�and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any adverse judgment be�or�enfo��ement against the Pr�perty. Trus�or shafl name Lende�as an additional obl�gee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in the con�es�pro�eedfngs. <br /> E�idence o�Pa}��nent. Trustor sha�l upon demand�urnish to Lender sa�is�actory e�idence of payment o�fihe�axes <br /> or ass�ssments and shall author��e the apprapriate gouernmenta� afficial ta deliver ta Ler�der afi any time a written <br /> staternen�of the taxes and assessrnents against the Prvperty. <br /> Na#ic�e af Cons�ruc#ion, Trustor shall notify Lender at feast fifte�n �'!5} days before any vvar�k is commenced, any <br /> services ar�furni�hed, ar any materia�s ar� �upplied ta the Praper�y, �f any mechani�'s lien, mater�a�rnen�5 Ii�'�'1, ar <br /> . other �ien could be asse�ted �n acco�nt of the work, services, or materials. Trus�or wil� upon r�quest of Lendet� <br /> #'u�n�sh to Lender advance assuran�es ���isfactary �o Lender that Trustar �an and will pay �he �as� ofi such <br /> impr�vements. <br /> PROP�RTI�DA�11lAGE 1NSURANGE. The fallowing pra�isivns rela�ing�v insuring�he Proper�y are a part of#h�s �eed af <br /> Trus�. <br /> ilJlaintenance of �nsurance. Trustor sha�l procure and main�ain poli�ies v�f re insurance wi�h s�andard extended <br /> co�erage endarsernents on a replacement basis�or the fu�l insurabfe�a�ue co�ering akl imprvWemen�s on the Real <br /> Proper�y in an amount sufficient to avad applicat�an of any coinsurance clause, and with a stand�rd m�r�gag�� <br /> ciause in fia�o�o�Lender,ta�ether wi�h such other hazard and �iab�iity insurance as Lende�may reasonably requ�re. <br /> Ppiicies s�ali be wr€t'�en �n form, amaunts, co�erages and basis �easonably acceptable to Lender and issued �y a <br /> campany or cornpanies reasona�(y acceptable#a L�nder. Trustor, upon reques� o� Lende�, wiS� defi�er to Lende� <br /> fram time to time the poi�cies ar�e�fificates vf insuran�e in farm sat�sfac�ory fio Lender, including stipulatians that <br /> co�erages wil� na� be cancelled or dimir�ished withou# at least�en �'fa}days pri�r written no#iGs to Lender. �ach <br /> insurance palicy a�so snall �nc�ude an endorsemen�pro�idir�g that coverage in fa��r a�L�nder wi�l not be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, ❑missi�n or defauit of Tt�ustor ar any�ther per�an. Should the Rea! Prc�pe�ty be l�cated in <br /> an area designated by the Administra�or of the Federal Emergency Manag�menfi Agenc�l as a special fload hazard <br /> a�ea, Trustor agr�es ti� obtain and maintain Federa� Flo�d Insurance, if ava�labie, for �he maxirnum amount of <br /> Trustar's �redit line and t�e ful! unpaid princ#pal balance a�any priar liens an the p�a�erty securing#he loan, up to <br /> #he maximum policy limi#s set under the iVa�i�nal Fioad Insurance Prog�am,ar as othe�-wis�r�quired by Lender,and <br /> �a maintain such�nsurance f�r the term of the laan. <br /> App�icatian af Praceeds. Trus�or shal! prornpt�y nati�y Lender of any loss o�-damage to the Pr�perty. Lende�may <br /> make proof of �ass �f Trustor fa�ls �o da so w�thin fifteen ��5} days o� the casual�y. Whether or not Lender's <br /> securifiy is impaired, Lende�may, at Lender`s�lec�3on, rece��e and re�a"sn t�e proceeds a��ny �nsuran�e and apply <br /> the proceeds to the reduction af the indebtedness, payment of any lien affecfiing the Property, ar the restarat�on <br /> and repair o�the Pr�pert�. !�Lender elects to app�y the pra�eeds to r�stora�ion and repair, Trustor shafl rep�ir ar <br /> replace the damaged ar destrayed Impro�ements in a manner satisfactory to Lender. Lender shal�, upon <br /> safiisfactory praa� af such expenditure, pay ar reimburse Trustor from the praceeds for the �-easonab�e c�s� of <br /> repair or restoratian if Trustor is not in defau�t under fhis Deed �f Trust. Any praceeds which ha�e not been <br /> . disbu�sed wi�hin �i 8� days after their� receipt and whi�h Lender ha� not comrni�te�! #o the �epair or res�aratian of <br /> #he Property shalf be used f�rs��v pay any amaun�owing �� Lend��r under�his T�eed o�Trust,then tn pay a�crued <br /> inte�est, and the remainder, if any, shall be appiied t� th� prinCipal balance afi the Inde��edness. ff Lender halds <br /> any proceeds after payment in �Fu�l of the Indebt�dness, such proceeds shali be paid to Trustor as Trust�r's <br /> 4nterests may appear. <br /> Cvmpli�nce with Existing Indeb�ednes�. �uring the periad in which any Exis�ing Indebtednes�described belovv is <br /> in effec�, compliance wifih the insurance pra�is3ons contained in the instrument e�iden�ing suGh �xisting <br /> lndebtedness shal� cons#i�ute compliance with the insurance provisions under this Deed a� Trusf, tv th� ex��nt <br /> compiiance wi�h fhe �e�ms of this ❑eed of Yrust would �ons#itut� a duplica�ion of insur�ance re�uirement. ff any <br /> procee�s from the insurance became�ayab��on ivss, the pro�risivns in this D�ed of Trust�For diuisian �f proceeds <br /> shall apply anly to tha�por�ion of the proceeds not payab�e to the holder of the Existing�ndebtedness. <br />