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��15�45US <br /> ���� ��' TF��1�T <br /> ��Or1t��lu�d� Page 2 <br /> grants tv Lender a Uni�arrn Camm�rcial �ode security in�erest in�he Personal Prape�ty and Rents. <br /> THIS DEED�F TRUST, INCLL1DiNG THE ASS[GNMENT t]F RENTS AN❑THE SE�URITY�NTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PER54NAL PR�PERTY, �S GIVEN T❑ SECURE �A} PAY�MENT�F THE INDEBTEDNESS AND �B} PERFDRiVIANCE 4F <br /> EACH C3F TRUST�R"S A�REEMENTS AND (JBLIGAT��NS llNDER THE CREDIT AGREEMENT, THE RELATED <br /> DOCUMENTS, AND THIS DEED nF TRUST. TH1S DEED QF TRlJST l5 �IVEN AN❑ ACCEPTED �N THE F'QLLOIJVlN� <br /> TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Excep� as o#herwis� p�o�ided in this aeed o�Trus#, T�us#a�sha�l pay �v L�nder al! <br /> amoun#s secured by this D�ed of Trust as #hey becom� due, and shall strict�y and in a timely manner per�orm al� af <br /> Trus�or's obiigations under the�redit Agreernen#, �his Deed o�Trus�,and the Related ❑ocuments. <br /> POSSESSi4N AND MAINTENAN�E �F THE PR4PERTY. T�us��r agrees that Trustar's possessian and use of the <br /> Proper�y shall be go�erned by�he following pro�isians: <br /> Passess�vn and Use. Unti� the �ccu�ren�e a� an Even� of Defiaul�, Trustor may ��} remain in passess�an and <br /> �ontr�l of the Property; ��} use,op�rate or manage the Prope�ty;and �3} �al�ect the R�nts�rom th� Prope�ty. <br /> auty fv Maintain, Trustor shall main�ain �he Prape�ty in gaad conditivn and pramp��y pe�Form all repairs, <br /> r�pla��men�s,and rnaintenance necessary to preserve its value. <br /> �ampliance With En�ironrnentai Laws. Trust�r represents and warrants to L�nder fihat: �`i} During the period af <br /> Trus�or's awn�rship v�#h�Properky,there has been na use,generation, manufacture, starage,���atrn�nt, disposal, <br /> release or threatened �elease o€any Hazardous 5ubstance hy any person on, under, about flr�rom the Property; <br /> ��} Trustar has na kno►�vledge o�, �r reasan tv b�lie�e�hat�here has been, excepfi as pre�iously disclosed �a and <br /> acknovvledged by Lender in writing, �a} any brea�h ar �iaia�ion o� any En�ironmental Laws, {b} any use, <br /> generation, manufac�ure, s�ora�e, trea�ment, dispo�al, release or threat�ned release of any Haza�d�us 5+�bs#anGe <br /> on, under, abou� or from the P�aperty by any prior owners �r accupants af th� PrQperty, or �c} any a�tual ar <br /> th�e�tened litigation or claims o�any k�nd by any person relating to such matters; and �3) Except as prev�ously <br /> disclvsed fv and acknowledged �y Lender in writ�ng, �a} neither Trustor nor an�tenant, con#ractor,agent or o#her <br /> authorized u�er o�t�e Property shall use, generate, manu�ac�ure, store, treat, dispose ofi ar�eiease any Hazardous <br /> Subs�ance on, und�r, abouf or from�he Proper�y;and �b} any such ac�i�ity shail be canducted in complian�e with <br /> all app�icab�e federaf, stat�, and local laws, regula�ions and ordinances, including without limitation a[I <br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustor authari�es Lender and its agents �o enter upvn the Praperty ta make such <br /> �nspeetions and �ests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deern appropriate to �etermine comp�iance af the <br /> Prope�ty w�th this section of the Deed o�Trust. Any �nspe�tions ❑r teSts made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purposes on�y and sha�l not be constru�d to create any responsibility flr liab��ity on�he part of Lender ta Trustor or <br /> �o any afher pe�son, The representat�ons and warranties canta�ned he�ein a�e based on Trustor`s due diligence in <br /> investiga�ir�g fhe Prape�ty for Hazardous Substances. Trus��r hereby �1) releases and waives any future �laims <br /> against Lender�or ind�mnity o� cant�ibutian in the e�en�Trustvr�Oecomes liab�e for �ieanup or vther cas�s under <br /> any such laws; and �2} a��ees to indemni�fy, defend, and hald harrnless Lender aga�nst any and a�l cla�ms, losses, <br /> fiabili�ies, damages, penal�ies, and expenses which Lender may directly or indirectly sus#ain or suffer resul�ing from <br /> a breach o#this section af the Deed af Trust or as a consequen�e of any use, genera�ion, manufacture, s#or�a�e, <br /> d�sposa�, release or threatened release�ccurring priar to Trustar's flwnership or inte�est in#he Praperty,whe#her ar <br /> nat the sam� was or shauld have �een known �o Trus�or. The p�a�isians of this section �f the D�ed af Trust, <br /> in�luding the abligatian ta indemnify and de�enc�, shall survive the payment v�the Indebtedness and the satisfact�on <br /> and �econ�eyance of�he lien of this Deed of Trust and shail nat be a�Fected by Lender's acquisi�ion af any interes� <br /> in the Property,whe#her by fa�eclosu�-e vr o#herwise. <br /> Nu�sance, Waste. Trusto� shall not cause, canduc� o� permit any nui�ance nar commit, permit, ar� su�fer any <br /> sfiripping of o�-waste on ar to �he Property ar ar�y po�tfon of the Property, Wi�hout lim�ting �he generali�y a#the <br /> foregaing, Trus�ar wi(I na�rernove, ar grant ta any other party#he right ta remo�e, any timber, minerals [inciuding <br /> oil and gas), coa�, c�ay, scoria,soi�,gra�el or rock products w�thau#Lender's prior written consen�. <br /> Remaval n�lmprv��ments. T�usto�shall not demo�ish o�remo�e any Impra�ements from the Real Prope�ty withau� <br /> Lend�r`s priar writ�en consent. As a condition to the remo�al af any improvements, L�nde�may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangements satis�actvry to Lender to replace such fmpra�ements with lmpra�ements af at least equal <br /> �alu�. <br /> Lend�r`s Right to Enter. Lend�r and Ler�der's agents and representa�i��s may ent�r upon the Real Property at a�l <br /> r�ason�bi� times to attend ta Lender's in�e�ests and ta ins�ec� the Real Proper#y for purposes of Trustor's <br /> c�mpiiance with the#erms and conditions vf this de�d Qf Trust. <br /> Compliance with Go��rnmental Requirem�nts. Trusta� shali promptl� comply with al! laws, ardinances, artd <br /> regula�ians, n�w or h�reafter in effect, of all go�er�mental au�har�ties appl�cable to the use ar occupancy of the <br /> Property. Trustor may can�est in goQd fai�h any such iaw, ardinance,or regulatian and withhold compliance during <br /> any proceeding; including appropria�e appeals, sa long as Trustar has n�tifed Lender in w�-it�ng privr to daing so <br /> and sa long as, in Lender's sale apinion, Lender`s interes#�in the Proper�y�re no�jeopardized. L�nder may r�quire <br /> Trustvr to post adequate security�r a surety bond, reasonably sa��s�actory to Lender,ta pr�tecf Lender's int�rest. <br /> _ ❑uty�o Prntect. Trustar ag�ees neither�o abandon or IeaWe unat#ended #he Property. Trustar shall do ali other <br /> acts, in addition to those a�ts set forth above in this sect�on,which from th�character and use of the Property ar� <br />