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��15�45US <br /> []�EC] C]� T'RUS�' <br /> ��onti�ued} Page 4 <br /> LENDER'S E�PEND�TURES. If Trustor fails (A} �o keep fhe Property firee af aCl #axes, liens, secur��y inter�s�s, <br /> encurnbrances: and oth�r claims, �g} to prov�de any required insurance �n the Prope�ty, �C} to make repairs to #h� <br /> Prope�ty or to camp[y w�th any ob�iga�i�n to maintain Exisfi�ng indebtedness in good s�anding as requ�red be�aw, then <br /> Lender may do so. Ifi any action o� proceed�ng is commenced #hat v�+ould mate�iaily affec� Lender's ir�t�rests in the <br /> P�op�r�y, thert L�nder an Trustor's beha�f may, but €s no# requi�ed �a, take any ac�ian #hat Lender hel[ev�s to be <br /> appropriate to pro#ect Lender's inte�ests. A(� expenses incurr�d ar paid by Lender fo� such purpases wil� then bear <br /> interest at �he rate charged under the C�edit Agreeme�t from the date incurred or paid by ��nder t❑ �he date of <br /> repaymen�by Trustor. a�l such exp�nses w�ll become a part of the Indebtedness and, at Len�er'�optian, w�l� {A} b� <br /> payable an demar�d; �B} b� added ta the balance af the �redit Agreement and b� appor�ioned arnong and �e payable <br /> wi�h any installment payments ta be�ame due during eith�r �'�} the�e�-m of any appli�able insurance pvlicy; or ��} the <br /> rema�n�ng �erm af the Credit Agreem�nt; or �C} be treated as a ba�lofln payment whi�h will be due and payab�e at the <br /> Gredi�Agreement's maturi�y, The ❑eed o�Trust also wil� secure paymen�of these amvunts, The r�ghts pro��ded f�r in <br /> this paragraph sha�l be in addition fo any �ther rights or any remedies to which Lender may be entitl�d on accaunt of <br /> any d�fault. Any such a�t�an by Lender shall nat be construed as curing the default so as to bar Lender#�am any <br /> remedy that it otherwise wou�d have had. <br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE�F T1TLE. The follawing pra�isions rela��ng�o ownership af the Property are a pat���this Deed <br /> �f Trus#: <br /> Tit�e. Trustor warrants tha�: �a}Trustor holds good and marketabl� title af record to th� Property in�ee simple, <br /> free and c�ear af a�l liens and encumbrances other than th�se set farth in the Real Praperty descript�on or in �he <br /> Existing lndebtedness section be[ow or in any�it�e insurance po�icy, ti�le repar�,ar fina��itle opini�n issued in fa�ar <br /> of, and accepted by, Lender in cannection wi�h #his D�ed �f T�ust, and �b}Trustor has the�ruli righ�, power, and <br /> au�hority to execute and deliver this Deed ofi Trust�o Lender. <br /> ❑efense of TitCe. 5ub�eG�to �h� excep�ion in �he paragraph aba�e, Trustor warran�s and will €ore��r defend �he <br /> title ta the Property against#he lawful claims vf a�l persons. ln th�event any ac#ion ar proc�ed�ng is cammenced <br /> that questions Trustor`s ti�le or the interes�of Trustee or Lender under this ❑eed of Trust,.Trus#or sha�l defend the <br /> action at Trust�r's expense. Trus�or may be�he nominal party in such proceeding, Cau� Lender shall be�ntitled to <br /> par�icipate in �he proce�ding and to be represent�d in the proceeding by cvunsel o� �ender's own choi�e, and <br /> Trustar will deliver, �r cause�a b� deli�ered, to Lend�r su�h instruments as Lender may request from time to time <br /> tfl permit such par�icipat�on. <br /> Cnmpiiance V11�th Laws. Trustor warrants that the Property and Trustor's use of the Proper�y camp�ies vu�th al� <br /> exis�ing appl�cable�aws, ordinanc�s,and regulations of go�ernm�ntal authar�ti�s. <br /> Survi�a[ v� Promises. A�� promises, agre�m�nts, and sta�ements Trustor has mad� in this Deed �f T�ust shall <br /> survi�e fhe execution and deliWery of this aeed o�F Trust, shall be continuing in natur� and sha11 r�main in fu11 farce <br /> and effect un#il such�ime as Trustor's lndeht�dness is paid�n ful�. <br /> ExIST�NG 1NDEBTEONESS. The follow�ng pro�isians concerning Existing Indebtedness are a part v�this Deed af Trust: <br /> . Exis�ing L�en. Th� �ien of this Deed of Trust se�uring the Indeb�edness may be secondary and inferiar �a an <br /> exis�inc� lien. Trust�r expr�ss�y co�enants and agrees to pay, or see to the payment t�f, �he Existing lndebtedness <br /> and tv pre�ent any default on su�h indebtedness, any default under th�instruments e�id�nc�ng such indebtedness, <br /> or any d�fault under any security documenfs for such indeb#edness. <br /> Na Modification. Trustvr shall not enter into any agreement wi�h the holder o�any m�rtgage, deed of trus�, a�- <br /> o�her security agreeme�� whi�h has priar�ty a�e�- this Deed af Trust by whi�h #hat agreemen� is modified, <br /> arnended, extended, or �enewed withou# �he priar w�i�ten consen� o�f Len�er. Trusfior shall neither request nor <br /> accept any future ad�ances under any such secur��y agre�ment w�thout the p�ior wr�tten c�nsent of Lender. <br /> ��N�EMNATI�N. The fvllowing pro�isians relating ta condemnation proceedings are a pa�t afi this Deed af Trus�: <br /> Rr�ceedings. Ifi any proceeding in c�nd�mnatian is fled, Trustor sha�l promp�fy no�i#y Lender in wri�ing, and <br /> Trusfiar shall promptly fake such steps as may be nec�ssary to de�end �he action and ob�ain the award. Trustar <br /> - may be#he nominal party in such proce�d�ng, bu�Lender shal� be en#i��ed�o participa���n the proceeding and�0 1�e <br /> represented in the proceeding by cau�sel of its own chaice, and Trustvr will deli�er ar cause to be deli�ered �o <br /> Lender such instrumenfs and dacum�ntation as may be requested hy Lend�r from �ime '�v tirne �o permit such <br /> par�icip�tion. <br /> Appiication vf N��Praceeds. I�al�or any part of the P�vper�y i��ond�mned by eminent damain proceedings�r by <br /> any proceeding or purchase in�ieu of Gnndemna�ion, Lender may at i�s election requ�re that all �r any po�tivn o�f the <br /> ne� proc�eds of the award be applied �o the Indebtedness or�he repair or restarativn v�the Property. The net <br /> pro�eeds o�#he award shali mean �he award after paym�n�of a�! reasonabl� �asts, expens�s, and attarneys'fees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lend��in connectivn wi�h the c�ndemnatian. <br /> �MPQ5iT1QN �F TA�CES, FEES A1V❑ CHAR�ES BY GQVERNMENTAL AUTHC]RITlES. Th� fol�owing pra��s�ons re�a�ing <br /> ta ga�ernmen�al taxes,fees and charges are a par�of this Deed o�Trust; <br /> Gurrent Taxes, Fees and Cha�ges. Upon request b� L�nder, Trustor shall execu#e such docurnents in addition to <br /> this Deed o�T�ust and take what��e�other ac�ion is request�d by Lender�� perfect and con��nue Lender's �ien an <br /> the Rea� Property. Trustor shal� reirnburse Lender for all taxes, as des�ribed below, tagethe� with a!I expenses <br />