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��15�4573 <br /> AII insurance palicies required by Lender and renevvals of such pol�cies sha,��be subject ta Lend�r's right�a <br /> disapprov�such golicies, shall include a s�andard martgage c�ause, and shaii name Lender as mortgagee <br /> andlar as an additi�na.1�oss pa�ee. Lender sha�l have the right ta hold the paii�ies and renewai certifica�e5. �f <br /> Lender requires, Borro�nr�r shall promp��y give�o Lender all r�eipts of paid premiurns and reneu�al norices. <br /> If�rrower abtains any form of insuranc:e ca��rage, not other�v�se requ�red by I.ender, for damage ta, or <br /> destructifln nf,the Property, su�h policy sha�i inc�ude a standard morrgage clause and shal�name Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlar a.s an additxana� loss payee. <br /> �n the ev�nt of�oss, Borrov�rer shall gi�e pramp�natice to�he insurance�arrier and L�nder. Lender may <br /> ma�e proof of ioss if not made prvmpt�y by Bonow�r. Un�ess Lender and Borrower other�rise agree�n <br /> �vriting, any insurance proceeds, whether ar nat the underl�ing insuranc�vvas re�u�red by L.�nder, sha]1 be <br /> applied�o res�oratxnn ar repa�r af the Prop�rty, if the restora�ian or repa�r is ecanonucally feasible and <br /> Lender's s�cur�ty is n�t l�ssened. During such repair and restoration period, Lender shal�have xhe right to <br /> hald such�n�uran�e praceeds un�i1 Lender has had an oppar�unziy to in5pecti such Property�v en�ure the <br /> wark has been comp�eted ta Lender'S saxisfac�inn,pro�rided t�a�su�h inspection sha�l be underraken <br /> promptiy. Lender rnay dxsburse prn�eed5 fvr�he repa�rs and res�oration in a sing�e payment�r in a ser�e�af <br /> pragress paymen�s as the vvork is cornple�ed. Unless an agreement is in�vri�ing ar Apg��cab��I�aw <br /> requires interest ta be paxd on such insurance praceeds, Lender sha��not be required to pay Barrov�rer an� <br /> interest ar earnings�n such proceeds. Fees for publ�c ad�usters, or other third paxries, reta.ined by Borrovver <br /> sha��nat be paid aut of the in�urance proceeds and sha11 be xhe sa�e obl�ga�ion of Borrower. Zf the restoration <br /> or repa�.r�s not econornically feasibl��r Lender's securi�w�uld b�xes�ened, the i.nsuranc�praceeds shax�be <br /> appl�ed to the sums secured by�his Seeur�ty It�strumenti, whether or not then due, wi�h�he excess, xf any, <br /> paid t�Barrower. Such insuranc�prace.�ds sha�1 be appx�ed in rhe order pro�ided for�n Sec�ion 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons the Prnperty, i.ender rnay file,negotia��and sett�e any aWaxxable insurane�claim and <br /> relaYed mat�ers. If Borrower does nat respand with�n 3�days to a natice frorn Lender tha�xh�xnsurance <br /> carrier has offered tc�settle a,�hen Lender may negotrate and settle the claim. The 3�-day periad wi�i <br /> b�gin�vhen the n��ice is gYUen. In either ewent, or if Lender a�qu�res the Property under Sec�i�n��or <br /> otherwise, Borro�er here�y assxgns to Lender�a}Bvrrov�er's rights to any insurance proceeds in an arnaun� <br /> not xa��ceed the amounts unpai.d under the No�e or�his 5ecurity Instrument, and(b}any other of <br /> Borrower's rights(other than the r�ght ta any refund❑f unearned premium�paid by Borrvvtr�r)under all <br /> insuranc�policxes co�ering the Praper�y, xns�far as such r�ghts are applicabie�n the co�erage of th� <br /> Property. Lender ma.y use the�nsurance proceeds either�o repair or res�ore th�Progerty or�o pa�amounts <br /> unpaid under the No�e or th�s Security�nstrument, v�hether ar no�then due. <br /> �. accupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use�he Proper�y as Bnrrower's principal r�sidence <br /> with�n 6�days after the executian of this S�cur�ty Instrument and shall�ontinue to�ccupy the Property as <br /> Borrower's pri.n.cipai residence for ax least one year aft�r the d.ate of oc�upancy, unless Lender othervwise <br /> agre.�s�n writing, which eonsent shall not�e unreasonably withheld, or unl�ss extenuating circurnstances <br /> exist which are beyond�rr�wer's control. <br /> 7. Preservation, �a�ntenance and Proteet�an of th� Praperty; Inspect�on�. Barrawer shall nat destray, <br /> damage ar xmpair�he Property, al�ovv�he Properry to deteriora�e or eommi.t�vas��on�he Praper�. '�'h�ther <br /> or nat B�rrawer is residxng�n the Proper�y, Borrvwer shall ma�n�ain the Proper�y in order�c�pre�ren��he <br /> Praperry from deterioratxng�r decr�aszng in�a.�ue due�o Yts condition. Un.�ess i�is determin�d pursuant to <br /> ���ion 5 that repair nr restaratian is nat economical��feasible, Barra�ver sha.Il prompt�y repai.r the Proper�y <br /> �f damaged�o a�oid fur�her de�erxara�ion or damage. �f insurance vr condemnatian pr�ceeds are paid�n <br /> connectian with da,mag��o, or the taking of,t�.e Proper��, Barrower shall be responsibl�for r�pairing or <br /> restoring the Praperty oniy if Lender has re�eased proceeds far such purposes. Lender rnay disburse proc�eds <br /> N�BRASKR-SingIe Famify-Far�nie MaelFrecldis Mac UN1�QfiM 1NSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�28 1I[]7 <br /> VMP� VMPBiiV�){130�1.00 <br /> Vlloiters Kluwer�rnancia�5er�ices Page 7 af 17 <br />