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��15�4573 <br /> requ�red by RESPA, and Borrower shall pay xo Lender the amount necessary to make up the de��cxency in <br /> ac;cordanGe r�vi�h RESPA,but xn na more than 12 monthl�payment5. <br /> Upon payment in fuli�af axI sums s�ured by�his Security Instrument, Lender sha11 pramptly refund xa <br /> Borrower any Funds held by Lender, <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Barrower sha11 pay a1�taxe�, assessrnents, charges, fines, and�mpositions at�ributab�e ta <br /> �he Property whic�.�an attain pr�orit�o�er this Se�urixy�nstrument, Ieasehold payments or ground rents on <br /> ��he Property, if any, and Commuruty Associat�on Dues, Fees, and Assessrnents, xf any. To the exten�that <br /> th�se items are Es�ra���ems,�Barrower sha.11 pay�hem zn�he manner pro�rided in Sectzon 3. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge an�izen wh�ch has priority aver this Securit�r Instrument unl�ss <br /> Borrower: �a}agrees in�vrixing xo�he payrnent af the abligat�on secured by the lzen in a manner acGeptable <br /> �o Lender, but only sa Iong as Borro�rer i5 perform�n�such agreem�nt; {b} �ontests the Iien xn g�od fa.ith b�, <br /> or defends agains�enfarcement of the��en�n, �egai praceedings whzch in Lender's vp�ruon operate to prevent <br /> �he enforcement of the�i�n while thos�proc�edings are pending, bu�anly untx� such prace�dings are <br /> �ancluded; or�c}secures from the ha�der of the Iien an agreemen�sat�sfactvey�o Lender subordinating the <br /> Iien�o this Secur�ty Znstrument. �f Lender determines that any part of th�Property is subje�t ta a�i�n which <br /> can attain priori�y oWer tih�s Se�uri.ty�x�,s�rument, Lender ma�give Barrower a natice zdent�f�ing the lien. <br /> �V�thin 1 D days of th�date on which tha�no�i�e is gi�en, Borrawer sha11 satisfy�he���n or�ake one or mar� <br /> af the acti�ns set fvr�h aboWe in�his S�c�ian�. <br /> Lender rna.y requxre Borrower to pa�a one�time charge for a real.�s�a��tax�rerif catiian andlor rep�r�ing <br /> ser�zce used by Lender xn connection with�his Loan. <br /> 5. Praperty lnsuran�e. Borrower shal�keep the impro�ements naw ex�st�ng vr hereafter erected an the <br /> - Property�nsured agaYnsx loss by fire,ha�a7rds inc�uded within the term "extended co�erage," and an�a�her <br /> ha2ards includ�g,but not limit�tQ, earthquak�s and f�oo�s, for�rhich Lender requires znsurance. This <br /> insurance sha.��be ma�ntained in the amounts (including deductibie le�els�and for xhe perzods that Lender <br /> requires. �hat Lender requ�res pursuant�o the preced.�ng sen��nces can change dur�ng�he term of the Laan. <br /> The insurance carrier pro�zding the insurance sha11 be chosen by Borro�ver subj ect to Lender's righ�to <br /> disappro�e Borr�wer"s choice, �vhich righ�shal.l no�be exercised unreasonably. L�nder may requ�re <br /> B�rrower tn pay, in connection with this Loan, either: �a}a onewtime charge fvr flaad zone de��m�ination, <br /> cer�i�ca��on and tra�king s�rvices; or�b}a one�time�harge for flood z�ne d��erminatxon and cer�ificatYvn <br /> ser�ices a.n.d suhsequen�charges each time remappings ar sxmilar changes oc,cur wh�ch reasonabiy might <br /> affect such de�ermina�ion or certifcation. Barrower shall a�.so be respansib�e for the payment Qf any fees <br /> impos�d.b��he Federa� Emerg�ncy Managem�n�Agency in cannection urixh the re�ie�v af any flood 2one <br />�ion resulting from an objec�ion by �rrovver. <br /> If Borrower faxxs to ma.intain any vf tihe co�erages descrxbed above, Lender may ob�axn insurance co�erage, <br /> at Lender's option and Barrower's expense. Lender zs under na a�ligation to purGhase any particular��rpe or <br /> amount of cnverage. Therefore, such co�erag�shall co�rer Lender,bu�might ar mi.ght nat protect Borravcrer, <br /> Borrower's equity in the Proper�y, or the�onten�s of the Property, agaYnst any r�sk,ha2ard or I�abil�ty and <br /> m�.gh�pro�ide greater or lesser coverage�han vcras pr�viously�n�ffect. Bc�rrav�er acknow�edges that the�ost <br /> of the tnsurance cawerage so ob�ained rnight signi�can��y exceed�he cost of xnsurance that Borrav�er coulc� <br /> ha�e obta�ned. Any amoun�s d�sbursed by Lender under th�s Section 5 shall became additivnal deb�of <br /> B�rrower se,�ured by this Security Instrumen�. These amoun�s shall bear interest at�he Nate ra�e from the <br /> da�e of disbursement and shall be payable, with such interest, upan notice from Lender�o Barrovver <br /> requesting paymen�. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie III�aelFreddie Mac UNFFORM INSTRUMENT Ft�rm 302$11�1 <br /> VMP C�7 VMP6{N�}{13p2),pp <br /> Wolters�Cluw�r Finar�cia�5erv�ces Page 6 of 17 <br />