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��15�4573 <br /> for the repairs and restorat�on in a single payment or in a series of progress paymen�s as the�cr�rk is <br /> completed..�f ihe insurance or condemna�ion proce�ds are not sufficient�o repai.r vr restore the Prop�r�y, <br /> Borrower is nat relieved af Bflrro�v�rer's ob�igat��n far the completian of suGh repa�r or restara�ion. <br /> L�nder or its agen�may make reasonable entr��s upon and inspections of�he Property. If zt has reasona�l� <br /> cause, L.�nder rna��nspect the�nter�or of th�improvemen�s�n the Property. Lender shaxX give Borro�er <br /> natx�e at�he time of nr prior�o such an interior inspe�txon specifying su�h reasonable cause. <br /> 8. Bvrrower's Loan Appl�catron. Borror�,�er shal�be in defauit if, during the I.�an appl�ca.�ion pracess, <br /> Borrov�er or any per�ons or enti���s ac�ing a�the�irec�ion af Borro�v�rer or wi�h Borrower'�know�edge or <br /> consen�gave materially false,mi�Iea.d�ng, or inac�urate informatian�r staxernents�o Lender�or failed to <br /> pro�id�Lender v�rzth matier�ai inforrna��on}xn connection wi�h the Loan. Material represen�ations inc�ude,bu� <br /> aare not��mited�o, representatians cancerning Borrnwer's❑ccupancy of�he Property as�rrovver's principal <br /> residence. <br /> �. Protect�on of Lender`s �nterest rn th� Property and R�ghts Under this Secur�ty lnstrum�nt. If�a} <br /> Borrower fai.xs to perfarm the cv�enan�s and agreements c�n�axn�d�n this Se�urity Instrument, �b}there is a <br /> xega�prviceeding that might significan�ly affect Lender's interes�in the Proper�y andlvr r�gh�s under�h�s <br /> Security Instrument�sueh as a proce�ding Yn bankruptcy,probate, for condernnatxon or forfeiture, for <br /> enforcement af a Xien whxch may attain priori�y o�er this Securi�y�nstrumen�or�a enforce lavvs ar <br /> regulati�ns}, or��}B�rr�w�r has abandoned�he Property, then L�nder may do and pay for wha�eWer is <br /> reasvnable vr approprzate to pr�t�ct Lender's xnt�rest xn��x�Proper�y and r�ghts under this Security <br /> Instrumen�, including protectxng andlor assess�ng the�a.lue of the Property, and securing andlor repairing <br /> �h�Property. L�nder's act�ons can include,but are not Iirni�ed to: �a)payzng any sums seeured by a l�en <br /> whi�h ha.s przor�ty over this Securi�y Instrument; �b}appearing�n court; and �c}pa�ing reasanabl�a�torn�ys' <br /> fees fo proxec� i�s interest rn the Property andlor rights under th�s S�curity Insxrument, inc�uding zts seeured <br /> pas�t�on in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing�he Praper��includes, but is not x�mi�ed�v, en�ering�he <br /> Property to ma,ke repairs,change raCk.�, r�place or board up do�rs and windows, dra�n wat�r fram p�pes, <br /> exrnunate buildrng vr other code�xo�atians or dangerous condi�ions, and ha�e utilities turned on ar off. <br /> Although Lender may take aGrion und�r this Section 9, Lender does no�haWe tv do so and zs nat under an� <br /> duty ar�bligation�o do sfl. �t zs agre�ced that Lender�ncurs na�iabil�t,�for nnt taking any ar a�l actions <br /> authar�zed under tihis Sectzan 4. <br /> Any arnountis disbursed by Lender under th�s Se�txon 9 shai�become additivnal d�bt of Borrower secured b�r <br /> th�s 5ecuri�y Instrument. These amoun�s shall b�ar interest at the No�e ra�e from the date of dis�ursement <br /> an.d sha��be payable, with such rnterest,upon notice fram Lender to Banow�r requ�sting payment. <br /> If�his Secur�ty Instrument�s on a leasehald, Borrvwer sha�l comply�ri�h a�l.�he�ro��sxons of the lease, If <br /> Borrower acquires fee ti�le to the Property, the�easehold and�ie fee title shall nat merge unless L,ender <br /> agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 1�. Mortgage �nsurance. If Lender required Mortgage�nsuran�e as a cvndxtion of making the L►oan, Borrower <br /> shali pay�he premiums required to maintaxn�he Mortgage Insuranee in effecx. If, for any reason, the <br /> Mortgage Insurance Go�erage requ�red by Lender ceas�s to be ava�lable from the mortgage icnsurer tha� <br /> pre�riaus��pra�rided such in5uranr,�and Barro�ver was mak�separa�ely designated payments <br /> �oward�he premxums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrov�er shall pay the premiums required to obtain ca�erage <br /> substantially equivalen�to the Mor�gage Ira,surance pre�iausly in effect, at a cost substan�ial��equ��al.ent to <br /> �he cast to Bonower of the Mor�gag��nsurance pre�ivusly xn effect, from an alt�rna�e martgage insurer <br /> se�e�ted by Lend�r. If eyux�a�ent Mortgage�nsurance coverage is not availabXe, Barrower sha.Il <br /> NEBRASKA-Srngie Family-Fanrne MaeJ�reddie Mac l]NI�Oi�M INSTi�UM�NT Fnrm 3Q28 1!01 <br /> VMP� VMP�{NE}�1�02f.OD <br /> V11alters Kluwer Financ�a!Servic� Page 8 vf T 7 <br />