<br /> satisfac�ion, provided�hat such inspection shal�be under�aken prompt�y. Lender may pay for the repairs
<br /> and restoratian in a sin��e d�sburs�men���r�n a ser�es af gro�res�payments as the work is�amp�eted.
<br /> Un�e�s an agre�rnen�is n�ade in�vritin.g ar App��Cat��e Law requ��es interest to�e paid on such
<br /> Misceilane�us Proce�dsy Lender shal�not be requ��ed�a pay B�rrower an� in�erest ar earnin�s on�uch
<br /> Miscel�aneaus Proceeds, If the restaration�r repair is no�ecanomically feasib�e or Lender's s�curity wauld
<br /> be Iessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds�hall be applied t�the surns secured by this Se�urity Instrumen�,
<br /> whether or n���hen due, with the excess, if an�, paid ta Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proce�ds shall be
<br /> app�ied�n the orde�r p�r�v�ded far�n Sectian 2.
<br /> �n the e�ent af a total taking, destruc��on, Qr��ss in�a�ue of the Pr�perty, the M�s�el�a.neous Praceeds sha��
<br /> be appii�d to the sums�ecured by th�s Security�nstrument, whether or not then due, v�ith the exc�ss, �f any,
<br /> paid to Barrower.
<br /> �n the ev�nt of a partia� taking, de��ruct�an, ar�a�s in va�u�a.f�he Prape�rt�in�hich the fa�r nlark�t va�ue af
<br /> the Property immediate�y befare the par��a� �ak�ng, d�s�ructi�n, or lass in va�ue ��e�ual to or grea�er than�he
<br /> am�unt�f the sums secured by�his Securi�y �nstrument irnmediately before the partial tak�ng, destruction, ar
<br /> los�in value, unless Borrovver and Lender atherwise agr�e in writing, the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument shall be reduce�i b��he am�unt of the IVlisc�llaneaus Pro�:eeds mu�tipl�eci by the f��I�w�n�
<br /> fraction: �a}th�to�a� amount of�he surns s�cur�d imm�dia�e�y befo�re the partia�tak�n�, d�s�ruct�on, ar�oss
<br /> in va�u�di�ride�by�b}the fair market value�f the Proper�y irnmediately before the part�al taking,
<br /> de�tructian, or�ass in va�u�. Any balance shall�e paid to Borrawer,
<br /> �n the event af a par��al takzn�, destruc�ion, �r lass in value�f the Proper�y in which the fair market walue�f
<br /> the Propert�r immed�ately befar�the par��al taking, destruction, or xass in value is �ess�han�he am�unt of�he
<br /> sums secured irnmediately befor�the part�al�akin�, des�ruc�ion, ar�o�s �n va�ue, un��ss Sorr�wer and
<br /> Lender�therwise agre��n wri�ing, the Misce��aneaus Proceeds shal�be appiied to th�sums�ecured by this
<br /> Se�urity�nstrument whether or nat�he sum� are then du�.
<br /> �f�he Pr�p�r��r is aband�n�d by B�rr�w�r, ar if, aft�r n��i��by L�nder��B�rrawer�hat�h�Qpp�sxng Par�y
<br /> �as defin�d�n the nex�sentence}off��s��make an award�a se�t�e a cia�m for damag�s, Barrower fai�s to
<br /> resp�nd to Lender wi�hin 3�days after the da�e�he rz�txce is g����, Lende��s author�zed�a callect and app��r
<br /> �he Mis�e��atae�us Proceeds either�o restora�ion or repair�f th�Praper�y or tfl the sums s�cur�d b��his
<br /> �ecur�ty�nstrument, v�hether or not then due. "��p�sing Party" means the third par�y�hat aw��Barrawer
<br /> M�scellaneous Pr�ceeds ar the party aga�ns�wharr�Borrower has a right of actz�n in regard ta M�sce��aneous
<br /> Froceed�.
<br /> Borrower shall be in defautt if any action ar p�roceed�ng, wh�ther�ivi�ar criminal, is begun�hat, in Lender's
<br /> �udgment, �ou�d resu�t in forf�i�ure�f the Property or a�her mat�ria�impairmen�of L�nder's�n��rest in the
<br /> P�raperty or r�ghts under�h��Secur�ty�ns�rurnent. Barrow�r can cure suGh a defaul�and, ��acGe��rat�an has
<br /> occurr�d, r�instate as provided in Sect�on �9, by�ausxng the action or p�roce�d�ng tv be disrnissed vvi�h a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender's�udgment,precludes forfe��ure af the Property ar other m,a�erial impairment of
<br /> Lender's inter�st in�he Proper�y or ri�hts under this 5ecurity Instrum�nt. The proceeds vf any award Qr
<br /> cla�m for damages that are attributabl��a the impairment of Lender's interest in�he Praper�y are hereby
<br /> ass�gned and sha��b�pa�d t� Lender.
<br /> All Miscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied ta restarat�on or repair of the Prapert�sha�l be applied in the
<br /> ord�r provided for in Sect�an 2.
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UMIFdRM INSTRUMENT Form 3Q28�la�
<br /> VMP[� VMP6�NEy{1342f
<br /> Wvlters KIuwer Financial Services Page 1 a vf 17
<br />