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��15�454� <br /> c�nfiinue to�ay�� Lender th�amount of the�epara�el�r desi�nated pa�ments�hat were due�►hen�he <br /> i�asu�rance coverage ceased ta be in effect. Lender v�i11 acc�pt, use and reta�n�h�se pa�rnen�s as a <br /> non-ret�undable loss reserve in�ieu of Mor�gage�nsurance, Such lo�s r�serve sha��he nonMrefundab�e, <br /> no�:withstanding t�e fac��hat t��e L,oan�s ultimate�y paid in fu��, and Lender sha��no�lle r�qu�red to pay <br /> Borr�urer any�nter�st�r earnings on such lass reserv�. L�nd�r can no lan�er requ�re�ass r�s�r�ve payments <br /> if Mor�gage Insu�rance co�erage�i��the a�nount at�d fo�the�er�ad�ha� Lender requi����p�a�ided by an <br /> �nsurer selected by Lender a�axn becomes availab�e, is ob�ained, and Lender re�uires s�paratel�r des�gna�ed <br /> payments tavvard the premui.ums far Mo�r�gage�nsuran�e. �f Lender�equired Mar�gage insurance as a <br /> cond��ion�f mal�ing the Loan and Barrower v�ras required�o make separate�y deszgnat�d payxnents toward the <br /> prerniums for M�r�gage Insuran�e, B�rrou�er�hal�pa�the premiums required ta rnain�ain IV�or�gage <br /> �nsurance in effec�, or to pr���de a non-refundab�e los�r�serve, un�il Lender's requiremen�for Mortgage <br /> Insuran�e ends ir�acc�rdance with any wr�t�en agreemen�betv►reen Borrower and Lender proWiding for such <br /> termina��an or un��l��rrninati�n is required�y Applicable Law. Nothing �n this S�cti�n 1�affe�ts <br /> �3ar�rower's oh�igation to pa�r in��rest at the ra�e provided in the Nat�. <br /> Martgage Insurance reimburse� Lender�or any entitiy that purchas�s th�Nflte� f�r cer�a�n losses �t ma�incur <br /> �f Borr�wer does not repay the L�an as agreed. Borro�er is no�a party�o the Mor�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mor�gag�insurers e�ra�uat�th�ir t�ta� rzsk on alI su�h insuranc��n force frorn tim���time, and may en�er <br /> �nto agre�men�s vwith�ther par�ies�hat share o�m�dify the�r ris�, �r reduce losses. These agreernents are�n <br /> terms and con�itians�hat are satisfac��ry to�he m�rtgage insurer and th��ther party�or par�ies}tfl th�se <br /> agreemen�s. These agreem�nts may require the rnor�gage insurer t�mak�paymen�s using an�r sourc�of funds <br /> that the mortgage insurer ma�ha�e a�ailab�e�wh�ch may include funds o�tained from Mar�gag��nsuranc� <br /> premium�}. <br /> As a result of�hese agreernents, Lende�r, any purchaser flf th�N�te, ano�her insurer, any reinsurer, any afh�r <br /> enti�y, or any affiliate of any�f the farego�ng, may rec��ve�d�rec�ly or ind�re�t��}amounts �ha�deri�e from <br /> (or migh�be characterized as}a port�on of Borrower's paymen�s far Mor�gage�nsurance, in exchange far <br /> sharing or modifying�he mar�gage�nsurer's r�sk, �r reducing�a�se�. If su�h agreement pr�v�des that an <br /> af�i�iate of Lender�akes a shar�of the insurer's risk in exchange for a shar�of the prern�ums paid ta the <br /> insurer, the arrangement is of�en termed "�;aptive reinsuranGe." Further: <br /> �a3 Any such agreements►wiii nat affect�he amount��hat Barrower has agre�d to pay far 1Viortgage <br /> Insurance, or any other�erms of the Loan. Such agreemen�s will not increase the arnount <br /> Borrower wil� owe for Mar�gage In�urance, and�hey will na�entitle Barro�ver ta any refund, <br /> th} Any such agre�ments wi�i na�affec�thc righ�s Borrower has-if any-with respec�to the <br /> Mor�gage In�surance und�r�he Hameowners Pra���tian Act nf 1998 or any other law. Thes�rights <br /> rnay in�Iude the r�ght to recei�e c�r�a�n disc�osur�s, t4 requ���and ob�ain canc�ilation of thc <br /> MortgagQ Insuranc�, to ha�e�he Mnrtgage Insurance tern�inated au�omat��al�y, andlar t❑rec���e <br /> a refund af any Mor�gage Insurance premiums that were un�arned a�the�ime of such <br /> �ancellatian or termina�ion. <br /> 'i'i. Assignrnent vf Miscellanevus Prviceeds: F�rfeiture. Ail Misceila�aeaus Pro�eeds are hereb�assigned�o <br /> and shall be pa�d to Lender. <br /> If�he Prop�r�y is damaged, su�h Mis�eilaneaus Praceeds shal�be apglied to res�oration ar repair af the <br /> Prapert�, �f the re�tflra�ian or repair is econ4m�caily feasible and Len�er's secur�ty is no��ess�ned. During <br /> such repair and res�oration perzod, Lender shall ha�e�he right�o hold such Miscellaneaus Proceeds un�il <br /> Lender has had an oppor�unity��in�pec�such Praperty to ensure the work has been comple�ed to Lender's <br /> N�BRASKA-S+ngle�amily-Fannie Mael�recfdi�Mac UNIFORM lNSTRUMENT F�rrn 3��8 i l�'f <br /> VM�[� VMP�tNEy(13Q23 <br /> Wvlters Ktuwer Financia!S�r�ices Page 9 of 7 7 <br />