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��15�4541 <br /> sent�nces sha�I nat app��r ta th�presence, use, or starage on th�Proper�y of small quant��ies af�3azardous <br /> Substances�hat are general�y �ecagniz�d to be approp��ate tQ narmal r�s�dent�a�uses and t�maintenance af <br /> the Propert��includ�ng, bu�nnt��mi���l�o, hazard�us substan�es �n praducts}. <br /> Barraw�r shail pramp���r g�ve Lender written notice of�a} any investigat�an, c�a�m, demand, Iawsuit or other <br /> act��n by an�g�Wernm�nta� �r regulatory agency or pr�vate party involving the Prapert�and an��azardous <br /> �ub�tan�e or Environrn.enta� Law of wh�ch B�rrow�r has a�tual kn���edge, ��} an�r Envirnnmenta� <br /> �on�.ition, �n�iud�ng but nat��rn�ted to, an�spi�iing, leal�ing, d�scharge, release or�hreat of r��ease af any <br /> Hazardous Substanc�, ar�d�c}any c�nd�tzfln.caus�d by the pres�nce, us��r re�ease�f a Hazardou�Subs�ance <br /> whi�h adverse�y a.�fe��s�he value af th�Proper��. �f Borro�ver�earns, or�s nfltifi�d by any gavernmen�al ar <br /> regulatory author�ty, or any�rivate party, that any remo�al or ot�aer remed�a�ion af any Ha�ard�us Subs�ance <br /> affect�ng the Pr�perty ��nec�ssary, Borravver sha��pr�mp���r take al�n�cessary�ac�ian� in <br /> accordanc�wi�h Enviranmental Law. Nothirzg her�in sha�l creat�any�b�z�at��n an L�nd�r fo�an <br /> Environmenta� �leanup. <br /> Nvn-Un�form Ca�enants. B�r�ro�rer and Lender cov�nant and agree as foliows: <br /> �2. Accelerativn; Remedies. L�nder shali give nat���to Barrow�r pr�flr ta a�ce�era��on fo�low�ng <br /> Borrower'�breach oF any�ovenant or agreement�n th�s Se�urity Instrum�n�{but no�priar�o <br /> aC�elerati�n under Sec�ion 18 unless Applicable Law provides a�herj�vise�. The no�i�e shal�specify: �a} <br /> the defau�t; �b} the action required�v cure�he defau�t; (c} a date, not 1e5�than 30 day�from the date <br /> the not�ce�s given�o Borrovver, by whi�h�he default must be cured; and€d}�hat failure���ure the <br /> defau�t on or before�he date specif�ed in the no�ice may resui��in acceleratian�f�he sums secured hy <br /> �his Secur�ty Ins�rument and sa�e of the Proper�y. The not��e sha��fur�her inform Borrower of th� <br /> right to reins�ate af�er ac�el�ration and the right�o�ring a c�urt actiUn�a assert�he nan-existence�f a <br /> d�fault�r any other dQf�nse of Bvrrow�r�o acce�erat�on and sale. If the deFau��is no�cured on or <br /> h�fore�he date specif�ed in the not�ee, Lender a�i�s op�ion may require irnmediate paymen��n fu�l o� <br /> a��surns secured�y this Sccurity Ins�rurn�nt w�th�ut Fur�her demand and ma�in��ke the p�wer�F saie <br /> and any other remed�ies�ermit��d hy App��cab�e Law. Lender sha��be en�i��ed�o co��ect a�l ex�enses <br /> incurred in pursu�.ng�he remedies pro�ided in this Sec�ion 22, includa�ng, bu�nat lim�tcd ta, reasonab�e <br /> attiQrn��s' fees and c�sts of t����e��den�e. <br /> IF�he power of sale is invoked, Trust�e sha��r�cord a nvt�ce of defaul�in each cvun�y xn which any <br /> part of�hQ Yroper�y i5�oca�ed and shail mai�copa�e5 of su�h no��c��n the rnE.anner pres�ribed b� <br /> App�icabl�Law t�Borrower and�o the other persans prescribed by App��icab�e I�aw. AF�er the time <br /> requ�red by App�icab�e Law, Trus�ee shal�give p�blic natic�of sale ta the per�on�and in�he manner <br /> pres�r�bed by Appli�ab�e Law. Trus�ee, �r�vithou�demand an Borrower, shal�sell the Pr�per�y a�pub��c <br /> auction ta the h�ghest��dd�r at�he t�me and place and under th�terms de.�ignated in the no��ce of sale <br /> �n one or mare parce�s and in any�rder rT'rustee determxnes.Trus�ee ma�gostpane sa�e of a�� vr an� <br /> parcel of the Proper��by public annvuncemQnt at�he t�m�e and p�ace of any prev�ousiy scheduled sa�e. <br /> Lender or its designee m.ay purchase the Praperty at any sale. <br /> Upon rece�pt of payrnen�of the prxce bid, Trustee shall deliver�o�he purchaser T'ru�tee's deed <br /> c�n��ying the Fr�per�y. The recita�s�n the Trustee's deed sha�I be prima facie e�idenc�of the�ruth of <br /> �he sta�emen�s made�here�n. 'Trus�ee shaX�app�y�he proceeds of the 5ale in the fol�owing urder: (a} ta <br /> a�l c�s�s and e�penses af exercising�h�power of sa�e, and the sale, including the payment of the <br /> Trustee's fees ac�ua��y in�urred and r�asona�a�e a�torneys' fees as permi�ted by Appl�cab�e Law; ��} �o <br /> all surns secured by th�is Securi�y Ins�rument; and���any exce5s tv�he person ar persons�ega�ly <br /> enti��ed�a it. <br /> NEgRASKA-5ingle Farr�ily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNiFOFiM IN5TRl3M�NT Fvrm 3Q28 11Q1 <br /> VMP Q VMPS�NEI f'�3�2� <br /> Wolters Kiuwer�ir�anciai 5err�ices Par�e 14�f 17 <br />