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��15�4541 <br /> in th.e Proper�y and ri�h�s unde�this Securi�y�nstrument; and�d}takes such ac�ion as Lender may <br /> reasanabi�require��assure tha�L�ender's in�er�s�in the Prop�r�y and right�under�.his Se�urity Ins�ruanent, <br /> and Barr�wer's obliga��on�o pay thc sums s�cured b�th�s Secur��y�nstrument, sha�l cantinue unchanged. <br /> Lender may require�hat Borrawer pay such reznstatement �ums and�xp�nses in one ar more of the following <br /> farms, as se���ted by Lender: �a}cash; �b}rnoney arder; (c}cer�i�ed check, ban�check, tr�asurer's check ar <br /> cashier's che�k, pro�id�d an�such check is dra�n up�n an�nstitution whose deposits ar�insu�ed b�a <br /> federal ager�cy, instrumen�ality or entity; or�d} Electron�c Fund�Transfer. LTpon r�ins�atement by Bnrr�wer, <br /> this Secur�ty Instr�ment and ob��gations secured her�by shall rema�n fu�ly effe�;�i�e as if no a����eration had <br /> accurred. Hawe�rer, �his righ�ta r��ns�a�e shai� not app�y�n the case of accel�rat�on under Sec�ion l�. <br /> �U. �ale ❑f Note; Ghange of Lnan Servicer; Natic� of Gr�errance. The NQte ar a par�ial �nterest in the <br /> h�ote (together wi�h this Securit�Instrum�nt}can be sa�d�ne�r mor�times vvithaut priar no�icc to <br /> �orrower. A sale m�ght r�sult in a change�ri�he en��ty�kn�wn as the "Laan Seruicer"}that coiiects Periodic <br /> Payments due under the Note and this Security�nstrument and performs other mortgage�aan ser�ic�ng <br /> o��igatians under the No�e, this �ecur�ty Instrumen�, and Appl�cable Law. Ther�a1�a rnugh�be ane ar more <br /> chang�s�f the L.aan S�r�vicer unrelated to a sale of t��No��. �f�.�ere is a change af the Laan Ser�icer, <br /> B�rrower wi�l be gi�en writ�en no�ice of the change which will state�he name and addr�ss of�he n�w I,oan <br /> S�rvicer, the address ta which paymen�s should be rnade a�a.d any other�nformat�an RESPA requ�res in <br /> conne�tion with a notic�of�ransf�r of serv�cing. �f�he No�e�s sold and thereafter the Laan is ser`riced by a <br /> Loan S�r��cer other�han th�pllrchaser of the N�t�, the mortgage�oan servic�ng ob��ga�ians�o Borrower will <br /> rema�n vvi�h th�Loan Servicer ar be transferred t�a suc�essor I,oan Serv�cer and are nat assurned�y the <br /> l�ote pur�has�r unless oth�rw�s�pra�id�d b�r�he Note purchas�r. <br /> Neither Borrourer nor Lender rnay cornmence,���n, or]�e joined to any judicia�ac�ion�as either an <br /> �ndzv�dual�itigant o�r th�member of a c�as�}tha�arises frorn the ather�arty's ac�ions pursuan�to th�s <br /> Securit��ns�.rument or�hat a��eges that�he othe�r part�has brea�hed an�pr��isian of, or any�u�y�w�d b� <br /> r�a�an�f, �his Securxty Ins�rument, unt��such Barraw�r or Lender has no�if�ed�h�other party tvvi�h such <br /> notice given in comp�iane�w��h the require�nents of Sect�on �5�of such a�leged�rea�h and afforded�he <br /> o�her par�y her�to a reasona�le p�ri�d af�er the giving of such n��ice�o take correct��e act�on. �f Appl�eabxe <br /> Law provides a t�rne period wh�ch mus�.elaps��efore Ger�ain act�on�an be tak�n, �hat�ime period w�ll be <br /> deemed�o be reasanab�e for purposes af this paragraph. The natice of acc�Ieration and�ppor�un�ty ta cure <br /> given�a Borrow�r pursuant�o Section 2�and the notice of acceleratian gxv�n to Barraw�r pursuant to <br /> S�ction 18 sha�l be de�med to satxsfy�he natice and oppor�un�ty to ta.�e carr�cti�re action pro�isions of this <br /> Sec�ion 2�. <br /> ��. Hazardaus Suhstances. As used in this Section 2�: �a� "�'Qzardous Substances"are thos�substances <br /> defined as toxic ar haza�rdous su�stances, pallu�an�s, or wastes b�En�iron3menta� Law and the fallovv�ng <br /> substanc��: gaso��ne, k�rosene, othe�r f�amrnable or taxic petroXeurn products, toxic pe��icides ar�d herb�cides, <br /> volati�e sol��n�s, ma�erials�antaining asb�s��s or formaidehyde, and radioactx�e ma�er�ais; �h} <br /> "Er�uironmer�ta�Law"means federa�laws and lavc�s af the jurisdic�ian wh�re�h�Property is loca�ed�hat <br /> re�at�to health, safety or enviranm�ntal protection; �G� "E'n�irartmenta� �leanup"�nc�udes any response <br /> ac�ion, r�med�ai action? or remava�action, as def�ned in�nv�ror�men�a� Lav�r; and�d}an "Environrnental <br /> �'anditio�"��.�a.��s a�o�dit���t�at��g��us�, cant��bu��to, ar��h��ris�tr�ggEr a��En��ranmenta� �Ie�nu�. <br /> Borrower sha�I na�cause or permit�he pres�nce, use, d�sp�sal, storage, or re�ease of any Hazardou� <br /> Substances, or threatcn t�re��ase any Hazardtius Su�stances, on�r�n�he Proper�.y. B�rrower sha�I n�t da, <br /> nor a��av�anyone e�se to do, anyth�ng affec�ing the Property�a} that i� in�rioiati�n of any Environnzental <br /> Law, �b�wh��h creates an Enviranmental �ondition, or�c} which, due�a�he presenc�, use, or release of a <br /> Ha2ardous Substance, create�a cond�tion that ad�e�rse�y aff�cts the�alue of�he Proper�y. The preced�ng�v�ro <br /> N�BRASfCA-Singfe�amily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNtFaRM INSTRUMENT Form 3028'�1�1 <br /> VMP6{NEy t'i 3�21 <br /> VMPQ� Pa e13of77 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fin�ncial Servic�s 9 <br />