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��15�4541 <br /> 23. Re�onveyan�e. Up�n paymen�of a�� sums secured by th�s Se�urity Ins�rumen�, Lender shall r�quest <br /> Trust�e t�recanvey the Propert�and shall surrender�his Secur��y Instru�nent a.�xd a��note�ev�dencing de�� <br /> se�ur�d by�h�s Security Instrumen��o Trust�e. Trust�e sha11 rec�nvey the Pra�a�r�y withou�v�arrant���the <br /> p�rs�n or persons legally ent��led�o��. Su�:h person or persons�ha��pa�a���reG�rdation cas�s. Lender rna� <br /> charge such person or persans a fee for rec�n��yin�the Proper�y, �ut oniy if the fee is paid to a third par�y <br /> �su�h as the Truste�}fnr ser�ices rendered and the�;harging of�:he fee�s per�ni�ted under App��cab�e Law. <br /> ��. Substitute Trustee. L�nder, at its optian, may fr�m t�me��time r�move Trustee and appain�a successor <br /> truste�ta an�Tru�t�e appointed h�reunder by an in�trument re�o�ded in the caun��in wh�Gh this S�curi�y <br /> �ns�rumen�xs recarded. V�1'i�haut canveyance af the Froper��, the successor�rustee shall suc�ee�.ta a��the <br /> �itle, pQwer and dut�es conferred upan Trus��e herein and by A�pli�ab�e La�. <br /> 25. Request for Notiees. Borrower reques�s that copies of the no�ice of default an�i saie be sent to Borrower's <br /> address which is the Proper�y Address. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�arnily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNl�ORM INSTRUMENT �vrm 30�8 i1Q1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�N�}[1�D2j <br /> Wafters Kluwer F�nan�ial Serv€ces Page 15 of i 7 <br />