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��15�4475 <br /> 5. ln �h� �v�nt �ene�iciary �s a party to any litigatRon �ffecting the prop�rty �r fhe lien of th�s Trust <br /> Deed, i nclud ing any aG�ian by Banefici�ry to en�orce �his Trus� D�ed or any su it i n wni�h Bene�iciary is <br /> named � d�fendant �in�ludEng c�ndemn�tion and banl�rup�cy proceedings� Beneficiary may incur <br /> e�p�n�e�and ad�rance p�ymenfs far a�str�ct fees, a�torneys fe�s �ta�he extent allowed by i�w}, cas�s, <br /> expense�, appraisal fees, and other charges and any amounts s� ad��nced wilf bec�rne par� �f th� <br /> principai indebtedn�ss s��ur�d hereby, b� �mm�di�t�ly due �nd p�y���e and be�r interest at the <br /> default rate�roW'rded in the note���or cr�dit agr�ement�s}fram��e date Qf ad�ance until paid. <br /> 6. Any awards made t� Trustor�s} ar�heir successors by the exe�Gise af emin�n� dom�in �re hereby <br /> assigned fo Beneficiary; and Ben�ficiary is hereby au�horized to collect and apply fh� same in paymen� <br /> a�F any indehfedness, mature or unmafure�l, secured by�his Trusf Deed. <br /> 7. In th� even� of de�rault �n �he paym�nt when due af any sums secured here�y �principal, interes�, <br /> advancemen�s, or pr���G��ve advan�es�, or failur�f� p�r��rm or abserv� any�o�enants �nd condi�ians <br /> conta�ned herein, in �h� nvte�s�, credif �greement�s}, ar any othe� ir�s�rumen�s, �r any pr�c��dings is <br /> br�ught under any B�nkruptcy law�, �enetiGiary, a� i�s Qption, may �eclare th� en�ire indehtedn�ss <br /> secured hereby to be 'rmm�diately du� �nd payabl� and �he whofe wl[I �ear ir�teres� at�he defau[t rate <br /> as provided in th� nate��} or credit agrEement�s� and B�en�fi�iary m�y 'rrnmedia�ely au�hari��Tru��ee to <br /> e���ci�e�he Pawer of Sal�gran�ed herein in the manner prvvided in the Nebraska T�ust Deeds Act, or, <br /> at th� �p�ian af fh� B�n�fic�ary, m�y fat�eclose �he Trus� D�ed in �h� manner� pro�id�d by Iaw far �he <br /> fQreGlasure af martgages on rea� prQp�rty, inGCudin� the ap�ointment af a Re�ei�er upan ex parte <br /> applicatian, no�iCe �eing hereby expressl�r wai�ed, withoufi regard to the �alue af the pr�perty �r fhe <br /> suffciency th�re�f to dis�harg�the ind�btedne�s se�ured hereby ar in the I�an agreement��}. ❑�lay�y <br /> B�neficiary in �xercising ifs rights up�n default will nat be �a�nstrue� as a waEver tner�of and any act of <br /> Bene�iciary wai�ing any specified default wi�l n�t be Ganstrued as a wai��r of any fiuture de�F�ult. lf the <br /> proceeds under such sale ❑r farecCosur�� are insufficienf�� pay the�ota1 indehtedness s�cur�d hereby, <br /> Trus�ar�s} da her�by �gree to be p�rsanally bound �o p�y the unpaid bal�nce, and geneficiary will b� <br /> enfifiled to a deficiency judgment. <br /> 8. Should �eneficiary e[e�t ta ea�ercis�the Power of S�le grante� her�in, �enefici�ry will n�tify Trustee <br /> wha wi�l record, publish, and deliver to Trustor�s} sueh No�ice ❑f DefauE� a�nd Nvtice of 5ale as �hen <br /> required by iaw �nd wil[ in �he manner pro�ided by �aw! sell the property �t the �irne and place ❑f sale <br /> fixed in th� Nati�e �f Safe, either as a wh�le Qr in separa�e la�s, parcels, or iterns and in su�h order as <br /> Trustee will deem expedient. Any person rnay bid at the sale inciuding Trustar�s�, 7'rustee, or <br /> Benefi�iary. <br /> 9. Trustar�s} h�reby requests a capy�f any No�ice of De�aul��r Nati�� �f Sale hereund�r�a be mailed <br /> by�ertified mail tQ Trus�ar�s}at�he a�d�ess�es}set forth herein. <br /> 1�. Upon �efaulf, Beneficiary, �ither in person or by �gent, v�rith ar wi�hout b��nging any ac��on o� <br /> proceeding and with or withaut regard��the�alue a�fhe p�operty or�he suffcien�y th�r��f�o dis�harg� <br /> the indebtedn�ss secured h�r�by, is �utharized and �ntitl�d �a enter upon and take pos�essivn of the <br /> property in i�s own name car in the n�me Qf the Trustee �nd do any acts �r expend any �ums it deem� <br /> neces�ary �r desirabl� t� pr��ect ar pres�nle the valu� �fi �he praperty or any inter�st therein, or <br /> in�rease �he �ncome th���fr�m; and with ar without takin� �flssess�on af the property is �uthorized fo <br /> sue f�r �r atherwise �oi�ect the ren�s, issu�s, crops, pro�fits, and inGame ther�vf, including thos� pas� <br /> du� and unpaid, and apply th� sam� upan any indebfedness secured hereby or in the iaan <br /> agr�ement�s}_ <br /> No remedy he�ein conferred upon or reserved �o Trustee or �enef��ary i� intend��1 t� be exc[usive of <br /> any vther remedy herein ar by [aw provided or permitted, bufi each will be cumula�ive, will be in add��i�n <br /> ta �v�ry�ther remedy gi��n hereun�er ar now or hereafter existing at law flr in �qui�y or by s�atute, and <br /> may be exercise� cancurr�ntly, independ�n�ly ar successively. <br /> '��i. Tru�tvr�s} acknvw[edg�s that th�duties and oblig�tions ❑f Trus�ee v+r�[I be determin�d sofe�y by the <br /> express pr�visi�ns ❑fi this Trust ❑e�d ar the N�bras�� Trust ❑eeds Ac� and Trustee w�l� ��t be liabie <br /> exce��fo�r the perfo�m�nce af su�h duti�s and abl�g�tion� as are specificalfy s�� f�rth �herein, and na <br /> imp)ied co�enants ar obligatians will b� imposed upon Trustee; Trusfee w[I! not be ��abl�for any ac�i�n <br /> by it in g��d faith �nd re�sonably believed by i� ta be authorized ar withEn the discr�ti�n vr rights of <br /> pQwerS confer�-ed u�on it�y fhis T�-us�G�eed ar state lavtir. <br /> �I�. The integr�ty and respansibili�y af Trustor�s) constitutes a part ❑f th� consid�ratian far the <br /> ahli�atians s�Gured h�r�by. Sh�uld Trustor��7 s�ll, transf�r, ❑r ��n�ey the prop�rty d�scribed herein, <br /> wifhvut prior writ�en consent of Benef�ciary, Benefi�i�ry, a� its �ption, may de�lare the en�ire <br /> �ndeb�edness immedia��ly due and paya��e and may pr��eed in the�nforcement vf its nghts as vn any <br /> other default. <br /> App#:533D349; CIF#:,'13�'[�5; Nate#: 1�1 ��QSC� Le�ai Doc.Date:June 15,2��� <br /> F�RM 5a1'1,Tr�ast Deed and Assignrnent of Rents Page 4 of 9 <br />