<br /> �13. Th��Trusfi�r�s} is, and sha!! �ontinue ta �e, duly ❑rgani�ed, valid�y existing and [egaCly qualifie�l ta
<br /> da business under the laws af the states in which Trustor�s} aperates, in complian��with federai, s�a#e
<br /> and local law� or re�ulations, and has Ie�a1 authori�y in such states �o �anduct Trusto��s} business
<br /> operations and to awn a�ricu�tural r�eal esta�e. Na change has been ma�e in the name, ownership,
<br /> can�r�f, relationship, Ieg�I s�a�us or organiza�ional and farmafion do�umen�s of any undersi�ned
<br /> Trus�vr�s}�ince�he�ime any such informati�n was last pr�vided fo Beneficiary.
<br /> 1�4. Tha� if Trusfor�s}, �r �ny�ne signin� this Trust Deed, is a limi�ed Iiabili�y campany, tha� tho�e
<br /> signing an behalt of said I�mi�ed liabili�y cvrnpany cons���ute a rnajorE�y of th� rnanag�rs ❑r rnembers
<br /> there�f, �nd �hat the ��c�cuti�n of �his Tru�ti ❑eed �s in �h� ordinary course af �he limit�d Ii��i�ity
<br /> campany's bu�iness and has been authorized �y ifs m�mbers.
<br /> '�5. Assi�nment ofi Ren�ts inc�uding Proceeds of M�nera! L�ases. Trustor�s} hereby assigns, transf�rs,
<br /> and cvnv�ys ta Beneficiary a1[ �ents, royalti�s, banuses, and.d�l��mon��s�ar ath�r praceed��hat may
<br /> from tim� �a fiir�r�e become du� and payable under any rea[�esta�e�I�ase or un;de�any oil, ga�, gra�el,
<br /> rock, or ofiher mineral l�ase ❑f any kind �ncluding geoth�rma[ ��s�ources naw �xisting or that m�y
<br /> h�reafter cvme into ex�s�ence, �overing the �roperty o�.,any p�rt�here,�f Ail�such,sums so recei�red by
<br /> Bene�i�iary wrIl �� applied �o �he indeb�edness seGured hereby; �r Beneficiary, a� i�s�ap�ian, may�urn
<br /> oWer and deiiv�r fo Trusto��s}or fheir suc�essars in interes�, any or all ��such surns wlthouf pre�udiGe�v
<br /> any�f E�eneficiary's rlgh�s to fiake and re�ain�utur�sums, and wi�haut pre�u�ice��any Q��ts��her righ�s
<br /> under th��Trust Deed. This assi�nment wi�l be consfrued�v be a provisian for�he payment vr reducti�n
<br /> af the de��, subject to the Ber��ficiary's�p�ion as her��nbefor� provided, independ�nt of the lien an the
<br /> p�aper�y. Upan paymenfi in �ull a� �he debti �nd fhe re�anvey�nGe af this Trust Deed af record, fhis
<br /> assignrn�n�will became inoperafive and of na�urther for�e�nd efFect.
<br /> �G. This Trust Deed cans�l�u�es a Securi�y A�reement w�th reSpect to all th�property described herein_
<br /> '[?. The c�Wenan�s cantained in this Trust D�ed wil! be deem�d ta b� seWerable; in th� ���nt�hat any
<br /> parti�n ❑f fihis Trust �eed is determined ta b� Waid or unenforceabl�, tha�det�rmination will nat affec�
<br /> �he validi�y af fihe remaining p�rtivns Qf the Trust Deed.
<br /> �
<br /> � + �
<br /> .
<br /> � �
<br /> Arler�e C]1Vleitenbrrnk
<br /> Faur-M, L,fid., A Limited Par�nership
<br /> : -�
<br /> �y � � �y
<br /> �1rlene �1Vle�en�brir�k, eneral Par�ner Gary R��Il��tenbrink, Genera� ar�nef
<br /> ..w... ..__........._....,. ,- - .
<br /> lVlet�enhrink Family�n�es�men�s, L.L.C_, A Limi�ed Liabili�y C❑ ny -
<br /> l -- - �
<br /> B� �y
<br /> Gary . �Vle��n�brrnk, Mem►ber W. ll�e��rrbrirrk, 1V1 rnber
<br /> B , �°' B ` . �
<br /> � �
<br /> Y Y
<br /> J� D. 1Vlet�enbrrnk, 11�emb�r Caral A. 1Vle en rinkr IVIP.�"171bPF '
<br /> App#:533D349; GIF#:�3�145; Not�#:1��[ ��OSQ Legal❑oc.Date:June�5,���5
<br /> �'aRM����,Trust Deed and assignment of Rent� l�age 5 of 9
<br />