<br /> ��104����5 5��,���.��
<br /> Pr��ided, howe�er, �hat �he to�al principal indebtedness oufs�anding and secured hereby at any ane
<br /> time wili n�� ex�eed �he surn o� TW� MILLI�N �NE HUNDRE❑ TH�U�AND, �$�,_��q��D�.�a},
<br /> exclusiWe o� in�e�est and pro�ect�ve a�vances au�harized herein ar in the [oan agreement�s}; pr-ovid�d
<br /> This Trus�Deed wil� be due December'i, ��35.
<br /> Trustor�s� he�eby warrants that Trustor{s} halds fee �imple ���le �o the above desc�ibed property, �hat
<br /> Trus�ar�s} has gvod �nd lawful authority to d�ed and encumber�he same, �hat�h� pr�perty is ��ee a�d
<br /> cIear �f all liens and encumbrances, e�Gept encumbranc�s af rec�rd, and fihat Trus�or�s} wifl warran�
<br /> and d�f�nd the p�operty, a� Trustor�s} exp�nse, agains� al[ claimants whomsoever. Trustor{s} alsa
<br /> hereby waives and relinquishes a[[ rights of dow�r, hames�ead, distribu�ive share, and ex�mption in and
<br /> �o th�abov�describ�d praperty. -
<br /> This trust deed secures more than Qne no�e. In the event of de�Faulf und�r any nvte, all notes wiI[ be
<br /> �vnsidered tv be in de�aul� and the geneficiary rnay exer�ise the rernedies provided herein in
<br /> sa�is�action vf all no#es.
<br /> Trustor�s�and each of them further covenants and agrees with,�r cert�fies to, Befleficiary
<br /> as f�l[vws:
<br /> 'I, Tv pay all liens, judgmen�s, vr vther ass�ssmen�s aga�ns� the property, and ta pay when due aiC
<br /> assessrnents, taxe�, ren�s, f�es, �r charges up�n the prap�rty ar under any leas�, permit, 1i�ens�, or
<br /> pri�rilege ass�gned�o BenefiGiary a�addi�ianal security ta thls Trus�a�ed, including�hose in or an public
<br /> domain.
<br /> 2. T❑ insure and keep insu��d �uildings and ather improWemen�s including fi�ures and attachrnenfs
<br /> now on ar hereaf�er placed on fhe prvperty to the satisfaction of Beneficiary. Su�h insuran�e will b�
<br /> endorsed with a Ivss payab[e clau�e �o Beneticiary. �n �emand, Trus�ar will furnish sa�d policies vr
<br /> p�oof of insurance t� Beneficiary. Any sum� s❑ r�ceive�l by Beneficiary may he used fo pay for
<br /> reconstruc�ian of the des��oyed �rnpro�ernents or if not so appIied may be applied, at the option o�
<br /> Beneficiary, in paymen� of any indebtedness matured ar unmatured secured by �his Trust Deed. 5uch
<br /> in�urance will be in an amoun�a� Ceas�equal �a the lesser�f fh�loan balance, the actual cash value of
<br /> the colla�eral, vr�h� repIacemen� cos� �f fhe praperty, and wi11 a� a minimum, caver iosses �aused by
<br /> tire, lightning, expiosion, aircraft, �ehic[es, vandalism, smake, v�rinds#vrm, and hail. Trustor�s}wi�! obfain
<br /> and keep flood insurance in force fo c��er I�sses by fl��d as required by Benet�ciary ar by�h� Nafiianal
<br /> Flood lnsurance Act�f�968, as amend�d, or by regulations implementing�he same. Trustor�s}further
<br /> agree tha� Beneficiary is nat and will not be liable for any failure by Trus�or�s} or by any insure�, for
<br /> wha�e�er reason, to obtain and keep th�s insurance in farce.
<br /> 3� Ta ke�p al� buildings, fixfures, afta�hments, and ��her impro�emen�s nov+r on ❑r herea�ter placed on
<br /> �he pr�perty accupied and in good repai�, maintenance, and conditi�n and�o neither cornmit nor pe�m�t
<br /> any ac�s of was�e or any impairmen� af �he �alue o� �he proper�y. Bene�ciary may enfer upon �he
<br /> �r�perty to inspect fhe same or ta p�r��rm any acts authorized herein or in the credit agreement�s}.
<br /> 4. In the event Trust�r�s}fails to pay any liens,judgments, assessmenfis, taxes, ren�s, tees, or charges
<br /> or maintain any insuranee on �he property, buiEdin�s, fix�ures, at�achments, ar impravements as
<br /> provid�d herein or in fhe laan agreemenf�s�, 6eneficiary, a� i�s �p�ian, rnay mak� such payments or
<br /> p�ovi�le insuranc�, main�enance, or repairs an� any amaunts paid �herefor will hecome part of the
<br /> p�incipal indebtedness secured h�reby, be imm�diate�y due and payable and b�ar in'�erest at th�
<br /> de�ault rat� provided in the note�s] ar credit agre�menfi�s} fr�m the dat� of payment untii paid. The
<br /> advancem�nt by Beneficiary of any such amounts will in n� rnanner limit the rlgh� �f 6eneficiary to
<br /> declare Tr�ust�r�s} in defaul�or e�cercEse any of Beneficiary'���her rights and remedies.
<br /> App#:533�345; C�F#:�32�45; Nate#��� �2�S� Legal Doc.❑ate:June 95,��'15
<br /> F�RM 50��,Trust Deed and Assignment o�Rents Page 3 vf 9
<br />