<br /> Parcel '[:The North Half of�he Northwest C�uar�er�N�l� N1N�14}o�5e�tian Twenty Fi�� �25}, Township
<br /> Ten ���} North, Range T�velve ���}, 1Nes� of �he Gth P.M., Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, Nar�h af Highway
<br /> Right of 1�1ay.
<br /> AND
<br /> Th�Sou�h Half of fhe IVorthwest Quart�r�S'!l� NVII'1 l4} af Sec�ion Twenty Fi�� ����, Tavunsh ip T�n ����
<br /> North, Range Twelve �12}, West af the 6th P.M., Hafl County, Nebraska excepting a tra�� more
<br /> particu[ar[y described in Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. ����D8877.
<br /> Parcel �: The South Half af the Soutn Half af the Nartheast �uarter �5�1� S'll� NE�14� of Sec�ian
<br /> Twen�y Five �25}, Township Ten ���} Nor�h, Range Twelve (�i�}, V1Jesf of the �th P.M., Hall �oun�y,
<br /> Nebraska e�ce�ting a Gertain tract mor� particu�arly d�scrib�d in Deed reG�rd�d in Boak 7S, Page 269;
<br /> and The Southeast Quarter �SE1I4} of Sec�ivn Twenty Fi�e �25}, Township Ten �'i�} North, Range
<br /> Tw�lv� ���}, Vll�st vf the Gth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska eXcept�ng a certain tract m�re particulariy
<br /> descri bed i n Boo k�8, Pag e�7D
<br /> Parcel 3: The North HaEf o�F �he South Half vf the Nartheast Quarter �N�l� 511� IVE�14} af Sectian
<br /> Twenty-Five �25}, Tawnship Ten ���} North, Range Twel�e ���} `lVesf af the �th P.M., Hall �ounty,
<br /> Nebraska excepting a c�rtain tra�t m��e particularly�escribed in Bovk�9, Pag�573
<br /> Parc�l 4: The East Ha[f vf the Sautheasf Quarter �E�1� SE'l14} �vhich lies south of�h� LJni�n Pacific
<br /> Railrvad Company right-vf--way in of S�ction Tv►renty-se�en ��7}, Tavtirnship Ten �'i�} Narth, Range
<br /> Tw�l�e���}West af the Gth P.M., Hall�aunty, Nebraska .
<br /> Parcel 5: The V11est Half of the Narth�ast Quarter �VII�l� N E114� of Section Thirty Fi�� �35}, Township
<br /> Ten ���}, North , Range Twelve���},1Nest of the�#h P.M., Hal[�oun�y, Nehraska.
<br /> Parcel G: The Sauth H�lf ot the Southeas�C,�uarter�S �12 SE 114} of Sectian Twenty-six ���}, Township
<br /> Ten ��Q} N�rth, F�ange Twel�e �'i��,W���af th��th P.M., Hall Cvunty, Nebraska
<br /> Parcel 7: The Northwest C�uarter �NVII l} of 5ection 3, Township 1� N�r�h, Ran�e �D West of the 6th
<br /> P.M., Hall ��unty, Nebraska, mor� particu[ariy des�ribed in 1Narran�y Deed recvrded as Dacum�nt No.
<br /> 2����6�9�.
<br /> tvge�her with all Trustor's right, titl�, and in�eres� in the property, now or hereafte�ac�uired, including:
<br /> all buirdings, fixtures, t�mber, timber to �e cut, crops, and improvements now on ar herea�t�r pCaced
<br /> upan the property; a[� appur�enances, water, waf�r rights, irrigati�n, and drainage righ�s; all rent�,
<br /> issues, uses, incvm�, profifs, and rEghts �o passession; all oil, gas, gravel, rock, vr ather minerals of
<br /> wha����r nature, inc[uding geothermaf r�sou��es; all personal proper�y tha� may En�egrally belvng to or
<br /> hereafter be�om� an integral part vf the rea[ estate whe�her a�kach�d �r d��ach�d, including any
<br /> appurtenanc�s and acc�utrements of any sfiructure ar residence secured hereby; easements and Qther
<br /> righ�s and inferests now ar af any tim� hereafter belvnging ta or in any way p�rtaining tv the property,
<br /> wheth�r or naf spec�fca[ly d�sc�ibed here�n; all aboWe and below ground irriga�ian equipmen� and
<br /> ac�essori�s; and a�l ��ases, perrni�s, �icenses, or privileg�s, appurtenant �r nan�ppurtenant tv fhe
<br /> pr�p�rty, now or hereafter issued, extended or �enewed by Trustor�s}, any State, the Unit�d States, ar
<br /> any department, bureau, instrum�ntali�y, ar agency thereof. The for�going �s cvll�cti�ely ref�rr�d t� in
<br /> �his dacumenf as the "property."
<br /> �t is understo�d and agreed bet�veen Trustvr�s} and Beneficiary that this Trust Deed is given ta secure
<br /> the repaymen�s in full af the�FalIowing described ob[igations, regardless of wheth�r Mortgagor�s} is�are}
<br /> liabl� �h�r��n, and all fu�ure and additional foans �r advanc�s, protec�lve �� otherwise, which may be
<br /> made by Benef�iary, at ifis option, at the requesf o�, and to or for th� a�count of Trustar�s}, the part�es
<br /> lia�le under the note�s} or credit agreem�nt�s}, or any vf them, fvr any purpose, plus inferest thereon,
<br /> aIE payable accvrding fo fh�t�rms �f the nofe�s}, credit agreement�s}, or other instrumen#�s} m�difying
<br /> th�sarn�. �
<br /> Date vf Nvte�s�_or Credit Aqreemen#�s� Princi al Amaunt
<br /> V�1����V�� .�l y�VV�dVV.��
<br /> App#:5330349; CIF#:13��45; Note#:�0� 2��SQ Legal Dac.Date:June�5,��15
<br /> F�R1UI 5��1,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 2 of 9
<br />