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Z�15����9 <br /> In�pec�ian, Lender o�- its agen�may make reasonable en�r��s up�n and �nspections af the Pro er� . Lender sha�I <br /> ��ve Borr�v�er natice at�l�e�im�of or prior�a an inspection s ec�f �n reas�nable cause p y <br /> p y g fc�r�he�nspect�on. <br /> �on�emnation.The proceeds af any avvard or c�aim for damages, direct ar consequentiai, in cannec��on w��h an <br /> condemnation or other�a��ng af any part af�he Praper�v, ar f�r�on.��yance �n l�eu of.candemnatxan a y <br /> a�szgned and shail be paid.��Lender. <br /> , re hereby <br /> In �he event of a to�al �ak�ng of the Proper�y, �he proceeds s�al� be app�ied�o the sums se�ured b �h�s Securi <br /> �nstrumen�, vvhether or not then due, with any e�cess aid �o Borrower. �n the � � <br /> P even� �f a par��ai ta.k�ng �f the <br /> Praperty �n wh�ch the fa�r market value af the Praper�y �mmed�ately b�fo�re �he taking �s e�ua��o �r grea�er�han <br /> the amaunt of the sums secured by th�s Security Instrumen� �rnmedia�ely before the �ak�ng, u���ess Borro�ver and <br /> Lender���.er�vise ag�ree�n w�ri��pg,�h�sums secured by�his Secu���y�nstrumen�shall be reduced by�he amoun�af <br /> �he proceeds rnu�t�p��ed by�l�e fot�avv�ng frac���n: {a}the t��al amount of the sums secured irnmedia�ely bef�re�he <br /> tak�n�, divid�d by (b} �h� fa�r marke��alue of�he Property immediate�y before the ta��ng. Any balan�e shal� be <br /> paid ta Borra�ver, In �he e�ent of a par��a1 tak�ng of th� P�raperty in which the fair rnar�e� va�ue af the Prope�ty <br /> �mmed�a�e�y before�h� �aking �s �ess than �he amount of the sums secured 2m�rted�at��y befare the �aking, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender a�hez-vv�se agree �n vvr�t�ng ar un�ess Appiicable Lai�o�herwise provides, �he p��ceeds sha�� <br /> be applied��t��e surns secured�y�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rurnent whe�h�r or nat the su�ns ar�then due. <br /> �f�h�Pr�per�y is abandoned by Borrovver, �r if, after n�tice by Lender�a Borro�er�hat�he condemnor�ffers to <br /> make an awa�d t�r sett�e a cla�m far damages, B�rrower fail���respond�a Lende�-vviihin the minimurn number�f <br /> days es�abiished by App�i�able Law af�er�he date the no��ce�s given,Lender is aufhar�zed�q co�lect and apply�he <br /> praceeds, at ��s flpt�on, ei�her tQ res�ora�ion or repair of the Property �r �a the su���s secured by �hi� _5ecuri� <br /> �ns�rum�n�,��vhether��-nat�hen due. <br /> Unless L�nde�and Ba�-�-o�ver o�herw�se agree in wr���ng, any app�icat2�n of proceeds ta princ�pa�shal� nat ex�end <br /> or p�stpane�he due da�e�f�he payments due under the�antract or change�he amoun�af such paynnen�s. <br /> Borrower Nat R.e�ea�ed; Forbearance By Lender Nvt a �Vaiver. E�tension of the time for payment �r <br /> mod�f�cation �f amartizat�on vf the sums secu�ed by this Se�ur��y Instrum�n� �ran�ed by Lender to Borrov5rer �r <br /> any succ�ssor in interes� of Barrower sha�i no� operate �� rel�ase the liahil�t� of �he original Sarrower or <br /> Barrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required�o commen�e prace�dings agains�any su�c�ssar in <br /> �nter�st or refuse to�xtend�i�ne f��paymen�or otherw�se modify arnar��zat�on af�he sums secured by this Secur��y <br /> Instrumen� by r�asan of any demand made by �he or�g�na� Sflrrovver ar B�rravsrex's successors �n �nteres�. �.ny <br /> far�earance by Lender in exercising ariy r�ght or remedy sha1� not he a�aiver of or prec�ude the exerc�se af any <br /> x�gh�ar remedy. <br /> Successors and As�igns Bound; Jo�n� and �e�era� Liab�l�ty; Accomm�dation S�gners. The coW�nants and <br /> agreements of�his Secur�ty Instrument sha�X b�nd a�d b�ne:�t the su�cessors and assi�n� af Lender and Borra��er, <br /> subject to �he pravis��ns of sect�on titled Transfer af thQ Proper�y or a B�nefic�al �nterest �n Borrower. <br /> l3orrower's co�enants and agreemen�s shall be ja�nt and severa�.Any person whn co--signs�his Se�urxty Instrumen� <br /> bu� has n� persanal Ixabil��y under �he Con�ract �"Accornmadat�on Signer"�: �a} is co-�ign�ng this Secur��y <br /> Ins�rumen� �nly ta mortgage, grant and can�ey �hat Accommada�ion S�gner's �nterest �n the Property under �he <br /> terms �f the Se�ur�ty �ns�rument; �� rs nat pers�nal�y �b��g�ted.�a �pay �he sums secured hy th�s Securi�y <br /> Ins�rument; and (c}ag�rees�hat Lender a�d any o�her B�rrower may agree to ex�end, n�od�f�, forbear ar make a.ny <br /> ac�ammadatians�vi�h regard ta�he terms of th�s Secur�ty�ns�rument�r�he Con�rac�withou�tha�Ac�ommodatzon <br /> Signer's consent. <br /> Laan �harg�s. If��re loan secured by th�s Secur��y IrnsYrurnen� is subj�c� ta a lavv wh�ch sets rnaximum �van <br /> charge�, and that�avv�s f�na�Iy in�erpre�ed so that�he�nterEst �r o�her loan charges col�ec�ed ar to be c���e��ed in <br /> connect�on w�th the toan exc�ed the perm��ted �imi�s, then: �a� an�r such �oan charg� shall be reduced by �he <br /> amaunt necessary t�reduce the �harge �o�h�permitted ��mits and �b} any sums already callec�ed from B�rrower <br /> u�h�ch.e�ceeded permit�ed l�mits w��l be r�funded �❑ Borrov�er. Lender may �hoose ta make th�s refund bv <br /> reduc�ng��e pr�nc�pal o�red�under�h� ContxaG�or by ma�ing a direct payrnent ta Borrov��er. If a �efund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pa�,t�e reduc��on�����be tr�a�ed as a par�iai pre�aymen�under�he Cantract. <br /> Na�ice5. Any no�ice ta Barrawer pro��ded f�r �n this Security �nstrument shal� be g��en by del�vering i� �r b <br /> y <br /> mai�ing zt b�frs�c�ass ma��un�es�Applicable Lav�►requires use of another me�h�d. The nQ��ce sha�l be dir�cted�o <br /> �h� Praperty Address �r any other address Borr�uver des�gnates by n���ce tQ Lender. Borrower agxees to pravide <br /> Lender�ri�h Barr�wer's rnas�current mai��ng address, as a�rnay chaz��e f�-am�ime-�o-t�me. Any no�ice to Lender <br /> shal��e g�ven by first�lass rr�.a�i.�o Lender's add�ress s�ate�herein o�-any�ther address Lender des�gnates by n��i�e <br /> �a Borrower. ,�.ny not�ce prov�d�d for�n this Secur�.ty�ns�rumen�shall be deemed ta ha�e l�een bl�ren �Q BQ�'QW��" <br /> flr Lender�rhen gi�en as provided zn this paragraph. <br /> �overning Lavv; Se�erabili.�y,Th�s Se�uri�r�nstrumen�slaa�I be govern�d by federai iaw and th�Iaws of the s�ate <br /> of Nebraska. I�� the event tha� any pravi�i�n �� c�ause of�his Securi�r Instrurnent ar�he Cant�ac� c�nf�icts �i�h <br /> Appl�cab�e La�v, such �onf��ct sha�l. no�affec�o�her pr�visions tif this Securi�y Inst�rument or the Cor�tra�� �h��h <br /> can be gi�ren effect w��hou�the�onf�ic�ing pro�����n. To th�s end�he prov�si�ns of tl�is Security�n��rumen�and���e <br /> Cantract ar�declared to be se�erable. <br /> Borrnwer's Capy.Bo�rfl�er s�hal��e given�ne copy of this Se�ur��y lns�rumen�. � <br /> Transfer�f�he Proper�y or a Bene�cia� �nteres�in Bnrrower, �f ai�nr an�r par���f�h�Pr�perty or any�n�erest <br /> in i� is s��d or transf�rred �or �f a benef.tcial �nterest in Barrower. is sold or �ransferred and B�rrower is n�� a <br /> natu�al pers�n} ��vi�hout Lender's pr�ar written c�nsen�, Lender rna�, a� i�s �ptian, require imm�dia�e paymen� in <br /> �2D04-20�4 Cornp'iance Systems,I�z�.FD6�-E8G4--2�i 3L2.1�.I.895 <br /> Consurt�er Rea�Estate-Security�nstniment DL2�36 Page 3 af 5 www.cornpliancesystems.�om <br />