- Z�15����9
<br /> fu1� of all sums secur�d by th�s Securi�}� Ins�rurnen�. �o�rever, ��is op��an shal� no� be exercised by Len�er if
<br /> exerc��e�s prohibi�ed by federai Iaw as af the date of th�s Security Ins�rument.
<br /> If Lender exerc�ses this opt�on, Lender shaii g��e Borrov�er notice �f a�cel��ration. The notice sha11 pr�Wide a
<br /> p�ri�d of not less t�an�he minimum muml�er of da�s established by App�ica�y�� Law fr�m the date �he notice �s
<br /> delivered ar mai�ed within v��hich Barrower must pay at� �.ums se�ured by th:is Secur�ty Instrun�en�. If Borrfl�rer
<br /> fails to pay �hese sums prior to �he expira�ion of�his peri�d, Lender may in�Q�e any remedies permi�ted by�his
<br /> Secur��y�nstrument vv��h�u�fur��er n�ti�e or dernand�n B�rrower. '
<br /> Bvrrn►�ver's Right �� Reins�ate. If.B�rro�n�er n�ee�s cer�ain conditi�ns, Bo�r�r�wer sha�� have th� righ� to ha�e
<br /> enforcement af�his�Security�ns�rument discantinued at any time prior to the earl�er�f: �a� 5 days�or such o�her
<br /> �eriod as Applicable La�v may specify for re�nstatemen��bef�re sa�e�of the Pr��perty pursuant to any power o�sale
<br /> contained �n this Securi�ty �nstrument; �r (b� entry af a j udgment enforcir.�g this Secur�� �nstru�rnent. Thase
<br /> cand�tions are �hat B�rrawer: �a� pa�rs Lender a�l sums which �hen wau�d be du� under�his Secur�� Insirument
<br /> and�he Contract as�f no a�celeration had oGcurred;�b�cures any default of an�,�other covenants�r agreemen�s;�c�
<br /> pay�aIl e�penses in�urred�n�nf�rcing this Secur�ty�nstrumen�,�nclud�ng,but no��i�n���d ta,reas�nab�e attorne�rs'
<br /> fees t� the�xtent pe�-mitted by�avv; and�d}takes su�h ac�ion as Lender n�ay��eas�nah�y requ�re to assure that the
<br /> I�en of this Securi�y Instrument, Lender's righ�s in the Prap�rty and Borr�wer'�,�biigation�o pay the sums secured
<br /> by this Security �nstrument sha�l c�n�inue unchanged. Up�n reinstatem�n�by Barrov�er, this Security �nstrumen�
<br /> and fhe obliga�ions s�cUred hereby shall remain fu11y eff.ective as if no ac�e��,rati�n had occurred. Howe�er, �his
<br /> righ���reins�ate shall not apply in the�ase af acceleration under�he sec�i�n ti�tled Transfer af�h�Progerty or a
<br /> � Benef�cial In�erest in Borrower.
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances.Barrawer sha�l no�cause vr permit the presenGe,use.,disposa�,st�ra�e,or release�f any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or i�th�Pr�perty.Borrower shall not d�,nor allow��nyone else to dfl,anything affec�ing
<br /> �he Proper�y�hat is �n �xo�a�ion of any En�ironm�n�al Law. The preceding t�►uo sen�:ences shall not appl�r�o the
<br /> pr�sence,use,�r storage on the Property��srna11 quanti��e�of Hazardaus SuU���ances that ar�genera�ty recogni�ed
<br /> tfl be appr4priate�o normal residen�ial uses and tn rnainten�nce of the Propert��.
<br /> Borrower shall pr�rnptly gi�re Lender written notice�f any�nves�:igatian,�laim,demand,lawsui�ar other a���on by
<br /> any go�ernmental ar r�gu�at�ry agency or private party �n�alvin��he Proper�y and any Ha�ar�i�us Subs�a.nce or
<br /> Environmental Law of which Borra�er has a�tual knowiedge. �f B�rro�aver learns, or is no�ifxed by any
<br /> g��ernmental�r re�uiatory au�hori�,that any remava�ar a�her rernedia��on a��any Hazardaus Substanc��ffe�ting
<br /> �he Property is neces�ary, Bor�rower shall �rflmp�ly tak� a�� necessary re�nedial a�t�ons in accordance w�th
<br /> Env�ronmen�al Lav��.
<br /> As used�n this paragraph, "N�a2ardous Substances" are thase subs�ances def�n.ed as ta��c�r ha2ar�i�us substan�es
<br /> by EnWiranmenta� La� and �he f�llow�ng substanc�s: gasoi�ne, ker�sene, a��her �.ammable ar �o�i� petr��eum
<br /> products, �o��c pesticide� and herb�cides, valati�e solvents, mater�als �onta����ng asbes�fls or f�rrnaldehyde, and
<br /> radiQa���ve materiais.As used in th�s paragraph, "En�ironn�entat Lavv"means federa� lav�s and laws�f the state�f
<br /> Nebraska�hat re�a�e t�hea�th,safe�y�r en�ironmental pr�t�ct�on.
<br /> Accelera�ion; l�emedies. L�nder sha�� gi�e n�tice to Borrawer prior ta ��e�eleratian follaw�ng Bnrrnwer's
<br /> breaeh af anyr caWenant or�greemen#in this�ecurit�Instrument or the(:ontract under which ac�eleratian
<br /> is perrnitt�d(hut nnt prior t�acce�erat�on under the s�ctian t�tied Tran51 er of 1:h�Property ar a Beneficia�
<br /> Interest in Bo�rror�ver, unless Applicab��Law prv��c�es vth�rwise}. The n�3tice shall specify: �a} �he�efault;
<br /> �b} the actinn required ta cure th� default; [c) a da�e, not les� tha�� the min�mum number of days
<br /> estabi�shed by App�icab�e Law from the da�e the na�ice �s giWen to Borrn��ver,by whi�h the defau�t must b�
<br /> cured; and �d} tha� failure to cur� the default an ar �efore the da�e spf�cifed �n the notic� may resu�t in
<br /> �eceleration �f the sums secured by �his S�curity Ins�rumen� and sal�u of the Property. To �h� extent
<br /> permit#ed by law; �he notice shall fur#her inform Borr�wer of the right t�o rein�ta�e after a�celeratian and
<br /> the righ�to�ring�cour�actian�o ass�rt the non�-e�ist�nce flf a default nr�any other defense of B�rr�vver�o
<br /> acce�era#ian and sal�. If th�d�fau�t�s nat�ure� on or �efnre the d�te specif�ed in the notic�, Lend�r at �ts
<br /> ❑ption may require immed�ate paynr�ent in fuil af a�l sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrumernt without
<br /> fur�her demand and may in�ok�the p�wer of saie and any other remedies permit�ed by Applicab�e Law.
<br /> To the ex�en� p�rm�t�ed by �aw, L�nd�r shali �e entitled �o col��ct all e�xpenses in�urred in pursuing the
<br /> rernedies pro�ided in this Sectian, in��uding, bu�not��mited ta, reas�nable attorne�s' fees and cost�af titl�
<br /> e�idenc�.
<br /> If the pavr°er of sa�e��invo�ed,Trustee shali r�cord a no�ice of de�au���n each county in which any part of
<br /> the Propert�is loc��ed and 5hali mail cop�es�f such natice in the manne��pr�scrihed �y Appl��a��e Law�o
<br /> �3��row�r and tv the �ther persans �r�scribed by Ap�licable Law. Afte�r�he t�m� requirec� by Applicable
<br /> Law, Trus�ee shal� give pubiic notice of sale to the person5 and �n �he imanner pres�ribed by A.pp��cable
<br /> Law.Trus�ee,v�vithout demand on Bor�ower, �ha�l sell the Pr�perty at pi�blic auc�ion �o�he high�st b�dder
<br /> at the��me and p�ace and under the terms de��gna#ed ir�the natice nf sale in oae or more parcels�nd�n any
<br /> arder Trus�ee determines. 'I'rustee may pvstpone sa�e �f all or an�r ��ar�e� ❑f the Proper�y by publ��
<br /> ann�uncement at the t�me�nd p�ace of an�previaus�y scheduled sale.Le:nder or i��designee may purchase
<br /> �h�Pr�perty at an�sale.
<br /> Up�n receipt of payment�f the pric� bid, Trustee shal�deiiver ta the pu�rchaser Trustee�s de�d �on�eying
<br /> the praper�y. Th� recital5 �n the Tru�t�e'�deed shall be prima fac�e evid�vnce of the truth❑f the sta�em�nts
<br /> made therein. Trus�ee sh��l apply the proce�ds of the sale �n the foll��vving order: �a� t� all c�sts and
<br /> �xpenses❑f exercis�ng the power�f sa�e,and the saZe, �nc�uding the pay�nen� of the Trus�ee�s fees actua�Zy
<br /> C�a 2044-2a J 4 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.�D60-E864-20 i 3L2.i�.]..895
<br /> Cansuxner Real Estate-Se�u�ity Instrutnent 13L243G Page 4 tFf 5 www.�ampliancesystems.com
<br />