<br /> �ipplicab�e Law. As us�d � this Se�urit� �nstrumen�, the �erm "Applicab�e Law" s�all m�an all.�on�ro��ing
<br /> ap�Iicable federal, state and loca� statu�es, regula�ions, ord�nances and administrative rules and orders �that ha�e
<br /> the effect of law}as�reil as alx appli�able final,non-appea�ab�e judicial opinian_s.
<br /> Charge5; Lie��s. Barr�wer sha�l pay all �a�es, assessrneri�s, charges, fines ��.nd imposi��ons a�tribu�ab�e �o �he
<br /> Pr��er�v�rhich may at�ain pr�ori�y aver�his Security�nstrument, and leasehold paymen�s�r graund rents, zf any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,Barrawer shal�promp��y furnish�o Lender receip�s e�r�dencin�the payments.
<br /> Borr�wer shaXl prompt�y discharge any lien whi�h has prxori�y over this Secu�ity�nstrurnen�unless Borro�er: �a}
<br /> agrees in vvri��ng tQ the payment of�he �bliga�ian s�cured by the Iien �n a manner ac�eptab�e to Lender; �b}
<br /> contes�s in good fa��h �h� �ien by, or defends abains� enforcemen� of�he lxen �n, legal praceed�ngs v�hich iri�he
<br /> Lender's opin�on opera�e ta pre�ent the enfor�ement of�he lien; or �c} secures from th� h�l�er of the Iien an
<br /> agreemen� sa�isfact�ry��L�nd�r subo�dinat�ng the lien lo �his Securi�r Ins�ru�nen�. �f Lender de�ermit�e��hat any
<br /> par��f�he Proper�y is subjec�tfl a lien�v�ihich ma�a�tain prior�ty aver this Secur�ty �nstrument, Lender may g�ve
<br /> Bnrrower a n�tice iden�ifying�he lien. lBorrawer shal� satisfy�he.l�en or�ake{�ne or mare af�he a��ians set forth
<br /> abo�e wi�h�n �0 days of the giving of n�tice.
<br /> Hazard vr Pr�perty Tnsurance. Borrflvver shall keep the improvements novv existing�r hereafter erected on the
<br /> Pr�perty insured against loss by f re,hazards inciuded wi�h�n�he term"ex�end�,d co�rerage"and any oth�r ha�a.rds,
<br /> including flood5 ar flaading, f�r which Lender requ�res insurance. This in,�urance shall be maintained in the
<br /> amoun�s and for�he peri�dsrtha�Lender requires.The�n�urance carrier praviding the�nsuran�e sha1�be ch�5en by
<br /> Borr�wer sub�ec��o Lender's appro�a� which shall n�t be unreasonably wi�hhe�d. �f Barrower fai�s to main�a�n
<br /> coverage described abo�e, Lender�may, at Lender's opt�an, o�tain cavera�e to protec� Lender's rights in the
<br /> Proper�y�n accardance v��th secti�n�itled Protec�ion of Lender's R�ghts�n���e Property.
<br /> All �nsu�rance palicies and renevvals �ha11�e a�ceptahle to Lender and sha�� in��ude a standard rnortgage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha�1 ha�e�he right to hold the polic�e's�nd renewals. If Lend�r requir�us, Borrower shali prompt�y gi�e to
<br /> Lender alI receipts of paid premiums and�enewa�notices. Tn the e�rent of�ass,Borr�wer shall g�ve prompt n���ce
<br /> t�the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender.may make�raof of Ioss�f not mad�:prornpt�y by�3arrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barrower �therv�rise a�ree in vvr�ting, insuran�e praceed�z sha11 l�e app�ied �o res�orat�on �r
<br /> repair of the Property darnaged, if, in Lender's sale discre�ion, the restoratio�� or repair is econorn�ca��y feasible
<br /> and Lender's s�curi�y �s n�t �ess�ned. If, in Lender's sole�iscre��an, �:he restara�ivn or repair is not econolnically
<br /> feasible�r Lender's secur�ty w�uld be�essened,the insura.nce praceeds shail b�,app�ied�o the sums secured b�this
<br /> Security �nstrumen�, whether or nat then due, wi�h any e�cess paid to Bc�rro�ver. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Proper�;or does n��ans�ver wi�h�n�he number of days prescrit��d by Applica���e Law as set forth in a n���ce�-�m
<br /> Lender t�Barravver that t�e insurance ca.rrier has affe�red�o se�tle a c�a��n,�h�.n Lender�may col�e�t the insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds ta r�pa�r or r�st�r�th� Praperty or�{�pay sums secured by th�s Secur�ty
<br /> �nstrument,v��he�her or n�t then due.The periQd of t�me far B�rrow�r tfl ansvver as set f�rth in the n��ice will begin
<br /> when�he no�ice is gi�ren.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barrov�er otherwise agree iri writing, any app�ication of proceeds��princ�pal sha1�nflt ex�end
<br /> ar pas�p�ne the due date�f the paymen�s due under the�ontract❑r change t��e arnount of the payments. �f under
<br /> �he se���an titl�d Acc�leratian; Remed ies, �h� Proper�y is acyuir�d by Lender, B�rrawer's righ�tfl any ir�surance
<br /> pali�ies and proceeds resu�ting from damage �� �he Pr�perty prior t� �he a�c�uxs��ion sha�1 pass to Lender to �he
<br /> e��ent flf�he sums secur�d by this Se�urity�nstrument immediate�y pr�ar t�the acquisit�on.
<br /> Preser�a��un, Maintenance �nd Pra�e�tion of the Property; Borrawer`s Loan Appli�a�ion; L�a�ehalds.
<br /> Borr�wer sha�l not destro�, damage or impair.�he Pr�per�y,allow the Proper��to deteriora�e, or cornm���aste an
<br /> the pr�per�y.Bflrrov�rer sha�l be in d��au�t if any farfeiture action ar proceedi.n�;,vvhe�her ci�il ar crimina�,is begun
<br /> tha� in Lender's goad fai�h judgm�nt cou�d resul� in farfe��ur� of the Proper��o� o�he�-v�rise materially impair the
<br /> lien created by �his Se�urity Instrument �r Lender's se�urity �nteres�. Borr{�wer ma� cure such a defauXt and
<br /> re�nstate, as pra�ided in sect�on titled Barrow�r's Ri�ht�o Re�nstate,by�a��s�ng th� act��n ar pr�ceeding���e
<br /> dismissed vvith�rul�ng that, �n Lender's g��d fai�h de�ermina�ion,pre�ludes forfeitur�af�he Borr�wer's�nter�st in
<br /> �he Praper�r �r o�her mater�al impairrnent af the lien �reated by this S�cur�i� Ins�rumen� ar Len�er's security
<br /> in�eres�.Borra�er shal�also be in default if Borrower,during the laan appl�cati�n process,gav�materia�ly false or
<br /> inaccurate infor�na��on or s�a�em�n�s to Lender ��r fa��ed ta prfl�ride Lende�- v�ith any rna�erial �nfarmativn� in
<br /> �onnect�on with the Ioan e�idenced by the Contrac�. �f�his Securi�ty�nstrume:n��s on a��ase��ld, Barrt��er shall
<br /> comp�y with a11 the provisions af the�ease.�f Borrower acquires fe�title to th��Praperty,the leas�ho�d and the fee
<br /> �i��e�hall no�m�rge un�ess Lend�r agrees���he merger in►�riting.
<br /> Protec�ion �f Lender�s Rights in th� 1'`rapert�. If�3�rrower fa��s ta per�ror�m the cav�nants and agr�em.ents
<br /> con�ained in th�s Security�ns�:rumen�, ar there is a Iega�pro�eed�ng�hat may�,ignifi�antly affect Lend�r's rights in
<br /> the Proper�y �such as a proce�d�ng zn�ankruptcy, prabate, far �ondemnatiorl or forfeiture or to enforce laws or
<br /> r�gu�at�ons}, then Le�der may d� and pay f�r vvha�ever is necessary ta pr���ect the �alue �f the Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's rights �n the Pr�perty.Lender's a��i�ns may include pay�ng any sums secured by a lien which has priQrity
<br /> o�er this Security Instrument,appearing in cvu��,pay�ng reasonable attorneys'fees and en.ter�ng on the Proper�y�a
<br /> make repairs.A�though Lender ma��al��ac��an under�his sec�ion,Lender doe:a nat ha�r��o do sa.
<br /> Any amflunts d�sbursed by Lender under �h�s seG�ion sha�� b�come add�t�anG�l deb� of Borrawer secur�d b� this
<br /> S�Cl.irl� �215t�'1.1�1��'l�. Un�ess Borrower and Lender agree ta oth�r �erms �f paymen�, these amounts shal� bear
<br /> interest fi om the da�e of disburse�nen� a� th� same rate assessed on ad�ances under the C��tract and sha�l b�
<br /> payable,w��h in�eres�, upan na�ice from Lender t�Barrower requesting pa�me��.
<br /> C�2�O�1-2b14 Compliance Systems,Inc_FdS�-E864-2Q]3L2.kQ.l.R95
<br /> Cansun7er Real Estate-Secuii�y�ilStruFar��i€I7L2G36 Page 2 0£5 www.�arrip�iancesy�stetns.com
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