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��15�4��5 <br /> in�erest from the da�e af d�sbursemen� a� �he same ra�e assessed on advances under the �ontrac� and sha�l be <br /> payable,���h interest,up�n no��ce from Lender ta Barr�wer re�ues�ing paymenx. <br /> �nspect�on. Lender or its agen� may make reasonable entr�es upan and �nspec��ons flf�he Proper�y. Lender sha�l <br /> g�ve Borrower no��c�a�the�ime af ar prior�o an xnspec���n specifying reasonab�e cause for�he�nspect�on. <br /> Condemnat�on. The proc�eds of any award�r�la��n far damages, direct or consequen�ial, in connec��on vv���� any <br /> candemnation or other�aking af any par� of the Proper�y, or for �an�eyan�e in Iieu af c�ndemnat�on, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shal�be pa�d�o Lender. . <br /> In �he e�ent �f_a to�al �ak�ng af tl�e Praper�y, �he proceeds shall be applied to �he su�ns secured by �h�s Securifiy <br /> �ns�rumen�, v�h��her or na� �hen due, �i�h any e�cess paid �o Sorrflwer. �n �he e�en� of a par�ial tak�ng af the <br /> Propert� �n �vh�ch �he fair marke� �ralue �f tl�e Properry �m��ned�a�ely befare the tak�ng is equal �a or gr�a�er than <br /> the amflun� of t�e surns secured by th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen� �mmed�a�ely before the taking, unless Borr��nrer a�d <br /> Lender o�herv�ise agree �n writing, the sums secured by���i� Security Ins�rument shall be reduced by the amou���of <br /> �he�roceeds mult�plied by�he fo��ovv�ng fra���an: �a}�he�otal amaunt of the sums secured immediate�y�aefore the <br /> taking, d�vided by �b� the fair mar�et �a�ue �f the Proper�y immediat��y before �he �a��ng. .�,ny ba�ance shall be <br /> paid. t� Borrower. In the e�ent �f a par��a� �ak�ng af��e Property in wh�c�� �h� fa�r ��arket �a�ue of�he Proper�y <br /> 2mmed�ately before the ta�ing is less �han the amount af�he sums secured �mmedia�ely before the taking, unless <br /> Borro�ver and Lender ather��se agree in wr��ing ar unless App���ab1e Law o�herw�se pro�ide�, the pro�eeds sha�l <br /> be app��ed ta the sums secured by�h�s Security�nstrumen�vvhet��er or no�the sums are then due. <br /> �f�h� Proper�y is abandoned by B�rrawer, �r if, after n���ce by Le��der to Borr��er�ha��he �ondemnor offers ta <br /> make an award or se�tle a clai�n for darnag�s, Barravver fa�ls�o respand �o Lender�vi�h�n the min�mum numb�r of <br /> day�estabiished by Applicabl�Law after�he date the natice is g�ven, Lender is au�hori2ed�o colIe��and apply���e <br /> pro�eeds, a� its �p�ion, either �� restoration or rep�,ir af the Praperty ar to t�� sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> �nstrumen�,vvhe�her or not�hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borro�er otherw�se agree in wr��ing, ar��r app��cat�an of proGeeds to pr�nc�pal sha�l not extend <br /> or pos�pone�he due date af�he payments due under�he C�n�ra��or change�he amoun�of such paym�nts. <br /> I3nrrovver No� ReieaSed; Forbearance Sy Lender N�� a �Va���r. EX��nSl�n of �he �ime far paymen� or <br /> mad�f�ca�ian of amortiza�ion of the sums secured by this Security �ns�rumen� gran�ed by Lender �o Sorr��ver �r <br /> any su�cessar in �n�erest of Borr�wer shall not apera�e t� release �he �iability �f �he ori�ina� Borrov�er ar <br /> Barrovver's suc�ess�rs in xnteres�. Lender shall not be reauired ta �ammence proceed�ngs agains�any successar in <br /> in�eres�or refuse to extend��m�for payment ar a�her��se modify a�nortiza�ion of th�sums secured by this Secur��y <br /> �nstrument by reason of any demand made by the orig�na� Barro�ver ar Borrower's successors in interest. Any <br /> forbearance by Le�der �n �xerci��ng an�r�ght nr remedy sl�a�l no�be a waiver of or prec�ude the exercise of art�y <br /> right ar remedy. <br /> SucceSsors and Ass�gns Baund; Jvin� and Se�eral L�ab�lity; Ac�ommodat�on Signers. The ca�enan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�h�s Security �ns�rument s�a�l b�nd and benef��he suc�ess�rs and assigns of Lender and Sorr��er, <br /> sub�ect �a the pro�isions o� sec�i�n ti�led Transfer of the Pr�pert� or a Benefi�iai In�eres� in Barrower. <br /> Ba�-�ro�er's c��enan�s and agreements shal� be jaint and se�era�. Any persan who cawsi�ns this Securi�y�nstrumen� <br /> bu� has no persona� �iabil�ty under the C�ntract �".�.�ca��nmodation S�gner"�: �a) �s co�Slgnlp� �h�s Security <br /> �ns�rument on�y �o mor�gage, gran� and convey that A�camm�da��on Signer's �nteres� ��� the Proper�y under the <br /> �erms af �he S�curi�y �ns�rument; �b� �s no� personal�y obliga�ed ta pay the sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrumen�; and�c� agrees�ha�Lender and any otl�er Borrower may agree ta extend,.modify, farbear or make any <br /> accommadatians vv��h regard to the terms af�h�s Secur��y Ins�r�ment or the �antrac�.vvi�haut�ha�Accammoda��on <br /> S�gner's cflnsent. <br /> Loan Charges. �f�he I�an secured by this Se�uri�y �nstrumen� is sub�ect to a �av� which sets �na��mum �aan <br /> �harge�, and�ha�law �s fina�ly in�erpreted so�ha��he �n�eres�or a�her lo�n charges col�ected or t� be �o�lected in <br /> cvnnec��an vv��h �he �oan exceed �he permit�ed �im��s, �hen: (�.} any 5uch �oan charge shall be reduced �y �he <br /> amoun�necessary�a reduce �he charge t� the permit�ed Iimi�s and �b) any sums alre�.dy �o�Iected fram Sarrawer <br /> �hich exc�eded permxt�ed �im�ts w��l be refunded t� Borrov�er. Lender may �ho�se �� �r�ake this refund by <br /> reducing�he principa� �wed under the C�n�ract or by m.aking a direct payment to Barrawer. If a refur�d reduces <br /> pr�ncipa�,�he reduc��on vvill he trea�ed as a par�ia�prepayment under�he Contract. <br /> Notiees. Any not�ce �o Borrower pro�ided far �n �his Secu�ity Ins�rument shal� be g�v�n by de��ver�ng i� or by <br /> maiIing it by f�rs�class mai� unless App�icabie Law requ�res use�f anather met��ad. The notice sha�l be direc�ed�o <br /> the Praperty Address or any other address Sorro�er designa�es by n�tice ta �ender. Barrowe�r agr�es �o pr���de <br /> Lender�vxth Borrower's mos� curren�m�.�ling address, as it may �hange from time-�a-�ime. Any natice �a Lender <br /> sha��be given by firs`t c�ass mail�o Lender's address s�ated herein or any a�her address Lender des�gnates by n�tice <br /> �o�3orrower. Any notice pro�ided for in�his Security Ins�rument shall be deemed �o ha�e b�en g��en �a Borrower <br /> ar Lend�r when gi�en as pro�ided�n����s paragrap�a. <br /> �overn�ng Law; SeWera�ili�y.Th�s Securi�y�nstrumen�shal��be go�e�-t�ed by federa� �aw and�he la�vs of�he s�ate <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he event that any pravision or clause of���is Security Ins�rument �r th� �ontract �on�ic�s �vi�h <br /> Applicable Law, such conflic� shall not affect o�her pra��s�vns af�his Se�urity Instrum�n� ar�}�e Co���rac� whi�h <br /> can be g��ren effect v�ithau��he conflicting pra�is�o��. To th�s end�he provisi�ns of�his Securi�y Ins��umen�and t�ze <br /> �antract are declared�o be sev�rable. <br /> Sorrawer's CQpy.Ba�-ov�er sha�l be g��en ane�opy nf t���s Securi�y Zns�rumen�. <br /> �200�-20I4 Camplian�e Systezns,Inc.FD6�-5G8D-2013L2.14.1.895 � <br /> �tinsumer Reai Es#ate-SecurEty��strument DLZd3G Pa�e 3 af 5 . ww��v.�amplian�esysten3s.carr� <br />