<br /> Transf�r of the Praperty or a Bemeficia� Int�res�i�� ��rrower. �f al�or any par�of the Property�r an�int�rest
<br /> �n i� �s so�d or transferred �or if a benefi�ial �nteres� �n B�rrower is s�ld �r transferr�� and Barrower �� n�� a
<br /> xna�ural person} �rithout �ender's prior written cflnsen�, Lender may, at ��s �p�i�n, re�uire immed�ate payrnen� in
<br /> fu�i of all sums se�ured by this Security �ns�rument. How�ve�-, this optz�n s�iall not be �x.ercised by Lender if
<br /> exer�ise is prohibited by federa�law as af the da�e of this Se�curi�y Instrument.
<br /> If L�nder e�ercises this apti�n, Lender sha�i g��e Borrav�er notice of accelera�ion. The not�ce shall pro�ide a
<br /> period of n�� less than �he minimum numb�r of days establ�shed by Appl�cab�e Law from the da�e the notice is
<br /> de�i�ered or mailed w��hin which �o�-r�rn�er mus� pay all s�xms secured by �his Secur�ty Ins�rum�nt. If Borrav�er
<br /> fai�s t� pay th�se sums priar to �he expira��on af th�s per�a�, Lender may in�t�ke any remed�es permitted by thi�
<br /> Se�urity Instrument���haut fur�her n��ice�r demand on��rrower.
<br /> Borrower's Right ta l�e�nsta�e. �f B�rravver mee�s cer�ain conditions, Bor��ower shali ha�re the right to ha�e
<br /> enfarce��nen� of�h�s Securi#.y �nstrument d�scontinued at an}�time pri�r�o the ti�ar�ier of (a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> per�od as Appiicab�e Lavv may spe��fy for reinstatem�n��before sale flf�he Proper�y pursuan�to any pow�r af sale
<br /> con�tained �n this Secur��.y Instrument; or �b} entry Qf a judg���ent enf�rcing �his�Security �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> conditions are that B�r�-ornrer: �a} pays �ender aI� sums wh�ch then would be due under�his Securi�y I�strument
<br /> and the�antract as if no acce�lera�i�n had accurred;�b}cures any defau��of any other�a�enants or agreements;�c}
<br /> �ays aIl e�penses incurred in enfarcing this Secur��y�nstru�men�, i��cluding,bu� not limited ta,reas�nable attorn�ys'
<br /> fees to the ex�ent.pe�-mitted by�arn�; and �d}ta�es such a�tion as Lender may r��as�na�ly require t� assure�hat the
<br /> Iien af this Securi�y�ns�rum�n�, Lender's righ�s �n�he Praper�y and B�rr4wer's obligation�a pay the surr�s secured
<br /> hy �his Se�uri�y instrument s�.a�l �ontinue unchanged. tJpon r��nsta�emen� �y Bflrrower, �his Secu.rity �ns�rumen�
<br /> and the obligations secured hereby shail remain fully effe�t��e as if no accelera�i�n had occurred. Hawe�rer, �his
<br /> righ�to reinsta�e shal�not app�y�n the case�f accelera�ian under the sec��on titled Transfer flf�h�Pruperty or a
<br /> Ben��cial In�er�st in Borra�er.
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances. Borr�vver shal�na�cause�r perx.nit the presence,use, dispasa�., st�rage, �r release of any
<br /> Ha�ard.�us Subs�ances on or in�he Prope�-�y. B�rra�ver shall n�t da,nor al�ovv anyone�lse�o do,any�hing affec�ing
<br /> �he Proper�y that �s in vi�iatian �f any En�ironmenta� Law. The preceding t�vo sentences sha�l nat app�y to �he
<br /> p�ese�ce,use,or��orag��n the Property of small quar��i�ies of Hazard�us Substances�hat are g�nera�ly rec�gn�zed
<br /> t�be approprxate ta norma�res�dential uses and to main�enance tif the Proper�y..
<br /> Borr�wer shal�promp��y g��e Lender�r��ten n���ce of a�y inves��gat�an,claim:,demand, Ia�su�t or��her ac�ion by
<br /> any g��ernm�n�al or regula�ary agency or private par�y in���W�ng �he Proper�.y and any Ha�ardous Subs�ance or
<br /> Envir�nmen��.l Law af wh�ch Borrov►rer has actual know�edge. If �arro�ver �earns, ar�is natified t�y any
<br /> go�ernmen�a�or regula�ory au�h�ri�y,tha�any rem.o�a1 ar ather remedia�ion of any Hazardous Substance affecting
<br /> the Prap�r�y is ne�essary, �arravve�- sha�l promptly �ake al� necessary re�rr�ed�a� acti�ns in accordance with
<br /> En��ranrr�enta�Law. � "
<br /> As used in�h�s parag�-aph, "�azardous Substances" are�h�se substances defined as tflxzc or ha�ardous subs�ances
<br /> by En��r�nme�tal Law and �he following su�35tanCeS: gasoiine, kerosene, o�ther flamma�le ar �oxic pe�raleum
<br /> products, toxic pes�icides and herbi�ides, v��ati�e so�ven�s, materiais contain�ing asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioacti�ve mater�a�s. As used�n this paragraph, "Enviranmenral LarN"means��ederal laws and lavvs af�he s�a��flf
<br /> Nebraska�ha�re�at��o hea�th,safe�y or en�v�r�nmenta�prat�cti�n. �
<br /> Accelerat�on; Remedi�s. Lend�r sha�l gi�� notice to �orrower prio�- t� a�c��lera��on fo��owing �3�rraw�r'�
<br /> breach of any co�e�an��r agreem�n�ir� �his�ecur�ty I��s�rument or the�o�tract under wh�ch acceleration
<br /> is p��mitted ��u� x��t ��-ior to acce�er���on und�r the se�tifln ti�l�d Trans�er of the Pr�perty or a �enQf�cia�
<br /> Interest �n Borr�wer, unless Appii�able Law pro�id�s otherwise}. The n��tice sha�i spec�fy: (a} th� defau�t;
<br /> �b} the actior� requ�red t� cure �h� defau�t; �c} � date, not less than. the mi�imum num�er af day�
<br /> �s�a�lished b� Appl�cable Law from the da�e the no��c�is g���n ta��rrotiver,by wh�ch �he default r�►u�t�e
<br /> cured; and �d} that fa��ua-� �o cure �he d�fault on or b�fore th� dat� specif�d in the not�c� may r�sult �n
<br /> a�ce�eratior� of �he su�ns secured by this �ecurity �ns�rume�t and sa��: �f the �'raperty. To the extent
<br /> permitted by �aw, the no�i�e shail further ir�form �vrr�vv�r of�he r�ght t� reinsta�e after accQ�erat��n and
<br /> the right t�bring a cnur�a��io��o assert the non-e�iste�ce�f a defau��❑r any o�h�r defense�f Borr�vver�o
<br /> a�celeration and sa��. If the defau�t i� r�a�cured an �r b�fare the dat�sp��cifi�d in the no�ice, Le�der at its
<br /> ogti�n rr�ay requ�r� �mnn.e�ia�e p�y�en� in fu�l of a�l ��ms secur�d by ��his Se�ur�ty Instr�ment ►�i�hout
<br /> further d�mand and may i�►�oke the pflr�e�- of saie �nd any o�:her remedi�s permitt�d by Applica��e Law.
<br /> 'I'a ��e extent permi�ted by l�vv, Lender sha�l be enti��ed �to cai�ect a�� e xpens�s incurred i� pu r�u�ng the
<br /> remedies prav�ded i�n this Se��ion, �nc�uding,but �o� limi�ed �ay re�5anabl:e a�torneys' fe�s and co��s of�itle
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> If�he power❑f s��� �s in�oked,Trustee shall record a r�ot�ce af defau�t in e�ch coun�y in which any part of
<br /> the Pro�ert� is loca��d and shal�mai�enpies�f such �o�ice in the mann�r prescrib�� by Applicab�e Law to
<br /> Borr�wer and ta �he other persons prescribed by Appiicabl� lLaw. After� the time required by Applicab�e
<br /> Law, Trus��� sha�� gi�e pu�lic nn�ic� af�a�e to ti}e persans and �n th� �nanner pre�cribed by App�icable
<br /> I.�aw. Trus�ee,w��hout d�rr�an� vn �arrnwer,shall seli�he Proper�y at pu:b��c auct�on ta the h�ghest bidder
<br /> at the�ime and pla�e an�l u�der�he ter�ns d�signa�ed in the notice af sale�n one or more par�e�s and in an�
<br /> �rder Truste� de��rm���es. Trus�ee may postp�r�e saie af all �r any parce� �f the Property �y gub���
<br /> annaun�ement�t�he time and pi�ce�f any previou��y��hedul�d �ate.LeYzder or it5 design�e may purehase
<br /> �he Property at any sa��.
<br /> Up�n receipt of pa�ment of the price �bid, 'I`rustee shail deli�er ta �h� pur�haser Truste�'s deed c�nveying
<br /> the Proper�y. 'I'he recitals �n �he Tru�tee's deed sh�ll �e �rima facie ev�d�:n�e of the truth �f the sta�ements
<br /> Q 2���-2fl 1�CQrnp�iance Systems,In�.FD6b-5�80-2�13 L2.t Q.�.895
<br /> Consurner Real Estate-Securaty Instru3ner�t DLZ�36 Pabe 4 0�5 www.carnptian�esystems.cam
<br />