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��15�4��5 <br /> Payrr�ent af Pr�n��pa�and Inter�st; �ther�harges.Borrower shal�promptly pay v�hen due the pr�n�ipa�of and <br /> �nter�st on�he debt owed under�he Cantract and Ia�e charges ar any o�her fees and�harges due under�he��ntract. <br /> Applicabie Lavv. As used in �his Security �nstrumen�, the term "Applicable Law" sha11 mean al� control�ing <br /> app�icab�e federal, sta�e and �aca� statutes, regu��.�i�ns, ordinances and admini�ttrati�r� rules and orders ��h�.�ha�e <br /> �he�ffec�flf la�r�as�eli as a�l app�icab]e f nal,n�n-appealable�udicia�opini�n�s., <br /> �harges; Lie�s. Borr�v�er shal� pay ail taxes, asse�sments, charges, fnes and imposi�i�r�� attr�butab�e �o �he <br /> Property which may at�ain pri�rity��er���s Securi�y Ins�rumen�, and leaseho�cL pa�ments �r ground ren�s, �f an�r. <br /> A��he request of Lender,Borr�wer sha�l pr�m.ptly furn�sh�a Lender receip�s e�iide��ing the paymen�s. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any Iien w�ich has pri�ri�.y o►ver�h�s Security�ns�rumen�unless Borrovver: �a� <br /> agrees iri writ�n� ta the payment of�he abiiga�t�an secur�d by �he �ien in a manner acceptab�e �a Lender; �b} <br /> con�es�s �n good fai�h th� lien liy, ar defends against enforcement �f the �ien i.n, �egal proceedings v�rhich �n �he <br /> Lender's opinian opera�:e to pre�erit �he enforcemen� af�he lien; or �c} secures from the holder of�h� l�en an <br /> agreement sa�isfac�ory to Lender subordin.a��ng the l ien to this Securi�r Instrur��e�t. Tf Lender de�erm�nes that any <br /> part of the Praperty is subjec��o a lien �vhi�h may attain pri�rity over�his S�c�urity�ns�rument, Lender may give <br /> B�rrawer a noti�e ident�fy�ng�he l��n. Borr�wer shall sat�sfy the lien or�ake cfne or more �f the ac�ions set for�h <br /> abo�e�r��hin �4 days of�he giWing of notic�. <br /> Hazard or Pr�per�y Insurance. Borrovver shal�keep the �mprfl�ements now��xisting o�hereaf�er erected on the <br /> Praperty insured agains��ass by fire,hazards in�luded wi�hin the�erm"extended coverage" and any ather h�.�ards, <br /> in��uding fl�ods or fl�oding, far �hich Lender requires �nsurance. Th�s �nsurance shal� be ma�nta�ned �n the <br /> amounts ar�d for�he per�ads�hat Lender requires.�The�nsurance carrier pro�id��ng the insurance sha�l be chosen by <br /> Borrower subject t� Lender's appro�al which shall n�� be unreas��ably with��eld. If B�rrower fai�s �o mainta�n <br /> c��erage des�ribed abo�e, Lender may, a� Lender's �pt�an, �b�ta�n coverag�� �� pr��ec� Ler�der's righ�s in the <br /> Praperty�n accordance wi�h sectior��itled Pratee�ion of�er�der�s Rights in�h#��roperty. <br /> A�I insurance pa�icies and renewa�s shal� �e acceptalo�e �� and sha1� ir�clude a s�andard m�r�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender sha�l have the righ�to h��d�he p�licies and renevsrals. �f Lender requir��s, Barrov�er sha�l promp�iy g��e to <br /> Lender ai1 re�eipts of paid prem�ums and renewal no�ices. �n the e�en�of�ass, Borrower shall gi�e pror�p�notice <br /> �o�h��nsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may�nake pr�of of Iass if not made pram��ly by B�rr�wer. <br /> Uniess Lender and B�rrov�rer o�herwise agree in writing, insurance pr�ceeds shall be applied to res�oratian �r <br /> r�pair of�he �'roperty damaged, �f, i� Lender's sale �is�retion, �he res�aratian. ar repa�r �s economica�ly feas�ble <br /> and Lender's secur�ty is nat ��essened. If, in Lender's s�le discreti�n, �che res�or�a�ian or repair is na� ecanamical�y <br /> feasible flr Lend�r's security wou�d be�essened,the insurance proceeds sha11 be applied to the sums secur�d by this <br /> Securi�ty Instrument, �vhether or no� ther� due, v�ith ariy e�cess paid to Ba��rower. �f Borrower abandons the <br /> Proper�y, ar daes no�answer�i�hin the�umber of d�ys prescribed by App�ica�f�e Law as set forth�n a na���e fr�m <br /> Lender�o B�rrower�hat the �nsuran�e carrier has offered t� s��tle a c�aim,�hen Lender may colle���he insurance <br /> praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds �a repa�r or res�ore the Pr�per�y flr�a pay sums secured by this Securxty <br /> Ins�rumen�,vvheth�r ar not�hen due.The period of�ime for Borrawer t�answer as set for�h in��e natice�i�l beg�n <br /> when�the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower a�her�ise agree �n writin�, any applica�i�n af pr+aceeds fio principal sha�l no�extend <br /> �r p�stpone�he due da�e of��Ze paymen�s due und�r the �ontrac�or change �h� amount of the pay�nents. �f urider <br /> the secti�n tit�ed Aceeleratian; Remedies, �he Proper� is acquired hy Lende�•, Borrower's right�a an�insurance <br /> palicies and proceeds resu�ting from d�.rnage �o the Proper�y pr��r t� the acquis��ion sha�1 pass �a Lender to lche <br /> ex�en�af the sums secured by�h�s�ecuri�y Instrumen�immedia�ely pr�ar�o�he aGquisi��an. <br /> Pr��er�a��vr�, Main�cenance and Pro�ec��on �f the Property; ��rro�ver'�� Y�oar� App�i�ation; Lea�ehoids. <br /> Barrower sha�l not des�roy, damage or impair�he Proper�y, allow�he Pr�per�y to de�eri�rate, �r commi�was�e on <br /> �he Pr�perty. Borrower�hall be �n defau�t if any f�rfeiture actian or proceedin�,,whe�her c�vi�or crim�na�,�s begun <br /> �ha� �n Lender's goad fa�th judgment c�U�d resul� in f�rfei�ure of�he Pr�per�y or otherv�ise material�y impa�r the <br /> l�en created by this Securi� Ins�rument �r Lerrder's security interes�. Borr��v�er may cure such a defau�� and <br /> reinsta�e, as pro�ided in sec�ion ti�led �orrow�r's Righ� tv Reinstate, b��ar:�sing the actian or pr�Geeding��be <br /> dismissed�ith a ru�ing�ha�, in Lender's good fai�h determinatian,prec�u�.es fo��fe��ure of the Borr�wer's in�eres�in <br /> the Property or �ther material lIY1��.1T7T1CI7� �f�h� �ien created by this Secur:ity Instrument or L�nder's security <br /> in�eres�.Barrower shall also�e i�a defau�t if Barro�nrer,during�he l�an app�icati.�n process,gave mater�a�ly fa��e or <br /> �naccurate information ar stafiements t� L�nder �or failed �o prar�ide Lender �ith any materia� informa��fln� in <br /> conn�ction wi�h�he �oan �videncec�by the �antract. �f this Securi�y Instrumer�� �s on a leaseha�d, Barr�wer shal� <br /> comply�vith al�the provisions of the lease. rf Borro�v�r a�quires fee�itle�o the Prope�-ty,�he leaseho�d and the fee <br /> ���Ie shal�no�merge uniess Lender agrees��the merger�n <br /> Prntection af Lend�r's Righ�s in the Prop�r�y. If BQrr��ver fails �o perfc�rm the co�ena�ts and agreements <br /> �on�ained in�h�s Securit��ns�rument, �r th�re is a lega� proceed�ng�hat may s ignificantly affect Lender's righ�s �n <br /> the Proper�y �such as a pr�ceeding �n �ankruptcy, �r�ba�e, for c�ndemnat�on or forfeiture ar ta enfarce laws or <br /> reguial:ions}, �hen Lender may do and pay for vvhate�er �s necessary to pr�tec� �he vaiue of�he Pr�pert�y and <br /> Lender's rights in the�r�per�y. Lender's ac�ions may include pay�ng any sums � by a�ien which has pri�rity <br /> o�er�his Security Instrument, appearing in c�urt,pa}��ng reas�nab�e a�torneys'fees and entering an the�roper�y�o <br /> make re�airs.A��hough Lender may�ake ac��on under this sec�ian, Lender does n��ha�e to do sa. <br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under �h�s section s�ali became addit�anal d�b� of B�rr�wer secur�d by �his <br /> Security �ns�rument. Unless B�rrower and Lender agree �o o�her �erms of paymen�, �hese amoun�s shali bear <br /> �?�0�-2Q 14 Cotnplian�e Systezns,In�.FD6a-5G8�-2�13L2.1�.l.895 <br /> Car�sumer Real Estate-Secur�ty Iaist�ment DL2036 � Pa�e 2 of 5 www.cvmplia.ncesysCems.corxx <br />