<br /> a�E� �F TRusT
<br /> Lvan No: 1 D'I�8715� ���rlt�nued} Page 8
<br /> this Deed ot Trus� may rtaw vr hereaf�er be otherwise secured, wheth�r by m�rtgage, deed vf trus�, pledge, lien,
<br /> assignment or �th�rwise. Ne��rher the acceptance af this Deed ❑f Trust nar its �nfarcement, ►rvhether �y court
<br /> ac�i�n or pursuant �o �hs power ❑f sale ar other pow�rs contained in �his ❑eed �f Trust, shall prejudice or in ar+y
<br /> manner affect Trus�ee's �r L�nder's right fi❑ reali�e upan or en��rce any other security now or hereafter held by
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender, it b�ing agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each o��hem, shall be entttled to enforce this Deed
<br /> of T�us� and any oth�r security naw ❑r hereaft�r held by Lender �r Trust�� �n such �rder and manner as they ar
<br /> �ither of them may in their absolut� discre�tion determine. N❑ rem�dy cvnferred up�n ar reser�ed ta Trustee ar
<br /> Lender, is intended to be ex�lusi�e o� any �ther r�medy in this �eed �f Trust ❑r by law provided ar pe�mitted, �u�
<br /> each shall be �umulative and shali b� in addition to e�ery other rem�dy gi�en in this Deed of Trust ar now or
<br /> hereafter existing at law or in equi�y ar by statu�e. E�ery power or remedy gi�en by the Not�or any af the Related
<br /> Do�uments tv Trus�ee or Lender �r t� vvhich either ❑� �hem may be otherwise enti�l�d, may be exercised,
<br /> con�urrentfy or independently, fram tim� to time and as aften as may be deemed expedient by Trustee or Lender,
<br /> an� ei�her vf them m�y pursue incvnsist�nt remedies. Nothin� in this Deed o# Trust shall be cvnst�ued as
<br /> prohibiting Lender from seelcing a de�ici�ncy judgment againsfi the Trust�r t�the extent such acfii�n is p�rmitted by
<br /> (aw. Electian by Lender ta pursu� any remedy shall not exclude pursui� af any other remedy, and an electi�n to
<br /> make �xpenditures or to take a�tion ta perform an obligation of Trustor under this Deed �f Trust, after Trustor's
<br /> �Failur�t❑ perform, shall not affec� Lender's rtght fio declar� a default and exercise its remedi�s.
<br /> Request far Noti�e. Trust�r, an b�ha�f af Trustor and Lender, hereby requests that a copy❑f any Nat�ce �f Default
<br /> and a copy af any Notic� of Sale under�his Deed o�F Trus� be mailed to them a�the addresses set farth in�h� first
<br /> paragraph vf this [�eed of Trust.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees: Expenses. I�f L�nder ins�itu�es any sui� or ac#ion to enf�rce any of the t�rms o# this Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lend�r shall �e entitled t❑ recover such sum as the caurt may adjudge reasvnable as attvrneys' fees at tria�
<br /> and upon any appeal, VIlhe�her ar not any cour� action �s inv�lv�d, and to the extent nat pr�hibited by law, all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs �ha� in Lender's opinian are necessary at any time for the pr�tec�ian ❑f its
<br /> inte�-est or the enforcement�f its ri�hts shall becom� a pa��of the Indebtedness payable an demand and shalf bear
<br /> in�e�est at the Nate ra�e from the date of the expenditure un�kif repaid. Expenses co�ered �y�his paragraph include,
<br /> v�ri�hout limi�ation, h�we�er subject�o any �imits under applicahle law, Lender's attarn�ys` fees and Lender's �egal
<br /> �xpenses, wh�ther �r not there is a lawsuit, inGluding att�rneys` fees and expenses far han�cruptcy proceedings
<br /> (including ef�arts �fl modify�r�acate any automa�ri�s�ay❑r injuncfion}, appeals� and any anticipated p�st�judgment
<br /> collectiort ser�i�es, the cosf o� s�arch�ng re�ords, �btaining ti�1e reporfis {in�luding �oreclosu�-e repartsy, sur�eyors'
<br /> repar�s, and appraisal fees, ti�le insurance, and fees for �he Truste�, to �he extent permi�ted by appficable law.
<br /> Trustar afs❑wi11 pay any�our�cos�s, in addition t� all other sums pro�ided by iaw.
<br /> Rights of Trustee. Trustee shall have al�of fhe rights and du�ies of Lender as se�for�h in�his se�#ion.
<br /> P�VIIERS AN❑�BLI�ATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The f�l�awing pro�isions r�lat�ng to the p�w��s and abliga#ians flf Trustee
<br /> are par�af�his Deed o�F Trust;
<br /> Powers of Trustee. ln addi�ion to alt p�wers t�f Trus�ee arising as a ma��er t�f law, Trus�ee shall ha�e the pawer to
<br /> take the fol{owing actians with respect to the Praperty upan th� writ�en reques� o� Lender and Trus�ar: �a7 jt�in in
<br /> preparing and #iling a map ar plat of the Real Pr�perty, including th� dedicativn of streets ar other rights ta the
<br /> public; tby join in granting any easement vr creating any r�stric�ion on the Real Property; and �c� jofn in any
<br /> subordinati�n❑r o�her agreement affecting�his Deed af Trus�or the interest of Lender under this Deed of Trust,
<br /> Truste�. Truste� shall meet a�l qualifi�ations required f�r Trustee under applicable law. In addition �o the ri�hts
<br /> and r�medies sefi forth aba�e, wEth respect to all �r any part ❑f th� Property, the Trus�ee shall haWe the �-ight to
<br /> foreclose by noti�e and sale, and Lender shall ha�e the right to fareciose by}udic�al �oreClasure, in ei�h�r case in
<br /> accordanc�with and tv the full ex�ent provided k�y applicabl�law.
<br /> 5uccessor Trustee. Lender, at Lender's optivn, may fr�m time to time appoint a succsssor Trustee ta any Trustee
<br /> appvinted under this Deed vf Trust by an instrument exe�u�k�d and acicnawledged by Lender and r�corded in �he
<br /> otfice of the rec�rd�r t�# HALL Ct�unty, Stat� of Nebraska. The instrumen� shai! contain, in addition t❑ all ❑th�r
<br /> matters required by state lavu, the names ❑f �he orig�nal Lender, Trustee, and Trustar, the boak and pag� {ar
<br /> computer sys�em r�ferencef where this Deed of Trust is recarded, and the name and address ❑�f the suCCe55ar
<br /> trustee, and th� instrumen�shall be executed and ackn��rv[ec�ged by all the ben�ficiaries under this Deed o�Trus�or
<br /> their succes�ors in int�rest. The suc�essar trusfiee, wi�hou�t can�eyance af fihe Praper#y, shall su�ceed tv all the
<br /> titl�, p�wer, and duties conferred upon the Trustee in �his �]eed of Trust and by applicable iaw. This procedure far
<br /> substitutian a�F Trustee shali govern�o th�exclusion❑f all o�he�pro�isivns fvr substituti�n.
<br /> N�TICES. Any notice required �o be gi�en under this aeed af Trus�, including withou�t limitation any nQtice v�F default
<br /> and any notice of sa�e shall be giWen in writing, and sha�l he effe�tive when actually de�i�ered, when ac�ually re�ei�ed
<br /> by telefacsimile �unless��herwise required by lawy, wl�en deposified with a nationally rec�gnized overnight caurier, or, if
<br /> maiied, when deposi�ed in th� �nited States mail, as f�rst class, c�r�ified or registered mail pos�age prepaid, dir�cted �o
<br /> �h� addresses shown near �khe beginning �f this Deed of Trust. All captes of na�ices of fareclvsure fr�m �he halder o�
<br /> any �i�n which has priority o��r this aeed afi Trust sha�l be sent �o Lendsr's addre�s, as shown near �he beginning of
<br /> this Deed of Trust. Any par�y may �hange its address for notices und�r this Deed ❑� Trust by giving forma! writ�ten
<br /> notice to the other parfiies, speci�fying that the purpose af the notice is ta changs �he par�y's address. Fvr notice
<br /> purposes, Trustar agrees ta keep Lender inf�rm�d a� ai1 �irrtes af Trustar's current address. lJnless vtherwis� proWided
<br /> or requi�ed by law, if there is mor� than ❑n�Trustor, any no�kice giWen by Lender to any Trustar Es deemed to b� notice
<br />