<br /> �EE� �F TRL�ST
<br /> Laan N�: '1�'I Z�715U ���7ntl�lued� Page 7
<br /> bel�eves the prospect of payment or p�rfarmance of the Indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> Insecurity. Lender in�aod �ai�th b�lieWes itse[f insecure.
<br /> Right to�ure, I� any default, a�her than a defau�t in payment, is curable and if Trustar has not been gi�en a nati�e
<br /> �f a breach af the same pro�isian of this Deed af Trust wi�hin the prec�ding�welWe �12y mon�hs, it may be cured if
<br /> Trustar, after Lender sends written nvti�e �o Barr�wer demanding cure o� such de�Fault; �1� cures the dsfault
<br /> within fii��een {15} days; or ��} if the cure requires mvre �han fifteen t15y days, immediat�ly ini�ia�es steps which
<br /> Lender deems in Lender's sole dis�retion t❑ be sufi�Ficien� �o cure the default and thereafter can�inues and
<br /> camp�et�s al� reasonable and necessary s�eps suffiGien�tv pradu�e c�mpliance as sovn as reasflnably practi�al.
<br /> R[GHTS AND REMEDIES flN DEFAULT. If an Event af De�aul� oc�urs under �his Deed ❑f Trust, a� any time thereafter,
<br /> T�ustee ar Lender may exercise any ane ❑r more of the fvllow�ng r�ghts and remedies;
<br /> Ac�e�eration Upvn 17e�aul�; Addi�ional Remedies. If any E�en� ❑f ❑�fault ❑ccurs as per the t�rms of�he Note
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare a�l Inde�tedness se�ured by this Deed of Trust�o be due and payabie and
<br /> the same sha11 thereupon bec�me due and payable �rvithaut any presentment, demand or prvtest ofi any kind.
<br /> Thereafiter, Lender may;
<br /> {ay Eifiher in person or by agent, with or wi�hout bringing any action or proceeding, or by a re�ei�er
<br /> appainted by a court an� without regard ta the adequacy ofi i�s securi�y, enfier upon and take possession
<br /> ��the Property, �r any part thereof, in i�s own name ❑r in the nam� of Trusfiee, and do any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary vr de�irab�e to preserve the �alue, marketability �r rentability ofi the Praperty, or par�o�
<br /> the Property ar interest in the Prape��y; in�rease �he incame from �he Praper�y or prote�t the security ❑f
<br /> �he Property� and, with ❑r wi�haufi �taking p�ssessi�n �f the Pr�pe�ty� SLIE far ar �fiherwise collect fihe
<br /> ren�s� issues and profi�s of the Prop�r�y, including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less
<br /> casts and expenses ❑f operation and collection attarn�ys' fees, to any indebtedness secured bV�his Deed
<br /> of Trust, all in such ❑rder as Lender may �etermine. The entering upan and takin� possession �fi the
<br /> Property, the collection of suGh rents, issues and �rof��s, and the applicati�n there�f shal� not cure �r
<br /> waive any de�au�fi or notice o� d�fa�tlt under this Deed of Trust or in�alidate any act d�n� in response to
<br /> such de�auifi or pursuant t❑ such notice ❑�de�a�l�; and, no�withstanding the continuance in possessian af
<br /> �he Prap�rty or �he collec�ion, re�eip� and appli�ation ofi rents, issues or prafi�s, Trus�ee or Lender shall
<br /> b� en�i�led �to exercise every righ� pro��ded for in the Note ar �khe Rela�ed Docum�nts �r by !aw upon the
<br /> vG�urrence o#any eWer�t of default, including�he right tv exercise�he power af sale;
<br /> �b} Commence an action to fnrecl�se this D�ed ❑f Trust as a mor�gage� appoin� a re�eiver vr specif�cally
<br /> enf�rce any of the ca�enants hereaf; and
<br /> �c� �eli�er t❑ Trustee a written d�claratian of defaulfi and demand �for safe and a writ��n not�ce ��de�au[t
<br /> and ele�tion ta cause Trustor's 'rnterest �n the Praperty�o be so�d, which nfl�ice Trustee shall cause t❑ b�
<br /> d�ly�iled �or recard in�he appro�riate offices a�the �vun�y in which the Proper�y is iocated; and
<br /> �d} V11ith resp��t to all or any part Qf the Personal Praper�y, Lender shall ha�� afl the r�ghts and remedies
<br /> af a secure� par-�y und�r the Nebraska lJniform C�mmercial ��de.
<br /> Forecl�sure by Power v�Sale. I� Lender elec�s t� f�reclose by exercise ❑�the Pawer of Saie herein contained,
<br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and shall depasit with Trus�ee this �]eed of Trust and the Note and such receip�s
<br /> and eviden�e af expenditures made and secured by�his Deed ofi Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> {a} Upon receipt af su�h nptice fram Lender, T�us�ee shall cause�❑ be r�cord�d, pubfished and deii�ered
<br /> t❑ Tr�star s�ch Notice o� Default and Nv�ice o� Sale as then required by law and �y this D��d ¢f Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, withvut demand an Trustor, af�er such time as may th�n b� required by law and af�er
<br /> re�nrdatian of such Nati�e ❑f Default and aft�r Na�ice o�F Sale having been given as required by law� s�ll
<br /> �he Praperty a� the tims an� place af sale fixed by it in such No�ice �f Sale, either as a whale, or in
<br /> separa�e lots or parcels or items as Trust�e shalf d�em expedient, and in such Qrder as i� may determine,
<br /> at pubiic auction �❑ the highest bidder far cash in lawful m�ney ofi the United 5tates payable at the time
<br /> of sale. Trustee sha�l deii�er to such purchas�r or purchasers thereof i�s govd and suffi�ient deed ❑r
<br /> deeds con�reying the praperty sa sold, but withaut any covenan� flr uvarran�y, express ar implied. The
<br /> recitals in such deed ❑� any mat��rs or facts sha11 be con�lusi�� proofi of the truthfulness therea#. Any
<br /> person, includ�ng wi�haut limitatian Trustor, Trust�e, or Lender, may purchase at such sa�e.
<br /> tb� As may be permitted by �aw, after d�ducting a[I �osts, fees and �xpens�s of T�us�ee and ❑� this
<br /> Trust, including �osts ❑f evidenGe of titie in cvnnection wi�h sale, Trustee shall appiy the pr��eeds af sale
<br /> to paym�nt�fi ti� aEl sums exp�nded under�h�terms af this Deed af Trust❑r under the�erms af the Note
<br /> nat th�n repaid, inc�udin� but not limi��d to accru�d infierest and fate charg�s, �ii� all vther sums then
<br /> secured here�y, and �iii} the remainder, if any, to the persan ❑r persons �e�ally enti�led�hereto,
<br /> �c} Trustee may in�h� manner pro�ided by law postp�ne sale af all or any par�i�n of�he Praper�ty.
<br /> Re�medies 1Vot Ex�lusiv�. Trustee and Lend�r, and each af them, shall he entitled to enforce payment and
<br /> perfvrmance ❑f any indehtedness or❑bligativns secured by�lhis Dee� of Trust and tv exercise alf righ�s and pawers
<br /> under this Deed of Trus�, under �he No�te� under any af�he Rela��d Documents, �r und�r any other agreement or
<br /> any laws nQw or hereafter in force; natwiths�anding, same or a!I af such indeb�edness and obligations secured by
<br />