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��15�4�17 <br /> L�EE� �F TIRUST <br /> Laan No: 'I���87'l 5C] ���I��I�l�t�d� Pag� 9 <br /> giWen�o all Trus�ars. <br /> fII�ISCELLANE�US PR�VISIaNS. The�a[lowzng miscellaneaus pro�isians are a part o�this Deed af T�ust; <br /> Amendments, This Deed ❑f Trust, tagether w�th any Related Do�uments, c�nstitutes the en�ire understanding and <br /> agreemen� of the parties as to the mat�ers set ��rth in this Deed of Trust. N❑ al�erati�n ❑f or amendmen�ta this <br /> �]eed o�Trust shall be ef���tiWe unless given in writing and signed by �he party or parties sought to be charged ❑r <br /> baund by the alterativn or amendm�nt. <br /> ►4nnual Reports. If the Pr�p�rty is used for purpases o�h�r than Trustor's residence, Trustor sha�� furnish t❑ <br /> Lender, upon requ�st, a certi�i�d sfiafiement af net opera�ing �ncame receiWed fram �he Property during Trus�or's <br /> pre�ious fiscal year in such form and de�ail as Lender shal� re�uire. "Net opsrating incame" shal� m�an all cash <br /> receip�s�rqm the Property �ess all cash expenditures made in �vnnectian with�he apera�i�n of�he Property. <br /> Gapt�or� Headings. �apt�an headings in �his De�d of Trust are for con�enience purposes only and ar� nat to be <br /> used t� interpret vr d��ine the pr��isions of this Desd o#Trust. <br /> IVlerger. Ther� shall be n� merger of the �nt�rest or estate created by this D��d vf Trus� wi�h any other interes� or <br /> estate in the Property at any time held by ❑r for the henefit of Lender in any capaci�y, without�he w�it�en cans�n�t <br /> of Lender. <br /> GQv�rning Law. This Deed of Trust will be go►r�rn�d by federai law appli�able ta Lender and, tv the exten� not <br /> preempted by�ederal law,�he Eaws o#the 5tate ot Nehraska wifihout regard to its canfli�ts o�law pravisions. This <br /> Deed �f Trust has been accepted hy Lender in�he 5tate af Nehraska. <br /> �hoi�e of Venue. If there is a lawsuit, Trust�r agrees upan Lender's request �o submit �a the jurisdiction ofi the <br /> caurts of HALL Countyf 5ta�e o�Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Several Liahility. All obligations af Sorrower and Trustor under �his aeed o� Trust shall be jaint and <br /> se�eral, and all references to Trustvr shall mean each and every Trus��r, and all r�ferences to Barrower shalt mean <br /> each and every Bvrrawer. This means�hat each Trustar�igning below is responsi�le for al� ❑bliga�i�ns in this Deed <br /> af Trust. <br /> No Wai�er by Lender. Lender shal� no� �e deemed �o have wai�ed any rights under this Deed of Trus� unle�s such <br /> �rvai�er is gi�en in wrifiing and signed by �.ender. N� d�lay❑r omission �n the part of l.ender in �xercising any �ight <br /> shall ❑perate as a wai�er af $u�h right ar any ❑th�r r�ght. A vuaiver by Lender of a pra�ision o#�his �e�d of Trust <br /> shall n�t prejudice or cansti�ut� a waiver of Lender's righ� otherwise ta demand stric� c�mpliance with that <br /> pro�Esion ar any ather pro�rision ❑f this Deed ❑f Trust. N� prior wa�Wer by Lender, nor any caurse of dealing <br /> between Lender and Trustor, shall constitute a wai�er ��F any �f Lender's rights or �� any o�F Trustor`s obligatians <br /> as t� any �u�ure transa��ions, Whene�er the consent o# Lender is r��uired under this �eed of Trust� the granting <br /> o� such cons�n� by Lender in any instance shali no� �vns�itu�e can�inuing consent t� subsequent instances where <br /> such c�nsent is required and in all cases such cans�nt rnay be granted ar wi�hh�ld in the sole dis�re�ti�n of Lender. <br /> 5e�erabilEty. If a court of cvmpetent jurisdictian finds any pravisian vf th€s Deed of Trus� �o �e illegal, invalid, or <br /> unenforceable as �tv any person or circums�ance, �hat fincling shall nat mal�e th� ❑ffending prflvision illegal, in�alid, <br /> or �nenforceable as to any ather person or circumstance, if feasible, �he n��ending provision shall be considered <br /> modif��d sa that it bscomes legal, �alid and enfarceable. If the ❑fi�ending pro�isian cannat be sa modified, it shall <br /> be c�nsid�red deleted from �his Deed af Tr�st. Unless atherwise requi�ed hy law, th� illegality, in�alidt�y, or <br /> unenfarceabili�y ❑f any pro�ision v�this Deed af Trust shall n�t affe�t the le�ality, �alidity ❑r en�a��eabElity af any <br /> ather prav�sian af this Deed of Trust. <br /> SuG�essors and Assigns. Subject to any limitations stated in this Deed vf Trust ❑n transfer of Trus�or's interes�, <br /> this Deed af Trust shafl be binding upan and inur� to �he �ene�i� a� �he parties, th�ir successors and assigns. If <br /> ownership a��he Pr�perty hecames �ested in a persan vther than Trusta�, Lender, withaut natice ta Trustar, may <br /> deal w��h Tr�stor's successors with re�erence fia�his ❑eed of Trust and the Indebtedness by way af�Farbearance ar <br /> extension without releasing Trustar fr�m the ❑bliga�i�ns ❑�f�his Deed of Trust�r liability under the Indebtedness, <br /> Time is af the Essence. Trme is o�the essence in the performan��af this D��d ❑f Trust, <br /> Waiver af Hames�ead Exemp�ion. Trust�r here�y re�easss and waives a!I righ�s and benefifis ❑f �the homestead <br /> exsmption laws of�he 5tate of Nebraska as ta all Indebtedness sacured by this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFlNET1�N5. The following capitafi�ed virords and terms shall have the �ollowing meanin�s when used in �his Q�ed af <br /> Trus�. �nless specifically stated �❑ the cantrary, a�l references to dallar amaun�s shall mean amaunts in law�ul money <br /> af the Uni�ed Sta�es o� America. 1111ords and �erms used in the singuiar shall in�lude fihe plural, and �he plural shall <br /> include the singular, as �the con�ext may requ�re. Wards and terms not otherwise de�ined in this Qeed af Trus� sha�l <br /> ha�e the meanings at�ribu�ed to suGh�erms in the Unifo�m Comm�r�ia! C�de: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Beneficiary" means Fi�e Points Bank, and its suc�essars and assigns. <br /> Borrovrrer. The ward "BQrrower" means JEREMY P MAaER and ALLIS�N E MADER and includes a�l Go-signers and <br /> ca�malcers signing�he No�e and all�their success�rs and assi�ns, <br /> Deed o� Trust. The wvrds "Deed of Trust" mean this Qe�d ❑f Trus� amvng Trustar, Lender, an� Trustee, and <br /> includes wi�hout limi�atian all assignment and securi�y interes� provisions relating ta �he Personai Prape�ty and <br />
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